exodus 14:15 commentary

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Nevertheless, the Israelites must also join the battle and fight with the Lord. And he made the waters to stand as an heap. We wait for nothing except Christ Himself in actual person to take us above. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. When he reflected and meditated on who God is, he was assured of Gods greatness, goodness, and guidance (vv.11-20). 2 Chronicles 20:17 You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.. And so he made ready his chariots, and he took his people with him: He took six hundred chosen chariots, and all of the chariots of Egypt, and the captains over every one of them. Just at the right second God tells Moses: "Wherefore crieth thou to me? Most, if not all, of the Egyptian army present at the Red Sea were going to be annihilated and the Israelites would not have to lift a finger to fight. Not one of them survived (verses 2728). But he was right in the main; and the Lord accordingly left not to another but to him the due accomplishment of Israel's deliverance when the fulness of time was come. The best of Pharaohs officers are drowned in the Red Sea (Exodus 15:4). In this distress the people fretted, and quarrelled with Moses. 10:16; Hos. 12:27; 2 Sam. 8:50; Lk. Sometimes, folks, you can get there too quickly. The Israelites thought they were going to die, but God said that He would gain glory and honor for Himself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord (Ex 14:4,17-18). 12:32; Lk. The skies sent out a sound. Is this not the word which we told you in Egypt saying, Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians? Paul had it. - This is a mean spirited rhetorical question. 21:13; 1 Chr. So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak, while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it - Moses obeys once again and the sovereign power of the LORD closed the sea, trapping the Egyptians like sardines in a can! 19:1, 2). He was fine on the stormy sea as long as he focused on Jesus. Pharaoh is excited at the thought he would finally be able to crush Israel, not knowing that it was his own army would be crushed by the weight of the water that would engulfthem! Moses, though he was assured of a good issue to the present distress, yet did not neglect prayer. *The attempt to eke out proofs of diversity of authorship from alleged contradictions and confusion is not only futile, but evidence of incapacity to discern what is excellent and full of instruction. For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. "Be still, and know that I am God." No way out. Unbelief is the same in all ages. When we look at the various passages of Scripture where the termyam suphis used, it becomes clear that it is indeed referring to the large body of water: The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left (Exodus 14:2122). Who wants to die without hope? Believe the Leader. It is finished. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and theLordswept the seabackby a strong When we ought to believe that we have the mercy, why do we continue to cry for it as though we had not obtained it? i. Yahweh has decreed the death of the beast and the end of his power (Daniel 7:11, 26; Daniel 8:25; Daniel 11:45). He is a present help in time of trouble. The Egyptians went after them, but in their own strength. "Every place you put your foot", God said to Joshua, "I have given it you. God's red light and caution light flash in the text. Spurgeon -What cowards they were, and how faint-hearted! God's big enough. It is surely suggestive that in this song there are three Thines, ten Thous, and eleven Thys, but no Mes. Not unto us, not unto us, but unto Thy Name give glory (Psa. Allusions are made in it to a time considerably after the song is said to have been first sung; for example in the seventeenth verse . 18:33; Neh. CSB Exodus 14:20 It came between the Egyptian and Israelite forces. But you've gotta go in and put your foot there. Not long before that, Pharaoh had permitted the Israelites to leave Egypt, but then he changed his mind (Ex 14:5-6). But Gods usual method is for us first to trust Him and then to use appropriate means to deal with the trial at hand: Pray for a job, but then do all you can to secure that job. 8:1; Jdg. It was used in Ex 2:17 where "Moses stood up and helped them." (Kaiser) And I would add (and even more tragic and surprising) that the powerful hand of Jehovahin inflicting 10 plagues on Egypt was suddenly forgotten!!! Moving north of the Gulf of Suez is the Bitter Lakes region, and north of that is Lake Timsah. 22:15; 2 Chr. The rationalist counts at least the first of these "a natural phenomenon of the country," the wonder being its origination by Aaron and the exemption of the Israelites. As for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land. But why does He do that, Janet Rockey -Courage to Stand between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea EXODUS 14:13. Exodus 14:6 So he made his chariot ready and took his people with him; So he made his chariot ready and took his people with him- Made his chariot ready means he harnessed or hitched his chariot, preparing it for action (cf Ge 46:29, 2 Ki 9:21). The earth trembled and shook. NIV Exodus 14:10 As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. only he had other work for him to do, and he had no need to pray 66:6). And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall go in after them: and I will get me honor upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. This may help our appreciation of the word of God in all such cases. For there was not one quality in the people which could in anywise move the heart towards them except their misery not one worthy moral feeling, not one generous emotion, not the smallest care for the glory of God. 1. But over their bed you shall walk dry shod We are never to suppose that the manner of the revelation of God is an unimportant consideration. To hold our peace, knowing that the Lord shall fight for us, this is what is asked of us as well, when we are in need and see no deliverance, and when our way is hedged up from all sides. It was to spoil their oppressors by divine authority, and no question whatever of deceit or dishonesty. "Go preach" (Mark 16:15-18). 1:3; Jdg. Where was their trust in God? Kaiser -The former quick-tempered Moses patiently answered the peoples hasty accusation with three directives to meet this emergency: (1) Do not be afraid (v.13; cf. Isaiah The gospel of John, for instance, discloses the end from the beginning; but that is because here we have Jesus known as the One who is before the beginning. But with the command, Jesus imparted the power to obey. And I will harden [or make stiff] the Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord. What, if for a while thou art called to stand still, yet this is but to renew thy strength for some greater advance in due time. The chapter divides into the divine instructions in Exodus 14:1-14 and the report of Yahweh's victory in Exodus 14:15-31. There is a time coming when all the people of God will see their enemies no more for ever. Self-satisfaction should startle us. 42:1;Rom. How came it that there lacked that which typifies the mortifying the flesh in those who were nearest to Moses? No date or place is named. Hey, don't give up. theLordsaid to Moses, How soon that assurance is shattered! Do you remember Peter? This Moses in measure understood; for faith always sees it, and holds to it just so far as it is faith. Salvation means the known destruction of their foes, God having risen up in the majesty of His power, and manifested it completely in their favour. It seems that the Egyptians were in darkness and could not perceive the light that was on the Israelites. cloud and brought thearmy of the Egyptians into confusion. Their God still seems to have power that we cannot match!" It is followed by two imperatives: Stand! and See! Moses is ignoring, and refusing to sanction, the murmurings of Israel." They were trapped between a wall of soldiers and a sea of water. Even apart from the answer of our supplications, the very exercise of prayer is healthy to the man engaged in it. Logical? As noted above Ps 77:18 "The sound of Your thunder was in the whirlwind; The lightnings lit up the world; The earth trembled and shook." Thus we belong to Him we are not our own, but His. The sea perceived its Master and his seed royal, and made way at once. V. Saving Faith. SOMETIMES THE ANSWER WILL BE QUITE CORRECT. Israel was in a great consternation upon it (v. 10-12). 17:32; 1 Sam. They cried out to the LORD. Notice was given of it to Moses before (v. 1-4). 14:3; Zech. Tell the sons of Israel to go forward. 11:8; Jdg. In fact she at last was obliged to do what she most hated, as she said herself in her son's case. As for Me, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them- NAB = "I will make the Egyptians so obstinate that they will go in after them." 19:8; 2 Ki. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24). Ill be a second set of eyes and hands for you.. Spurgeon - Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. Exodus 14:13, These words contain Gods command to the believer when he is reduced to great straits and brought into extraordinary difficulties. We sometimes think that Satan will let us go easily, or we think that that once we leave his kingdom he forgets about us. The rebellious nature of Israel was good when it was against Pharaoh and all it stood for; it was bad when it was against the LORD, Moses, and all they stood for. "But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" (Romans 5:20). It is clear that salvation here is not simply that a person is purged from guilt, but the real application of Christ's work in all its fulness; only that we have it not yet for our bodies. He will send the wind, 9:11; Ps. Some have said that there were two pillars, one being a dark cloud and the other being a pillar of fire. Their cry was not made in faith because they are griping in the next verse. 10:3; 2 Ki. This is the whole point: that God led them on a detour. 14:14. (NLT). Alas, poor man! Here the temple on mount Zion seems to be meant. They had never seen an army defeated by Jehovah. (THE COMMAND GIVEN), "And Jehovah said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? them into the midst of the sea. It was meant to be an image of that which was then presented to the spirit of Moses a bush in a desert burning but unconsumed. Unless God moves on their behalf, they are doomed. When He says to your soul, Go on.. The Church needs to destroy all holding-back straps (Luke 9:62). The children of Israel were saying, Did you bring us all the way out into the wilderness to die because there was not room to bury us in the land of Egypt? The Israelites are sure they are going to be slaughtered out in the wilderness. *"Another duplicate account," says Dr. D. (Introd. Here it indicates that the driving of the crippled chariots was with difficulty. When God comes on the scene we are to honor God by an attitude that does not fear the circumstances. A. Halting and lagging hinder those behind. 17 The clouds poured out water; The skies gave forth a sound; Your arrows flashed here and there. Some cried out unto the Lord; their fear led them to pray, and that was well. I will come again. 7 Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Your wonders; They did not remember Your abundant kindnesses, But rebelled by the sea, at the Red Sea. May God forgive us as he again and again forgave them! The location of the Red Sea has been disputed fate of the Egyptians and of the Israelites, it was repeated here that the sons of Israel walked ondry land Exodus 14:8; Exodus 14:10; Exodus 14:28; Psalms 106:7-12; Psalms 136:13-15). anthropomorphism because everything is always and constantly visible to Him. The root in Arabic is "make wide" which underscores the main thought of yasha' as to bring to a place of safety or broad pasture in contrast to a narrow strait which symbolizes distress or danger. of the Egyptians, and ends with them fearing the Lord. NIV Exodus 14:20 coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. 8:1; Jos. 1 Kings 18:21). Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you shall camp in front of Baal-zephon, opposite it, by the sea- Turn back (Heb = shub/sub; Lxx = apostrepho)means to change direction (like the military word "about face!" The word "saw" is a very comprehensive word. You shall see but the Lord alone, Are we not more unmanageable than the ocean? Moses then bends to the blast. Consequently in perfect harmony with this all things are known (and no testimony needed by Him), what God is no less than man, with as absolute a comprehension of the future as of the past or present. It does seem perplexing and very serious to the last degree; but it is perfectly right. the LORD, appearing as a cloud, moved to a position protecting the Israelites ", "There is also a double account of the miracle of the quails in Exodus 16:1-36 and Numbers 11:1-35. Exodus 14:14 "The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.". It is a platform for the display of His almighty grace and power. It is a part of my religion. 40:9; Jer. More often than not, the answer is a matter of perspective. It then describes the journey to Mount Sinai and the establishment of the Mosaic covenant with the Israelites. like ten feet of water, so it would not have had to been very high to do the . OF PHARAOH'S HEART, Thus I will harden Pharaoh's heart- The Hebrew verbchazaq(strengthen, but in this case make hard) is translated in the Lxx with sklerunomeaning to harden, often describing Israel' heart especially in their wilderness wandering(Heb3:8, Heb 3:13, Heb 3:15, Heb 4:7). To not join at such a time the murmuring complaints of the Children of Israel, but to stand still and to know, that soon, in whatever way it may be, we shall see the salvation of the Lord, even if He had to make us a way through the waters,behold, that is faith! This demonstrates how we are often quick to forget what God has done and demonstrated.. Perhaps Pharaoh thought that plagues were the limit of Gods power; that now he could successfully strike against Israel.. Not . Yeshua may be used in everyday life free of theological overtones at a well Moses saved daughters of Reuel (Ex 2:17) but generally has strong religious meaning. 28:28; Jer. 2:29). Just before daybreak, when all the Israelites had crossed over, the Egyptians tried to follow. "Have you come to the Red Sea place in your life, And, what is more striking still, He does not even take His stand upon His being the Son of God, though this was His eternal name. This basic idea is that of bringing someone out of severe and acute danger, and so to save, rescue, deliver, preserve. 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exodus 14:15 commentary