antimatter dimensions zero deaths

Posted on March 14, 2023 by

All of the challenges can be done instantly by simply turning off dimboost and galaxy autobuyers. Mobile additionally has Bar, Blind, True Blind, Clock, Dots, Flag, Greek, Hex, Omega, Random, Shi, Standard, YesNo, and Zalgo. - Gain Infinite replicanti in 30 minutes, or less. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter Dimensions, Press J to jump to the feed. At this point, you should begin to get a lot of Time Theorems. First eternity now takes you to the time dimensions tab. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and ID paths. Set auto dim1-7 on buy1, dim8 on buy10. (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings). All you have to do is farm for infinities until you get enough banked infinities (can take at least 100,000,000,000 infinities), which will take from hours to days. Cost: 1e60 dilated time. Set crunch autobuyer to 4.9 seconds. Although Eternity Milestone 7 already completes ICs automatically, this achievement automatically unlocks them, You gain Replicanti 2 times faster under 1.8e308 Replicanti. Additionally all multipliers are further multiplied by everything else on this page. This is because the replicanti multiplier on infinity dimensions resets after a galaxy, so infinity power production will halt for a while, and you will have to wait for it to build back up. You could do it now, but it will take long). ]], ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. ", (Mobile) This achievement doesn't exist II. The reward slightly counters the challenge nerf. This section is a bit slow. Start Eternities with 5e25 Infinity Points. Have 1e26,000 IP, with 0 time studies, while dilated. The rest of the achievements will be gotten naturally or I mentioned them. Make sure to do that from time to time until all your challenge times are 0.1 seconds or less. Before leaving this section, you should focus on grinding eternities. Have complete > 0 Infinity Challenges after Crunching. Complete Infinity Challenge 5 while Doomed. For challenge 9, you can easily mess up, but I have some tips. As for time studies during this time, get 191, get a few million banked infinities, then get 211, then 212, then 193 (get 1000000 eternities), then 214 then finally 213. Press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter on your keyboard in a single session in that order with no other key presses in between. Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter (log (x)^0.5). Spend your EP on Time Theorems. It is not possible to reach infinity in a reasonable amount of time without them. These numbers can be tweaked a bit if needed, but they should be pretty close if this configuration alone doesn't work, keep replicant count up just in case. This achievement allows you to keep replicanti and 1 RG on infinity, so you will be able to do 2 RG runs in the same amount of time as 1 RG runs (ie, less than an hour), and 3 RG runs in less than 2 hours. You will eventually get 20 4th Dimensions and have around 10 Trillion antimatter. This lag effect is reduced by setting a lower frame rate. The importance of grinding eternities will definitely change once Reality comes out. * {{Squick}}: There's an Achievement called "Like Feasting on a Behind", which has rather disgusting implications. Cost: 2 IP. All achievements to get in this section occur naturally. Previous attempts to complete EC7x5 only could reach around 1e3920 IP. Since ECs vary in difficulty, you will have to use different paths in the tree and different strategies. Some can be done at this time with partial upgrades as the Eternity Challenges can cost a lot, but as you progress further, you won't have to have partial upgrades for the challenges, as you'll end up being able to buy more Time Theorems, and get more EP with more time studies. The exponent of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed multipliers are reduced to ^0.75 of the normal values while you are dilating time. Get any Antimatter Dimension multiplier over 1e31. You will have a lot of replicanti galaxies that benefit the Active path more than the Idle path. You must. Sum of Normal Challenge records 5 seconds. When you reach 1e15 dilated time, you can get access to an upgrade that allows you to passively generate Time Theorems, based on the amount of tachyon particles. ), Consider getting at least 1e349 IP, which will earn you a second EP when you Eternity. Generally, a good rule to follow is this: If you can't do anymore ECs, you probably should buy more TT and other upgrades. During this section, I recommend you set your dimension boost autobuyer to 0 (4 on mobile) max 8ths used on reset, However many galaxies you can get without boosting on the second field, then 1 bulk buy. The first script on the left gives 3 errors in just 2 lines, these error are. These 2x boosts can stack. Extremely small multiplier to Antimatter Dimensions based on time played. 48.6% Over in 30 Seconds Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. Continue down the time study tree. Have all your past 10 Infinities be at least 1.8e308. 8th Antimatter Dimensions are 10% stronger. Currently: 2.0x. Achievements; Forum; 0 Achievements Earned; 0 Players Tracked; 100 Total Achievements; 0 Obtainable EXP; 0 100% Club; Zero Deaths. Then, buy 2nd dimensions until their multiplier (shown on the left next to where it says "first dimension") is higher than the multiplier for the first dimension, then buy 3rd dimensions until their multiplier is higher than the 2nd, and so on. Get the sum of Infinity Challenge times under 6.66 seconds. Cost: 1 IP. When you have another 500 TT, switch 222 for 228 then get 234. With some waiting, you can get 500 300 IP for the last one. Replicanti rise exponentially and give a multiplier to Infinity Dimensions. antimatter dimensions zero deaths; antimatter dimensions wiki; antimatter dimensions long lasting relationship; antimatter dimensions save editor; antimatter dimensions ic5; Maybe even just get 2 galaxies and 3 Dimension Shifts then reach infinity from there. The achievement's name and image was changed around 2 days after the "This update sucks" update. At this point, there is only 2 more challenges left to be completed, EC11 and EC12, each with their own unique quirks. You wanted to do 5 Dimension Boosts to unlock Dimensional Sacrifice. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from - Break infinity is unlocked next section. Each new ID/RG gives a significant boost here. My series is another good guide btw Have your 1st AD's production/s be greater than your current antimatter for 30 seconds. I recommend you always do it at 2x unless you are approaching a dimension boost or galaxy (first at 4-5x). Once obtained, they have a picture of Nicolas Cage and reveals their description. Alternatively, Import "save" as a save On Mobile or the Reality Update can get this achievement. which may come at random. When you Dimension Boost, the cost in 8th dimensions of future Dimension Boosts will start increasing, and fast. Keep getting every Infinity Dimension upgrade / 2x IP upgrade / Break infinity upgrade whenever you can. The upgrade allowing you to get ND/ID/TD paths will also help increase production. O snap. After this, do not buy any more Dimension Boosts or Galaxies. A famous quote from James Bond. You may have to Big Crunch or start a Challenge before attempting some of the harder ones. Time Dimensions generate time shards, which are translated into tickspeed upgrades. Set your big crunch autobuyer to big crunch at around that many IP. You could have done this earlier, right when you were able to get banked infinities, but you can do it at this point as well. Auto sacrifice can be on, with any reasonable value you'd like. This is also your EC12 build by the way. There are also repeatable tickspeed upgrades, which are effectively just static dimension multipliers. The chart above is extremely useful but if you want to, feel free to experiment with time study trees yourself without help of the chart. Your goal is to produce as much antimatter as possible by purchasing dimensions. The news ticker you need to click is "Click this to unlock a secret achievement." Have either Black Hole interval smaller than its duration, Black Hole Interval < Black Hole Duration. 16000 to 31999: apply notation recursively to n-8e3 looks like this: ^^ = 16200. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. 7 is also easy, just RNG dependent and you may have to try multiple times slowish. Reality with one of each basic glyph type. 1e1,400,000: The number of antimatter required to unlock the fourth completion of Eternity Challenge 7. Your achievement bonus affects Infinity Dimensions. When you hit the 1e50 EP mark, you should have already obtained achievements up to "It's Over 9000" (completed achievements up to row 11), with row 12 achievements yet to be claimed (or partially some achievements in row 12). Oh, also, the original guide is here:, in case you like a different style. Previously was 5 seconds in an earlier update. When time in infinity is <3 minutes, all dimension multipliers are multiplied by. Complete the 8th Antimatter Dimension Autobuyer challenge (C8) in 3 minutes or less. Get Time Study 51 now. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. This is fairly OP at the moment, so remember to buy it as soon as possible after you get to that amount. Once you have done this, do a LOOOOOOOOONG (up to 5 hours) run where you max out galaxies, dimension boosts, dimensional sacrifice and all to get 1e1900 Antimatter for the 2nd Infinity Dimension. Keep buying most of these upgrades when you can, AND the 2x IP mult. This section will still take a long time, but it's not that bad, just a lot of timewalls. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on Normal Dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. Stare intently at the statistics tab for 15 real-time minutes. - Zero deaths: After unlocking the 2nd infinity dimension this will be easy just turn off your dimension boost autobuyer and don't buy any dimension boosts and enter any challenge. (I found ways to beat it in 1e17 EP or less, even without eternity challenge completion: respec studies and turn off all autobuyer, buy single 1st dimensions, crunch (if you can't, buy second and third until you have more than 1.80e308 antimatter, you can only get about 27 IP), then turn on auto crunch and set to 2e308x, buy all studies with TD/idle, then turn on normal dimension 1-8, tickspeed, dimboost, galaxies, infinity dimension 1-8, replicanti change, interval, max galaxies, replicanted galaxies and IP multi, I beat in 2e16 EP without any eternity challenge complete - E308.25), Eternities are the new Infinity (Possible at about 1e18 EP w/ infinity dimensions and active path) - Should eventually be trivial, either you can get them through autobuy, click on big crunch a few times, etc. (Mobile) You keep your Replicanti and 1 Replicanti Galaxy on Infinity. When you reach 2 Nonillion 157 Octillion IP, you will be able to get Dimension cost multiplier increase -> 3x. Like the other IC5 strats around, you'll want all upgrades costing 1e83 IP or less. 3-28-2020, v1.4: Added a new upgrade, and changed the font from meme font (impact) to . It costs 0 TT and has no pre-requisites. Faster than a potato^286078: Progress related achievement. Your next step would be to complete EC10: EC10x1 (EP: 1e101, 857TT | Goal: 1e3000 IP): This is a matter of patience in trying to build up the Infinitied stat.Use ND/Active path You need at least 160,000,000 infinities to get the required amount of IP, and it will take some time to do so. if you have not yet infinitied. These are some that don't occur naturally that you should get. (Mobile) Have 8 Infinity Challenges completed after Crunching. At 1e56 IP, do IC3. Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades, and after ~2 days you will finally reach e15 DT and e2350 EP. Seems like every time I ask a question on here it has a simple answer lmao. In most browsers, those key combinations open the developer console. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update, * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. - Spreading cancer: Late in this section, go to Options and set your notation to cancer for a minute. You may have guessed that Eternity is a prestige layer at 1.8e308 IP, and that is right. Tooltip has the additional disclaimer "(Your Antimatter Galaxies are reset on Infinity.)" The method enabled scientists in . After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much . Get to Infinity in under 250 milliseconds. At exactly 2 hours and around 11 minutes of idling with no dimensions/infinities (usavictor's experience) with this time studies tree layout of 11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,162,171,161,181|0, you will finally get the achievement, at 1e100 IP. Complete all Singularity Milestones at least once. Eternity without buying Antimatter Dimensions 1-7. Your browser is not supported. There is a base multiplier which comes from all the times you have boosted, purchased 10 dimensions or tickspeed upgrade, or sacrificed: [This is part is still in progress.] Go to Statistics -> Past infinities and see if your peak IP/min matches your actual IP/min. With the June 2018 update, there is a new feature that will continue your progress after 1e1300 EP, called Time Dilation. Also, turn on the eternity autobuyer at 0 EP and go offline, to allow the 100 eternities milestone to give you several thousand free eternities while you wait. Have 50 Antimatter Galaxies after buying an Antimatter Galaxy. "Design", "Christmas", "Finnish", "Confused", or "Nicolas". 'Is this safe?' 104 Total Achievements. Buying individual dimensions becomes useless as they are being produced quickly by higher dimensions. Click on the news ticker that tells you to click on it. Get 1.8e308 multiplier in a single Sacrifice. Antimatter Dimensions - Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. On web, click the "Donate" button at the bottom of the tab. But, when they reach this point, you can reset them for a galaxy while not increasing the cost of normal galaxies. For post-eternity I'm copying from the guide and making some changes, These changes shouldn't affect anything already in this guide, New UI and many cosmetic non-gameplay changes, Tickspeed is x1.125, x1.145, x1.165 instead of -11% -12% -14%, effect is getting to the second galaxy is slightly faster, Achievements give 1.03x multiplier, effect is that the game is a tiny bit faster, Autobuyers unlock at antimatter milestones but require challenges to upgrade, effect is that autobuyers work earlier just slower, Challenges 10-12 require 16 infinities to start, effect is nothing since you dont want to start them that early anyway, Achievement 41 is to buy 16 infinity upgrades instead of spreading cancer, effect is that this achievement will occur naturally, but cannot be obtained as early as before, The last infinity upgrade costs 300 IP instead of 500 IP, effect is that the wait to get this upgrade is reduced by 40%, Autobuyers are 3x faster by default, effect is not much its just cool I guess, Challenge 7 is changed to "The multiplier from buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions is reduced to 1. You should have done this already, but this is the last point in the game where you can minimize challenge times before you eternity. Sorry about that. 286,078 is an entirely arbitrary number. This means that you can make things impossible until you reset if Dimension 8's cost gets too high. All Antimatter Dimensions are 10% stronger. ALSO WATCH PARTS 0 AND 0.5. Time Dimensions are affected slightly by Tickspeed. Crunch in C3 with 10 seconds in this Infinity. Pressing F will make a message saying "Paying respects" at the top right of the screen. Ok so now you've done all the challenges, you can use autobuyers. After this, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle. Antimatter Dimensions Google Play Achievements Leaderboard Forum 21,646 Achievements Earned 670 Players Tracked 104 Total Achievements 3,142 Obtainable EXP 67,500 Points (XP) 31 100% Club Zero Deaths Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. Around 1e308 IP this can be reached by setting max galaxies to 29, dimboost bulk buy to 237, and autocrunch to 1e200. Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. This will allow you to fully automate IP farming. Google Play Achievements - Antimatter Dimensions Unlockables for Android Game Video Walkthroughs 3DS Android DS iPhone - iPad PC PS4 PS5 PS Vita Switch Xbox One Xbox Series X All Platforms Android Games Google Play Achievements for Antimatter Dimensions Home / Android / Overview Cheats & Hints Questions Videos Developer: Jakub Kajfosz When will it be enough? (Mobile) Have 1e90 IP, and 0 infinities. You have a 1/100,000 chance of getting this achievement every second. The rewards for finishing the Eternity Challenges will help in how much EP and progress you make. '2 MILLION INFINITIES' - Just wait and maybe fix infinity and turn on your crunch autobuyer on and set your update rate to 33ms in options. The advice at this point is to get more Time Theorems to be able to get more Eternity Challenges to complete for more bonuses. Internally called "Don't you dare to sleep" on the web version. This is a "total" requirement - it can be spread across as many eternities and sessions as needed. Just do it normally. You could beat an EC more than 5 times, but there will be no reward and no change to the difficulty. - Passively generate infinitied stat based on your fastest infnity: Infinitied stat is how many times you've infinitied but this stat will now be increased based on your fastest infinity. DimBoosts waste time for now. . There are eight dimensions in total. - Challenges. Zero Deaths Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. When you can, fill in 21, 31, 41, 33, and 162, in any order. At this point, you need to do IC5. Each row you finish gives a 1.5x multiplier on all dimensions, which is a nice boost early on. - Option to bulk buy dimension boosts: Makes dimension boosts no longer a waste of time, but you will have to optimize your autobuyers to make it work (more on how to do this later). (There is also a secret achievement for this, fail it 10 times without refreshing.). Press F12, ctrl+shift+c, ctrl+shift+i, or ctrl+shift+j. Some people recommend to get all your replicated galaxies before crunching, but I personally am using a slightly different strategy: At 1e180 IP, keep crunching every 5 orders of magnitude of IP or so. When time in infinity <3 minutes and in a challenge, all dimension multipliers are multiplied by. Set priorities all back to 1 after that. Boost per buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions +1%. Set max galaxies in the galaxy autobuyer to 1 and the dimension boost autobuyer to 56/2 for now. Disable auto replicanti galaxies, and buy regular galaxies. Dilation upgrades and the secret study don't count as studies. I admit I needed more cuts in the first infinity. I recommend you wait until you have infinitied about 50-100 times before worrying about the challenges. When you Eternity, you will gain EP based on the log10 (IP), that is, the exponent of the IP when you Eternitied. Complete the Tickspeed Autobuyer challenge (C9) in 3 minutes or less. At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. Max Dimension and Tickspeed autobuyer intervals. Crunch in C2 with 3 minutes in this Infinity. Antimatter Dimensions is one of the most polished Incremental Games out there. Buy a first dimension. To get the achievement, you have to manually buy [=ID1s=] one at a time at a certain rate for 60 seconds, and even if you mess up once, the timer starts over. You will have to wait long for 1e100 IP, which is over an hour, and without doing anything. 32000 to 79999: divide n by 8000 and get quotient q and remainder r, then n --> (q)^r looks like this: (4 . Without replicanti upgrades, you should have enough time to do this. These infinity runs will be quite long. NOTE: beyond e308 Antimatter, things will change: - You will get more IP on each big crunch based on your antimatter. Zero Deaths achievement in Antimatter Dimensions. 3-27-2020, v1.3: Added two new upgrades, the automator for the antimatter dimensions, and did some balancing and bugfixing. Professional Bodybuilder - Get all your dimension bulk buyers to 1e100. is commonly posted on anything with 69 in it, regardless of context. After this, save up 500 B IP for the upgrade that makes Galaxies 50% stronger. and our Make sure to turn every ID autobuyer and replicanti autobuyer on. ": Be sure to do two infinities under 4.9 seconds. (Mobile) Entire ticker must be viewed to be "encountered". You can continue grinding for EP, but at some point you will have to do the other challenges (as told in the last section). Open and read all pages in the How to Play tab. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 3,145 Obtainable EXP. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. "8 nobody got time for that": Turn off dimension autobuyers 1-7. When you don't have much RAM, games tend to lag more. Oh also, each time you buy a set of 10 dimensions, that dimension gains a 2x multiplier, so do it. Antimatter Dimensions 1-4 are 25% stronger. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning. The team has taken time off for a few years to work on a larger update released alongside this . "Do you really need a guide for this? (Reality update has removed fix infinity, you now just set auto crunch to 0 and wait till it ticks to 2 million). Don't forget to go for another dilated run each time you buy a x3 tachyon multiplier, as well as focusing on normal runs every now and then for more EP, which will help you a lot when you go back to dilated runs. Purchase a 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th dimension (preferably the highest even dimension), and with Time Study 181, you will easily get the achievement. You have to use a specific Time Studies setup, wait for Replicanti to build up, and get a bunch of Replicanti Galaxies so you can get enough tickspeed to progress.

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antimatter dimensions zero deaths