auto resize textarea to fit content react

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Maybe throw a fiddle link on there so people can see a working version. But great idea, will take a closer look. Thanks for your article, im beginning in CSS and it looks like its a real challenge to get good at it. Define a function called 'handleChange'. A simple fix was adding word-wrap: break-word to the CSS for the clone element. A text area can carry an unlimited number of characters. The second function argument is an object containing additional information that might be useful for custom behaviors. Instead of logging to the console, compare 'rows' and 'trows'. step by step explain auto expand textarea jquery. I feel though its not the cleanest approach :D. Do you have an idea how to do it better and cleaner? Auto Resize Textarea We check the number of line breaks and set the according to it and also using <span> with role attribute and contenteditable attribute and CSS. Only works in fiddle :) id can be class tag or id. In this tutorial well go over in detail how to build an autosizing textarea from scratch. One example of a pretty darn useful form input that is missing is a text area that grows in, 19 years old, front-end developer & software engineering student. I tested in IE8 natively, and thats fine. Sed sagittis felis sit amet purus posuere, eget mattis libero tristique. sozonome. . Thank you Louis, I finally found something useful! But I tested it in IE8 in IE7 mode, and it seems to work exactly the same way as IE8. Sure no problem. I also used IETester to test in IE7, and I got the same result, it works exactly the same as in IE8. This CSS is added to the textarea with JavaScript, to ensure that if JavaScript is turned off, the textarea will scroll normally. This will maintain the minimum of 50 and expand/contract as needed: To make it "fit", you need to use CSS in the container, like, "overflow-wrap: break-word". Latest version: 8.3.4, last published: 6 months ago. Although some great efforts are being done by browser vendors to improve what we get from plain old HTML, many useful elements are still missing. The two important values we identified have very different values, because the height variables unit is pixels, whereas the rows variable counts the lines of text that can be displayed. If you use keywords or deep URLs, your comment or URL will be removed. In this tutorial, well learn how to create an auto-resize Textarea that changes its height based on the content size. Cant do a screencast since it doesnt show when fingers stop hitting the keys. if yes, what event-type would correspond to onload? Id rather use bind('input', . instead of keyup as there more ways to enter text than just by keyboard ;) Thank you so much! With JavaScript also for textarea auto grow. #userexperience. Install New React App. Hats off for doing the leg work on the original concept. All the latest Svelte categories in one place. Then I tested in IE8 in IE7 mode and that works the same way. Well start with a standard React structure. Mine has the br tags already. We need a new React app to show you how to build the feature and thus run the command to form a new React app. Nunc velit metus, interdum quis leo vel, posuere laoreet ligula. But even after adding this line, there was still an issue: Long, unbroken strings of text wouldnt affect the height of the textarea (which isnt a big problem, really). I apologize if someone has already stated this. It's that easy :) Props. All I noticed is that errors occur is you do not clone the css styling applied on the textarea exactly same on the div. Now all three should work correctly. Thanks. Although it still works either way, apparently regexp statements using /n are supposed to escape the backslash and thus use double backslash. Here it is: Notice the fields now have different amounts of default text and they resize accordingly. overflow: hidden; The first one is the initial state and the second one is when you put some content in the textarea. Im going to remove the manual resize ability, and then allow developers to change the CSS if they want. How to auto resize the textarea to fit the content? Youre welcome! To be specific, if the Texarea already contains some text when the document is loaded and if this text exceeds the TAs bounds, the TA does not expand. $(this).height(height + 16 + px); Textarea Autosize A textarea component for React which grows with content. */, /* i will give you two examples of auto adjust textarea height using javascript. Im dynamically changing the height based on JavaScripts input event, which is a good solution because its the most likely reason that youll want to auto-resize a textarea user-entered data. The way it is now, there doesnt seem to be a way to get it working for each window size. Add auto-resize feature to HTML textarea field using JavaScript. white-space: pre; Kickstart your application development with a ready-made theme. Chakra is adding a default min-height and height. I initially said I couldnt think of a reason to auto-expand an input but on second thought it would be useful to have an input element start out small then expand as you type (for long email addresses or whatever). textarea width equal parent width. Well print out the two values we need: the height of the text in the textarea, and the amount of rows the textarea is displaying to the screen. Sharing the best answer, Hmmm. It would also be a great idea to set opacity of textarea to 0 and then apply some kind of syntax highlighting to the text-containing element (Im thinking of binding highlighting to blur event). We will use modern React with functional components and the following hooks: useState, useEffect, and useRef. */, Building A Multi Step Form Wizard In Angular Part 2 , How To Use React onKeyPress (Example Code Included), How To Use React onFocusOut (Example Code Included), Building A Multi Step Form Wizard In Angular Part 1, Building A Multi Step Form Wizard In Angular Part 3 , How To Import CSS Files in React? Can you post this on a JS Fiddle, so its working in IE8, and then I can debug it to see whats wrong in IE7? The useRef Hook allows you to persist values between renders. Im trying to style a textareas scrollbar by hiding it, auto-expanding the TA as a user types and wrapping it up in a div where its much easier to style this divs scrollbar. This will break on a word that do not fit the parent size. Premium Themes. It seemed like a simple task. = 'height:' + getHeight (element) ; Edit 2. We need to make the variables compatible with each other. Ill make a note of it and see if I can improve it. -ck. Save the JavaScript code from the jsfiddle in a js file. You can pass any prop you're allowed to use with the default React textarea (valueLink too). If you need it to be smaller than the default you need to override those values. It is translated as normal text in the HTML file. But I dont think you need a rows value, again, for the same reason mentioned before, because the rows are dependent on the lines typed. Any ideas how to prevent this? word-wrap: break-word; Thanks. If you want a scrollbar, then theres no point using this plugin, just set a height in the CSS. The articles on here belong to me but feel free to use any of the code from the articles or tutorials for commercial projects, without attribution. (3) The user could paste texts into the textarea with mouse. Comment Rules: Please use a real name or alias. Here is the CSS Ill be applying to the hidden clone element via JavaScript: A quick break-down: First, I set it to display: none because I dont want it visible to the user. . $(.editnote).live(keyup, function(e) { min-height: 50px; Mauris ligula nulla, tristique nec pretium eget, aliquet sed magna. Thank you for following with this tutorial! If you havent created a React app, make sure to execute the given command to to install a new React app. }, /* the styles for commmon are applied to both the textarea and the hidden clone */ */, /* Then you don't only set the new value, but also rows, which are scrollHeight div line-height. This is the code turned into a jQuery plugin: I found one major benefit to this code less lag. Any downsides to using scrollHeight? Any ideas for getting that to pre-expand? Thank you, i try it :). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. }); If you just type characters consecutively with no carriage returns, it still grows. :), I played with the line-height and small and big copy paste text, but could not get it to work in every situation. You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. textarea col full width. Ive commented the code in the block below as well as in the CodePen demo, so you can follow whats happening: Note that the code works with multiple textarea elements on the same page, you just have to add the appropriate class in the HTML (in this case its txta). You can do it like this (more can be read Perhaps I am doing something wrong? Are you using some standalone thing? I read your hint: This code assumes were targeting a single textarea element on the page. onChange you get the new value and scrollHeight. If you're a masochist you can stop what you're doing and resize it manually But it's 2016 and that seems insane. can one bind the same function to the same variable but with two different events? Integer ultricies ipsum ultrices tellus porta tincidunt. removed the new line addition to the hidden div in the event handler. Now, we'll put the code for our text area within InputElem.js: /* Create an element with an text area */ import React from 'react'; function InputElem() { return ( < div > < textarea ></ textarea > </ div > ); } export { InputElem }; If we now type some text into our newly-created textarea, we find that unless we manually drag the resizing . For that, we have to use input addEventListener to resize the Textarea. I dont see a huge difference. auto-resize-textarea is automatic scaling of the height of any <textarea> according to the content and this plugin automatically adjusts the height of the text area as you type. I dont know enough about regular expressions but Ill have to stick with single slash for now. So, let's see bellow preview and examples: Preview: If that cancelled after each key-up that would make me very tired :-D But great idea with the cloned element. Im on Chrome. onChange, the textarea calls 'handleChange'. Drop-in replacement for the textarea component which automatically resizes text area fill height. There is no pure CSS solution. The input can then be submitted via a form or just by getting the inner text of the element. That shouldnt be a problem in most cases. That is strange, as it should work the same, since its just an iframe. So my guess is, yeah, this seems to be the better script simply because its so small and does pretty much the exact same thing as mine and any of the other really long scripts available online for this. The <textarea> doesn't expand to fit the content inside. It is the minimum height the element would require to fit all the content on the screen. See: My code (from 1st Nov) can be found here: Thanks for pointing this out! I only tested latest versions. What browser are you using? (I know google is my friend, I already googled and tried out some stuff, but unfortunately I am still too new to this to spot why it doesnt work). Just before the end of textarea. Create an element with an text area Your email address will not be published. Integer hendrerit libero sed purus sagittis, eget sagittis odio posuere. when the user types something in it), our onChangeHandler sets the textarea's height to "auto", the parent div's height to the textArea's . Can you record a screencast using, showing what is happening in IE8 compared to IE7? But it seems like a minor thing. apache/airflow#26457. Resize Textarea to fit Content. Its only a slight evolution of your concept, at its core its still using the use a DIV to measure text size. After doing a search to see what types of plugins and scripts were floating around to do this, the examples I found seemed a little overly complex. Moreover, instead of using div and replacing newlines with
, you could use

. It is the minimum height the element would require to fit all the content on the screen.  event is now an input event The solution I came up with assumes you know line-height of your textarea. around 1.3KB (minified & gzipped). Thanks, that was being caused by the fact that I switched my site over to HTTPS. Do you have an idea why is this happening ? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Upmostly brings you original JavaScript framework tutorials every week. As far as I can see, only the third one in that list doesnt work, and Im not sure why not. Does anyone know how to achive the same in vaadin 7 frameworks? Nullam euismod sem eu arcu aliquam sollicitudin bibendum venenatis dui. The issue is that when I enter data in the textbox at some point the textbox begin to expand horizontally. Why does the sentence uses a question form, but it is put a period in the end? A native React version of the popular 2) Copy paste in textarea the following text:       }. I added little fix enter. That would be helpful, so I can see what youre talking about. */, /*  Cols doesnt work because the CSS overrides it with a width. textarea column fit width. Learn on the go with our new app. What kind of IE7 are you testing in? If you are creating locally then open the app with the suggested url. Curabitur a laoreet dolor, quis porta sapien. From what I can see, my version has what you have. Anyway i want to so ill bookmark your site! Good idea! Hmm thats odd. Yeah, I think youre right. textarea { It should also save the rows of the event's target to a new variable. if you want to see example of resize textarea to fit content then you are a right place. Create React Project If you haven't created a React app, make sure to execute the given command to to install a new React app. textarea auto heigt to fit content. on CodePen. When users type and add or remove new lines the textarea re-sizes to fit the same number of lines. Example code: css textarea full height. You now need to call this method to get height and pass the textarea element as arg. Help please! Normally this would not be a good thing to add to a textarea element, but because Ill be resizing it with JavaScript, its fine. /* these must be the same for both */ But Im fine with it either way. The 'handleChange' function should save the height of the event's target to a new variable. ::shakes head at you for not telling the truth:: white-space: pre-wrap; This is an older script so I didnt use that back then. #ux. Changes: Its great that you are still keen to improve your script, and its my pleasure to report more bugs :D. I encountered an initialization problem. Now the the div is in control of panning through its child element, the TA. follow bellow step for auto adjust textarea height jquery. Create a textarea and the task is to automatically resize it when we type or paste the content . if you want to see example of resize textarea to fit content then you are a right place. ;). step by step explain auto expand textarea jquery . Personally, I like the scrollHeight solution discussed here. I am new to JS and CSS, and I need to use your script in a project I am currently working on. This can get pretty annoying if you're trying to keep track of your writing. Take note that Ive added overflow: hidden to the textarea, to prevent scrollbars from appearing. Sorry, you should you change the framework to JQuery to get it work. My website is: now cut n past handlers are in effect as well DigitalOcean joining forces with CSS-Tricks! $('#content').on( 'change keyup keydown paste cut', 'textarea', function () { $(this).height(0).height(this.scrollHeight); }).find( 'textarea' ).change(); Check dat . Kinda funny, as that seems like a reasonable use . You need to disable css transitions transition="height none" on the element otherwise it won't work very well. }. In Internet Explorer earlier than version 8, [scrollHeight] retrieves the height in physical pixel size, while from version 8, it returns the height in logical pixel size The height is calculated in the default pixel size in Internet Explorer before version 8 even if the current pixel size in the document is different. If you need to set textarea auto height based on content using javascript then i will help you how to auto resize height of textarea in javascript. Source Code of Auto Resize Textarea to Fit Content Here the live source code of Auto Resize Textarea to Fit Content, I solved it by getting the scroll-height of textarea and expanding it by the difference that was determined by subtracting the actual height from the scroll-height. Thank you for cooperating. I should really do this myself when I get some time. */, /*  I have also set max-height for this Textarea so it'll start to scroll after the. pword:demo, create edit resize   its nice Phasellus et nisl ac lorem pretium vulputate. It seems like its very rare that a user would paste with their mouse only, but I suppose its an edge case that could be handled. The code alone will not help much, especially if you just copied it from my post. /*global document:false, $:false */ Thank you Louis, it works perfectly!     hiddenDiv = $(document.createElement(div)), I dont see the problem that youre referring to. A one little problem, what if I turned off javascript? = 'height:' + getHeight (element) ; Edit 2. Credit for this goes to "user1432124" who gave this answer on a StackOverflow thread about auto-resizing textarea elements. Apart from these, the component accepts all props that are accepted by