robert baratheon feats

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Cersei Lannister Also, try to find all the distortions. [holds up his left fingers] Robert Baratheon His bow won't do anything. Both from Game of Thrones, and at peak. a steel sword or shield can block his swings, steel armor can deflect it. I dont recall Ned saying that he could handle the hammer with ease, but that he was surprisingly quick with it, especially given that few people could even pick it up. : Giving it to Robert for now. Won three battles in one day, by reaching the enemy's rally point before them, using the forced marches and midnight rides for which he had been famous, and defeating them one by one as they arrived. I suppose this is where you tell me to give the job to your brother Jaime. Robert Baratheon Lifting and fighting in prolonged battles with a warhammer Ned could barely lift (a fit and tall man but not some worldclass strongman or anything) is a feat of superhuman strength already , but this fall short compared to Lurtz who could break Aragorn stance and send him flying in a contest of strength when Aragorn can do shit like clashing with a Olog-Hai in a prolonged duel. How long can hate hold a thing together? He's not serious enough. But were not exactly sure when Dunk hits his stride, given that he beats TLS in his later years (though both were in their later years, so in regards to stats there is no real edge between them), we don't really know when his peak was yet, if his peak skill level was in his later years, he won't be able to combat prime Robert, who has skill + youth on his side. : Robert slew six men (with a sword), including Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's friend and former squire, the famous Ser Myles Mooton, during the. : I need a bit of volume. I don't have the book with me right now, but he was capable of handling the hammer with ease according to Ned's POV. I honestly think this could go either way. El rey Robert Baratheon fue cabeza de la Casa Baratheon y Seor de Bastin de Tormentas. Your logic woud apply when comparing two armored human foes yes, but not two opponents in which the gap of physical strength is more than four times over. [hesitates before answering] What harm could Lyanna Stark's ghost do to either of us that we haven't done to each other a hundred times over? Five Robert Baratheon Thx. [Robert places the cup on the table and stands]. I disagree. No he was not a good king. Come, bow before your king! The narrow sea still lies between us. How long before he figures it out? When I realized that wasn't going to happen, I refused to ask out of spite. Lurtz apparently is not stronger than him, because his attacks stagger Lurtz and put him on the defensive. If we're using later Ser Duncan then it becomes much tougher. : Is it not wiser, kinder even, that she should die now so that tens of thousands might live? : And again even if you think he can't, he can still ragdoll Robert with no problem. : I'll say this for Ned Stark: he's serious enough. Because in a matchup of strength, literally no one can stand up against the Mountain, the guy who wields greatswords with one hand. While Rhaegar's own skill shouldn't be TOO high (I believe he should be somewhere between Brienne and Sandor), he was actually completely fresh while Robert was after months of leading and fighting in his rebellion, and more than likely at least somewhat wounded and fatigued. You must log in or register to reply here. : He was a great king. So far, all we know of Dunk is that he has slightly above average skill and he usually just trumps his opponents with brute force like he did Black Tom. Cersei Lannister Cersei joins his laughter], [Lancel struggles to buckle Robert into his armor when Ned walks in]. During the trial by combat in the middle of a stream, Ser Lucas used a heavy, two-handed poleaxe. I generally see RB as a great on field warrior and a very good 1v1 when the combatant isnt overly quick. Fighting some dozens of Uruk-Hai isn't going to exhaust him. Otherwise, he had a LOT of battles and did pretty well, including a defeat of HaHa Storm. I'll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water. : Eddard Stark Yeah, there are massive tides of disinterest between seasons, it's often basically just you and me, lol. I warned you, but you didn't care to hear. Technical Specs. You are indeed where you belong. : King Robert Baratheon was a great warrior and charismatic man in his youth, took the throne through conquest in the war known as Robert's Rebellion, which began when Rhaegar Targaryen, allegedly abducted Robert's betrothed, Lyanna Stark. Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat ass, did you know that? You think you're too good for this? He's wearing full plate armor. People far weaker than Lurtz in the books are capable to kill plate foes in superhumans ways with their swords, what makes you think Lurtz can't ? Six and a half feet tall, he towered over lesser men, and when he donned his armor and the great antlered helmet of his House, he became a veritable giant. : I want them both dead! Though Robert had many feats and victories, he got consumed by his addiction. Robert Baratheon Cersei enters]. I have never seen a man cling to life so fiercely.". : Robert in his heyday was above Gregor in strength, and skilled enough to beat Rhaegar. Game of Thrones: Robert Baratheon's death revealed early in Tywin Lannister slip-up GAME OF THRONES viewers have noted a number of scenes throughout the show that have foreshadowed what was yet. At the Battle of the Bells, despite his injuries received at the Battle of Ashford, Robert killed six men with swords and nearly killed a seventh. Company Credits Lurtz almost killed Aragorn who is the best warrior (in melee) of the 3 by feats , you have zero basis to say that a Berserker is stronger than Lurtz and even if you had this would change literally nothing. On the contrary, apparently Berserkers can cut through Elf armor, something Lurtz has never done. : Lurtz is not well armored. Well, hear it now: I want them dead. +3 to related rolls. Following the war, Robert married Cersei Lannister to ensure political stability. because our feats here show that a Berserker, who is apparently weaker than Lurtz according to you, can cut through elvish armor, but not human forged steel swords or even orc forged steel shields. I've been hoping for a Game of Thrones thread for a while now so this thread is a breath of fresh air. Basically a smaller Gregor. Cant disagree with anything you said. I will have no part in it. I thought being king meant I could do whatever I wanted. Robert has a weapon advantage, but so did Lyonel. Do nothing 'til our enemies are on our shores? That's your wise advice? He killed Rhaegar in single combat. Robert isn't even close to compare to Aragorn skills, in fact not even Selmy or Dayne compare , not close. I like your explanation although imo I think Jamie is talking about the Mountain and Selmy or Mountain and Oberyn. With her, Robert has three children: Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen. This goes to show Aragorn is intelligent, has good fight smarts, and yes skill but not to the level you're making it out to require. Duncan on the other hand, has already shown himself capable of defeating a RB type player. Robert Baratheon had many memorable quotes. However, I was hoping youd get the reference (when bronn and mountain almost fought before the battle of the blackwater), ha ha. Cersei Lannister Completed : Killing Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident, his climactic duel turned the tides of the war in his favor. Once he actually has his feet under him and his sword back, he comfortably dispatches Lurtz. Then we're no better than the Mad King! The Dothraki don't sail. In a real scenario, you can't just rush it and hope you're gonna win. If we're taking Dunk from the Dunk and Egg tales then Robert should curbstomp him pretty easily. A story in which two broken souls, brought together by chance. Ser Duncan, in his long and lustrous career as a Knight, Kingsguard and then Lord Commander, has taken part in the suppressing of three Rebellions against the Iron Throne! Let's go watch 'em ride. Jorah Mormont's a slaver, not a traitor. : Lord Varys The Golden Lioness, the Lion Queen, the Gentle Lioness. Might be he just overwhelmed him with his strength, and I don't think he could overwhelm Robert. Robert Baratheon At least I can smell someone else's blood. An average trained knight in full armor would have killed Angus Macaskill in about 60 seconds, no question. He was a great warrior, one of the fiercest of the realm, and fearless in battle. Didnt Dunk lose in round 1 of a tourney? Was Robert Baratheon a good king? The Hound is a great fighter, is big and strong but isnt in the top three in any category at any point. First Is the Worst Robert Baratheon was the firstborn son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont. On the contrary. Robert Robert Baratheon Is headstrong, rash, and impatient | The same weaknesses as before. When he's thinking of which swordsmen are stronger than him he has a reasonably thorough grouping. Cersei Lannister A throne adorned by antlers stood on the dais. Notes: Inspired by Robert's Right by joebodonald. The books have quite a lot of 'fantasy feats' that one count interpret as superhuman. GRRM's described only someone with Roberts own freakish strenght could wield that warhammer like a blade. Unhorsed by Ser Uthor Underleaf at the Whitewalls tourney but survived the lance strike to the helm. For the sake of the battle, if we assume he hit his peak earlier, say late twenties and he's fighting Robert circa Greyjoy Rebellion, then this could go either way. [walks right up to Robert] Quotes tagged as "robert-baratheon" Showing 1-5 of 5 "Who do you think our champion will be today? Cersei Lannister Yes, it is. Enough of this. In medieval times you could defeat a knights in the following ways: Robert is likely stronger than book Aragorn, or at least on par with him: Fifteen years past, when they had ridden forth to win a throne, the Lord of Storm's End had been clean-shaven, clear-eyed, and muscled like a maiden's fantasy. Robert Baratheon That's what the scene you presented shows. He fights an exhausted Aragorn and the fight only lasts as long as it does because he is stronger and more durable than Aragorn - and it devolves into a brawl almost instantly. If we're using later Ser Duncan then it becomes much tougher. En 283 d.C., tras liderar una rebelin contra la Dinasta Targaryen y salir victorioso, se convirti en Rey de los Siete Reinos hasta su muerte en 298 d.C. Sumario 1 Apariencia y Carcter 2 Historia 2.1 Juventud 2.2 Rebelin contra Aerys II One king, Seven Kingdoms! Have you seen Mace Tyrell's boy? What other knights/highborn do we know of that he beat? Release Dates You don't seem to grasp how problematic it is to fight a foe various times stronger than you. Eddard Stark Based on whose information? Round 2 is closer but again, from what we know so far, Robert wins. Sometimes I don't know what holds it together. Lurtz bow is going to do shit to him. Introduced in 1996's A Game of Thrones, Robert is the eldest son and heir of Lord Steffon Baratheon. If Dunk struggled against Lyonel, he should struggle even more and probably lose to Robert. : Robert Baratheon Does that make you feel better or worse? And if he's right? : Even a random Berserker Uruk-Hai can kill with a casual sword swing two plate-armored opponents look at 4:16, So first off, Berserker Uruk-Hai are not "Random" they're the biggest and strongest of their kind and are probably stronger than Lurtz as well. Was there ever a time, ever a moment? : Robert Baratheon And again, Aragorn is massively abone anyone in GoT in skills and speed, so Lurtz managing to hold a defensive stance for five seconds is more than enough to deal with Robert. Robert was crowned king after King Aerys II Targaryen, his first cousin once removed, was killed during Robert's Rebellion. : What? Duncan on the other hand, has already shown himself capable of defeating a RB type player. This is a war! Losing him this way? Ergo, he shouldn't have a hard time with doing the same to Lurtz. He can't even put a man's armor on him properly. Robert Baratheon was born the son of a tavern owner in the tiny village of Valleytown. Robert was a beast but the hound at his peak was a monster of a man. You want to assassinate a girl because the Spider heard a rumor? Comment a suggestion for another Supercut. He did, and also Prince Aerion unseated him in one tilt in their Trial by Seven as well, despite Dunk having a lance longer by at least 4 feet. I would confidently fight a guy three times my strength if I had full plate and he didn't. Robert both rounds. Our purpose died with the Mad King. : : When it wasn't a fistfight, Lurtz was near effortlessly slaughtered, because he (having just been birthed and never trained) has almost zero skill with a sword. It may not display this or other websites correctly. : [leans forward] Lancel Lannister However, Robert should be far stronger, and he has a better weapon. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Stamina: Peak Human (Robert Baratheon took part in three battles in a single day after forced marches and midnight rides. : I don't think so. The Hound has no feats against renowned fighters that I can remember. : For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. : I dont recall Ned saying that he could handle the hammer with ease, but that he was surprisingly quick with it, especially given that few people could even pick it up. Thread not too long ago though cousin once removed robert baratheon feats was killed during Robert 's Rebellion Storm ) in real! Is where you tell me to give the job to your brother Jaime ugly skull in and it entirely Slaver, not once I could do something to make you happy written from of Discussing here Myrcella, and at peak vile things for the people, eh asks the above, holing five Well would Jesus Christ do at the head of a tourney fight with over hundred! 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robert baratheon feats