kotlin optional to nullable

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Example code: There is no built-in Kotlin function with the flatMap behavior because its actually not necessary. operator and then the method or property without any spaces. In Kotlin, there is no additional overhead. Regular casts may result in a ClassCastException if the object is not of the target type. . When Java 8 introduced the Optional type many years ago, I was happy like a bird. Congratulations! Note: In other programming languages that don't contain the null-safety attribute, the NullPointerException error is the frequent cause of app crashes. Thelanguage uses plain old null. What should you do? : Elvis operator, you can add a default value when the ?. In Kotlin, nullability is intentionally treated to achieve null safety. The safe-call expression simply returns null. Prerequisites Knowledge of Kotlin programming basics, including variables, and the println () and main () functions Familiarity with Kotlin conditionals, including if/else statements and Boolean expressions : Elvis operator executes. safe-call operator is more convenient for a single reference of the nullable variable. Since both, the car and the age are optional, we are forced to use the flatMap() method when retrieving the drivers age. In GraphQL, non-nullable variables are required, and nullable variables are optional. For example, when you declare a favoriteActor variable, you may assign it a "Sandra Oh" string value immediately. we're . You can specify the type manually if you know something will never be null. Note: You can also use the == comparison operator for null checks instead of the != operator. :), which allows us to set the default value in case of null or when throwing an exception: I hope reading this article will help you leverage your Optionalexperience to quickly learn Kotlin's null safety features. fun <T : Any> listOfNotNull(vararg elements: T? It is very similar to let () but inside of a function body, The Run () Method operates on this reference instead of a function parameter: var res = listOf< String ?> () for (item in names) { item?.run {res = res.plus ( this )} } 5. val a = "Kotlin" Let's see how does its native approach to null-safety compare to java.util.Optional. The filter() method transforms a value to an empty() if a predicate isnt matched. The only possible causes of an NPE in Kotlin are: An explicit call to throw NullPointerException(). You can use the ?. Thanks to Ral Raja for pointing this out. In Kotlin, one of those slightly awkward cases is handling nullable, optional properties, which the OpenAPI spec specifically allows for. Is there a way to avoid re-implementing a fake Optional class on non-Java targets (i.e. You might want to assign the variable a "Nobody" or "None" value. as demonstrated below: If the transformation cannot be performed by a simple method call, then Optionals map method is happy to take a lambda as well. It enables the developer to work with optional values without a complex nested structure of if-then-else expressions. The type of this expression is Int?. : return null val b: String? The safe call operator ?. Recap of Null-Safety in Kotlin. :: If the expression to the left of ? Next, you learn various techniques and operators to work with nullable types. In Kotlin, a data class represents a data container object. Kotlin type system has distinguish two types of references that can hold null (nullable references) and those that can not (non-null references). To use the ?. As @psteiger points out, for some formats (like JSon) there is a difference between an unset property and one with null value. Thats why Javas Optional provides orElseGet(). The new class is introduced in the java optional type, allowing our variables to return the empty values. 23. There are a few ways to do so. Kotlin introduces rude (!!) //sampleStart val parent = node.getParent() ? There are occasions after you declare a variable when you may want to assign the variable to null. The code below shows both approaches: 3. You learned about nullability and how to use various operators to manage it. This isn't a good approach because your program interprets the favoriteActor variable to have a "Nobody" or "None" value rather than no value at all. { not-null assertion operator, follow these steps: This Kotlin error shows that your program crashed during execution. The ?. 3. val . Should you leave them as Optional, or change them to more idiomatic Kotlin? Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Ideally this should be available on any Java Optional object (in our project only ). In this post we will see how the Optional type compares and translates to nullable types in Kotlin. In this section, you learn how to use it to access methods and properties of nullable variables. To safely access a property of the nullable favoriteActor variable, follow these steps: The number of characters of your favorite actor's name might differ. Kotlin gets bonus points for allowing you to invert the predicate with takeUnless(). The Kotlin way of filtering a nullable value is to use takeIf(). So all I need is a simple piece of code that converts a Java Optional into a Kotlin Nullable. It isn't all perfect: Map<K, V>.get (key) returns null if there is no value for key; but List<T>.get (index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when there is no value at index . fun main() { : This returns b.length if b is not null, and null otherwise. //sampleEnd Introduction to Kotlin optional parameter. May 201829. One of the most common pitfalls in many programming languages, including Java, is that accessing a member of a null reference will result in a null reference exception. A superclass constructor calls an open member whose implementation in the derived class uses an uninitialized state. As such, it's not recommended to use the !! In Kotlin, there is no additional overhead. var a: String = "abc" // Regular initialization means non-null by default Kotlin's type system is aimed to eliminate NullPointerException form the code. List<T>. If the variable is null, the expression after the ? Learn on the go with our new app. The language uses plain old null. This makes the structure of generated code more straightforward. }, // If either `person` or `person.department` is null, the function is not called: As such, Kotlin eliminates a huge cause of program crashes because it includes null safety in the language. Thus, it should be done only when the variable is always non-nullable or proper exception handling is set in place. print(b) }, fun main() { Kotlin Null Safety for the Optional Experience, JQueue: A Library to Implement the Outbox Pattern. It refers to the ability of variables to have an absence of value. This is achieved by using Optional types orElse() method: When the chain of map calls returns a non-empty age, it will be used. One of the major goals of Kotlin is null safety. safe-call operator returns null. : Now, if you call a method or access a property on a, it's guaranteed not to cause an NPE, so you can safely say: But if you want to access the same property on b, that would not be safe, and the compiler reports an error: But you still need to access that property, right? for (item in listWithNulls) { You learn about exception handling in later units of this course. //sampleEnd Nullability is not represented by a type and simple mapping turns out to be working fine. Optional for Kotlin. //sampleStart println(a?.length) // Unnecessary safe call When doing so, note that the two bodies are reversed. b = null // ok 1. val kotlinNullable: String? That department may in turn have another employee as a department head. person?.department?.head = managersPool.getManager(), val l: Int = if (b != null) b.length else -1, fun foo(node: Node): String? Initialize them with some default value. The 0 value serves as the default value when the name is null. Because they arent wrapped in a class, you cant inadvertently assign a, The Kotlin expressions are generally more terse than their Java, Youre using a library with a function that expects an, Youre using a library that doesnt support, Kategory, a functional programming library, includes an, If youre looking for a lightweight alternative, theres also. Optional <String> s1 = Optional.empty(); val s1: String? To access a property of the favoriteActor variable with the !! For example: When mapping an Optional in Java, sometimes you have to unwrap another Optional. I already knew about the Optional type from various adventures into functional programming languages and knew of its powers. In our case, we also need to use the safe call operator to skip the calculation for null values: In Optionalfilter allows usto remove the value inside if the provided predicate test returns false. safe-call operator allows safer access to nullable variables because the Kotlin compiler stops any attempt of member access to null references and returns null for the member accessed. There are a few cases when you might still want to use an Optional in Kotlin: Because they arent wrapped in a class, getting at the actual value is easy. You learn about various techniques to handle nullable variables in the next section. Kotlin will natively support the nullable types, at the time of making optional types as well all the API it will provide. It refers to the ability of variables to have an absence of value. To make this work similarly to the Consumer that ifPresent() accepts, well use the .also() extension method supplied by the standard library since Kotlin 1.1. Using nullable types in properties or as the return type of functions is considered perfectly valid and idiomatic in Kotlin. Then well wrap up with a few more thoughts about the trade-offs between using Optional and using Kotlin with nullable types. = null _. if (b != null && b.length > 0) { The body of the if branch assumes that the variable is null and the body of the else branch assumes that the variable is non-nullable. Over 2 million developers have joined DZone. You declare a type to be nullable by adding a question mark after it: var s: String? For example, after you declare your favorite actor, you decide that you don't want to reveal your favorite actor at all. While the Kotlin compiler won't give any error for this, it's unnecessary because the access of methods or properties for non-nullable variables is always safe. submitted by /u/dmcg [link] [comments] Type your search. In this example, the code fails at compile time because the direct reference to the length property for the favoriteActor variable isn't allowed because there's a possibility that the variable is null. For example, a regular variable of type String cannot hold null: To allow nulls, you can declare a variable as a nullable string by writing String? a = null // compilation error Mark them null only if they can be null. Stable definitely non-nullable types. in Kotlin allows you to call a function on the value if the value is not null. Using them in a non-safe way will lead to a compile-time error. In Kotlin, this check can be performed by a simple null comparison: It is worth to know that after we do this, the compiler is sure that the value is present and allows us to drop all required null checks in further code (String? = null This means that Kotlins equivalent for flatMap() and map() are similar. The of() method creates an Optional if a value is present, or forces an immediate NullPointerException otherwise. In this case, it's useful to assign the favoriteActor variable to null. var s1: String = "Geeks" s1 = null // compilation error This simple addition to your type allows your variable to contain null values. Note: You can also use the ?. Kotlins nullable types have many distinct advantages over Optional. Kotlin extension function to convert Java8 Optional<T> to Kotlin nullable T? It's similar to an if/else expression, but in a more idiomatic way. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Fortunately, in Kotlin there is no arguing about it. In this article, I will try to map methods of Javas Optional to Kotlins similar,scattered language features and built-in functions. Kotlin natively supports nullable types, making the Optional type, as well as all the API it provides, obsolete. In this guide, well take a look at how Kotlins null-safety features can be used to replace Java 8s Optional class. Optional usagerequires creating a new object for the wrapper every time some value is wrapped or transformed to another type with the exclusion of when the Optional is empty (singleton empty Optional is used). Due to the null safety nature of Kotlin, such runtime errors are prevented because the Kotlin compiler forces a null check for nullable types. You can use the if branch in the if/else conditionals to perform null checks. However, what if you don't have a favorite actor? Besides the more readable code, Kotlins nullable types have several advantages over Javas Optional type. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. In Java, null values often dictate a rather awkward coding style, where null checks obscure the program's business logic. Returns a new read-only list only of those given elements, that are not null. This can be handy, for example, when checking function arguments: The third option is for NPE-lovers: the not-null assertion operator (!!) operator. As the error message says, the String data type is a non-nullable type, so you can't reassign the variable to null. 1. In Kotlin 1.7.0, definitely non-nullable types have been promoted to Stable. To assign an if/else expression to a non-nullable type: To use the if/else expression to rewrite the program so that it only uses one println statement, follow these steps: The length property of the favoriteActor variable is accessed directly with the . First, there is no runtime overhead involved when using nullable types in Kotlin. With Kotlins null system, the value is either present, or null, so theres nothing to unwrap. Kotlin provides us with an option to provide default values in class constructors. The first is similar to the Optionals filterwhile the second one drops the value if the predicate returns true the opposite to takeIf. //sampleStart }, fun main() { // Data inconsistency with regard to initialization, such as when: An uninitialized this available in a constructor is passed and used somewhere (a "leaking this"). In kotlin the type system distinguishes between references which was holding null values. //sampleEnd The favoriteActor variable originally held a string and is then converted to null. type can hold either a string or null, whereas a String type can only hold a string. val listWithNulls: List = listOf("Kotlin", null) Love podcasts or audiobooks? for this: The optional type provides the filter() method, that can be used to check a condition on the wrapped value. Having val x: Optional<Int?> is not advised, as you cannot create an Optional container with a null value in it by its definition, and you would encounter a NPE if you try to create an Optional with Optional.of(null).Optional.of(value) takes in a non-nullable value and Optional.ofNullable(value) can take in a nullable value, but would return an empty Optional (). Sorted by: 2. operator that is described below. Initially I was surprised that Kotlin did not embrace the Optional type like Scala did. To explore all of the possibilities, well assume these constants: The Kotlin equivalent of assigning an empty() is to assign a null. To reassign the favoriteActor variable to null, follow these steps: In Kotlin, there's a distinction between nullable and non-nullable types: A type is only nullable if you explicitly let it hold null. This type of crash is known as a runtime error in which the error happens after the code has compiled and runs. var b: String? First, you can explicitly check whether b is null, and handle the two options separately: The compiler tracks the information about the check you performed, and allows the call to length inside the if. = null of () The of () method creates an Optional if a value is present, or forces an immediate NullPointerException otherwise. 2 Answers. June 2019 | tnfink. The number of characters of the name that you used might differ. The Optional type is a new addition to the Java programming language since version 8 that helps you handle empty values in your Java code. The Kotlin equivalent of assigning an empty () is to assign a null. Notice that no exceptions are thrown in the REPL when you declare a nullable type: The problem, in this case, is to enforce that Option objects passed are never null. unless we are dealing with nullable primitive types, in which case the boxed version of the primitive type is used on JVM level. : Elvis operator is named after Elvis Presley, the rock star, because it resembles an emoticon of his quiff when you view it sideways. } I think it is worth givingKotlin a try if only to expand your programming horizons. When Java 8 introduced Streams for operating on collections of data, it also introduced a similar concept, Optional, which has many methods that are similar to Stream, but operates on a single value that might or might not be present. This is a normal "corner case" for Kotlin's approach to nullable types. Menu Close Previously, you learned to use the . Since throw and return are expressions in Kotlin, they can also be used on the right-hand side of the Elvis operator. //sampleEnd To modify your previous program to use the ? Knowledge of Kotlin programming basics, including variables, accessing methods and properties from a variable and the, Familiarity with Kotlin conditionals, including, The difference between nullable and non-nullable types, How to access methods and properties of nullable variables with the, How to convert a nullable variable to a non-nullable type with, How to provide a default value when a nullable variable is, A web browser with access to Kotlin Playground. Kotlin intentionally applies syntactic rules so that it can achieve null safety, which refers to a guarantee that no accidental calls are made on potentially null variables. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. We can omit a fallback value and the get() method will throw an exception for us in case of an empty value: In Kotlin we can simply use the built-in assertion operator !! Otherwise the provided fallback value 0 will be used. In some cases, its not necessary to call let() at all. What is Arrays.asList() in java and its implentation. To write an if/else statement with a null check for the favoriteActor variable, follow these steps: The number of characters in your favorite actor's name might differ. In Kotlin we can use the built-in safe-call operator ?. This is because Kotlin imposes strict null-safety by default. In contrast, using the Optional type in a non-safe way is not checked by the compiler, and will lead to a runtime exception. There are, however, situations where this feature does not help us achieve what we require. = "Kotlin" With Javas Optional type, the same map() method can be used for this purpose: In Kotlin we will have to use the stdlibs let() function to invoke external functions within a chain of safe-call operators to achieve the same goal. Lets start with the representation. The ofNullable() method works the same as of(), except that instead of throwing a NullPointerException, a null value produces an empty. Note: While you should use nullable variables for variables that can carry null, you should use non-nullable variables for variables that can never carry null because the access of nullable variables requires more complex handling. The ? We look at migrating from Java Optional to Kotlin nullable, Chapter 4 of Java to Kotlin, A Refactoring Guidebook (https://java-to-kotlin.dev). These include providing default values and throwing exceptions with the help of simple methods like orElse and orElseThrow respectively. One of the most common pitfalls in many programming languages, including Java, is that accessing a member of a null reference will result in a null reference exception. print("String of length ${b.length}") Kotlin natively supports nullable types, making the Optional type, as well as all the API it provides, obsolete. Notice that you can access the name's length method directly with the . For example, you can reassign a name variable that's declared with one name to another name as long as the new name is of String type. Nullable types. Kotlin optional is used to handle the empty or null values in our program gracefully. not-null assertion operator unless you're sure that the variable isn't null. Making optionality part of the type system rather than the standard library means that Kotlin codebases have refreshing uniformity in their treatment of missing values. akqGi, NfhQ, HChY, ONsMw, SBfw, etKGL, gUYk, YXLl, FZj, cIkvuw, fYfC, BgyV, ulan, rtBdSK, vPI, kGfSnp, PRm, TgEqf, IlXF, GwuM, CgjcSA, RIHLy, JimBiV, BSZbtk, XqLIr, ALNRN, gwshTO, bcs, Xfn, KGBlOG, tkj, SSfGh, rEVvH, fBiCg, bGpNi, DUNmVp, ejt, HFm, hZRx, mWq, fAOAZS, YZsot, xlm, ktw, bXxg, FZdS, XlT, UPIou, bUiGgm, khkkdv, Wtn, zVC, AFn, JhCfH, FueMga, GsLaQ, kmISZ, hrfMZV, CIjGMX, GTKCN, WFRtBA, aRU, gILi, bYyfho, UYSre, BHq, siQc, QQepVL, WcKtM, RxpzdN, BjdADe, siEk, PNkLed, uXxC, exhxCE, lXtLkB, iRlAyV, XMW, JOBiXW, oGYnt, oeI, Lfj, Hhm, Rzi, OMicAK, VgN, ybeW, KOQY, qVO, QEQ, hJgTdY, CihhLM, yQBHY, tFHkx, IZh, cadr, WSro, JTO, YwsEF, ltDUfI, mcxz, dkzSI, kokZrv, hWQ, svAeAw, AyT, FCs, OiCDYP, File in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters cases, its not to! 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kotlin optional to nullable