french huguenots arrived in the cape

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

The Huguenots were Protestants, members of the Reformed Church of France. March 2022 February 2022 [23] Indeed, upon arrival, the French refugees had hoped to be settled in neighboring farms around the same French Calvinist Church, which would have allowed them to create community, and especially religious community. Access to elite status by successful members of winemaking families, not surprisingly, led to influence. The Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek, Huguenot Society of South Africa, (accessed February 13, 2018). Fourie and von Fintel, Settler Skills, 952-53. There are many Huguenot surnames amongst us to this day: Blignaut, De Klerk, De Villiers, Du Preez, Du Toit, Fourie, Hugo, Joubert, Le Roux, Malan, Nel, Pienaar, Retief, Rossouw, Theron, Viljoen, Visagie, and many others. Several priests attempted to assassinate Farel. Large scale emigration was encouraged by the Cape of Good Hope colonial authorities and during 1688 and 1689 the first such arrivals occurred with many settling at Franschhoek (the French Corner). [68] According to the opgaaf rolle, Abraham de Villiers is recorded as owning 25,000 vines and six slaves on average between 1757 and 1762. The first Huguenots had in fact arrived as early as 1671, when the first Huguenot refugee, Francois Villion (later Viljoen), arrived at the Cape. The pioneer Huguenot, Franois Villion, arrived in the Cape of Good Hope in 1671 and 17 years later, a party of 200 Huguenot's arrived and settled in the Cape Region. The Huguenots decided that they would do anything to worship freely, even if it meant sailing halfway around the world to a wild new country. Jacobus Stephanus Marais immediately sold Vrede en Lust, perhaps because of the major economic downturn in the wine sector. This was later renamed Franschhoek. The three master was supposed to sail directly to the Cape. By 1692, a total of 201 French Huguenots had settled at the Cape of Good Hope. We can quickly identify the interconnectedness of the de Villiers, Faure, Marais, Joubert and du Toit names and their ties to the wine industry in the Cape Colony thanks to our cursory, albeit incomplete, examination of Abraham and Jacques de Villiers lineage. VRIJHEIJT 23 June 1686. du Toit. By 1824, Cape exports to Great Britain had reached 6,672 leaguers. [129] Of course, as we know, apartheid and the myths it was founded upon, were nothing but a pretext to justify the continued use of cheap black labor on Afrikaner (wine) farms. The area was a seasonal breeding ground for elephants but was well-watered and had fertile soil. On refugee transmission of culture, see Garcia-Chapleau, Le Refuge Huguenot and 340-379; Wijsenbeek, Identity Lost, 79-102. Denis, The Cape Huguenots, 285; Garcia-Chapleau, Le Refuge Huguenot, 394. The new settlers pushed for a capitalist system rooted in free trade and free labor, which ran entirely counter to the wine industrys heavy dependence on slave labor and on privileges accorded by the Dutch mercantilist system.[110]. , but faithful to the teachings of Scripture. [81] Then he was appointed Reader-Teacher of the Stellenbosch parish from 1719-1761. One of the reasons advanced by Reverend S. J. du Toit in 1895 had to do with the internal regulations of the Huguenot group that formed to carry out the memorialization. Reformation In Germany More than the actual commemoration attempts themselves, the commemorative work done by the 1824 winemakers and their 1851 winemaking descendants, taken together, demonstrate the organizational beginnings of what would eventually crystallize into the Huguenot Society of South Africa. As Denis writes: The dedication of the French refugees to the Reformed cause was far from [] unanimously recognized.[32] Vigne highlights that not only had Dutch perceptions of the refugees shifted from favorable to unfavorable within a few months of their arrival at the Cape, but also the refugees were battling a schism within their own religious community. Reformation In England But Farel heard of this famous scholar and author of. Later, in the 1700s, the Dutch continued to share their technology, bringing their technique of fortifying wine to the Cape. Previously, the shortage of European women prompted many men to take half-caste slaves as brides or mistresses. On the school as monument to the French Refugees, see Coertzen, Documents and Commemoration, 307. Tafelberg Publishers: Cape Town. Persecuted by the French Catholic government during a violent period,. Regrettably for the organizers of the 1824 Huguenot memorial, the project never came to fruition. When the French refugees arrived in the Cape Colony, because of demographics, they were forced to enter into exogamous unions with the local Dutch and German families. The three lofty arches are a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Character Studies Additionally, I will highlight how, contrary to the majority of French refugees and their descendants, this Huguenot elite came into power and influence through the inheritance of a culture of winemaking, the practice of endogamy, and the matrilineal transmission of hereditaments. Conceived as a Tory ploy to show concern for unemployment in Great Britain, a British scheme promised fertile lands and grants of 50,000 to those who accepted to settle in the Cape Colony. The death toll exceeded 30,000 throughout the countryside of France. [101] Two factors had to be overcome, however. Fourie and von Fintel, Settler Skills, 937; Stefan K. Estreicher, A Brief History, 504-537. [14] Using Fourie and von Fintels economic study of the rise of a Cape aristocracy as a springboard, I argue that, through viticulture and winemaking, members of families like the de Villiers ascended to a Huguenot elite that exerted much influence over economic and cultural policy at the Cape. 4 (2014): 935. They were also skilled farmers who brought the fine art of winemaking to the Cape. [73] These families in conjunction with families from the other major Huguenot winemaking names in ascendancy, such as Malan, Rossouw, Theron and Taillefert, came to constitute an elite winemaking community with a shared history that would endure at least through the early- to mid- nineteenth century. We demonstrate this by showing that this difference is explained by none of the At the national level, although the Huguenots constitute[d] less than 15 percent of their ethnic makeup, twentieth century Afrikaners sp[oke] of all the Afrikaans settlers as having settled in South Africa to escape religious persecution. Minority Survival, 15. 13 April 1688 The first Huguenots arrived as early as 1671, when the first Huguenot refugee, Francois Villion (later Viljoen), arrived at the Cape. To frame the question of how and why Huguenot winemakers might have contributed to the creation of a French Huguenot myth, it is helpful first to situate the French refugee arrival in the Cape Colony historically. In the case of South Africa, the Huguenot was similarly appropriated into national and local traditions. One such settle- ment was Manakin Town in Virginia, created in 1700 on the James River near present-day Richmond. [17] These efforts, while unsuccessful, paved the way for winemakers and their descendants to successfully organize the building of a school-monument in 1851. VOORSCHOOTEN arrived Saldanha Bay 13 April 1688, arrived on JUPITER in Cape 8 May 1688. (288 pages, over 200 historic pictures and maps, 20 chapters and 16 appendices) available fromChristian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478, Fax: 086-551-7490, Email. However, Catherine de Medici assumed the regency herself. Amongst these were the cities of Neuchatel and Geneva. It is a literary masterpiece which has earned itself a permanent place amongst the greatest Christian books in all of history. Van Ruymbeke, Minority Survival, 14-15. The largest portion of the Huguenots to settle in the Cape arrived between 1688 and 1689 in seven ships as part of the organised migration, but quite a few arrived as late as 1700; thereafter, the numbers declined and only small groups arrived at a time. The "First Refuge" in the 1560s, peaking after the Saint-Bartholomew' Day. If we take the Le Roux family, eleven members were working in winemaking in 1825 and all were married. Rather than resuscitate a very particular image of the Huguenot, the 1851 school-memorial fit more into the mold of what Van Ruymbeke has identified as a typical relationship to Huguenot memory in the Atlantic World: an artificial glorification based on family attachment and the knowledge that, if (the winemaking) families that recreated the Huguenot did not keep this myth alive, history would sweep it away. They also founded several family dynasties. 84, to cut tariffs on Cape imports, and especially wine, by two-thirds. The Huguenots became famous throughout the whole Protestant world for their heroic suffering, unshakable faith and steadfast courage. [106], As if the prospect of the collapse of the wine market were not enough to shake the wine industry, Cape political, economic and social structures were also undergoing massive transformation. Dutch colonial laws stipulated that in the case of a patriarchs death, inheritance should be split in two, with one half of the estate going to the spouse of the patriarch and the other split equally between the children. My nomenclature does not strictly follow the timeline of the appearance of the word "Huguenot" because this study is more concerned with how a Huguenot culture came to appear in South Africa. In Farel's voice of thunder, Calvin heard the call of God. To do this, I draw from critical post-apartheid historical studies, and especially from a recent in-depth historical account of French Huguenots at the Cape by Marilyn Garcia-Chapleau. When the French refugees arrived in the Cape Colony, because of demographics, they were forced to enter into exogamous unions with the local Dutch and German families. [63], While Abraham de Villiers amassed great wealth and corresponding power during his lifetime, with no able male heirs he could not transfer this wealth and power to any direct male lineage. The Sticht Simondium, named after Pierre Simond, was indeed a monument to the French refugees in name. A Dutch ship, the Rosenberg, carrying Huguenots, leaves for the Cape from the Netherlands 6 January 1688 The French Huguenots were refugees in the Netherlands fleeing religious persecution brought about by the ascendancy of Catholicism in France. [122] Pieter Marais had just become the new owner of Vrede en Lust, which at that time was also one of the most successful Huguenot vineyards in the Cape, and his brother Abraham Johannes was doing reasonably well in wine. [72] Of those married, three married back into the Le Roux family, three married a Retief, two married a du Toit, and one married a Marais (Maree). Many thousands were murdered. [66] It is from Jans line that an 1824 memorial contributor, Jacobus Stephanus de Villiers, descended, a winemaker himself listed as possessing 100,000 vines in 1824, the wine farm Lekkerwyn (Lekkerwijn), and twenty-eight slaves during the time he was owner of this farm.[67]. [48] Indeed, this endogamy practiced by the small community of successful winemakers stood in stark contrast to the normative practice of exogamy by refugees outside of the wine industry. Of the 185 refugees that arrived at the Cape Colony (twenty-one died en route), there were sixty-one children (twenty-eight girls and thirty-three boys) and 124 adults. Individuals continued to arrive sporadically until the termination of the state subsidised emigration in 1707. Numerous subsequent attempts were made to resuscitate a "Huguenot" culture through the creation of societies (1885, 1953), the opening of schools (1853, 1882), public celebrations of Huguenot "history" (1885, 1939), including the creation of a monument (1948) and the establishment of a museum (1967). Die Geskidenis van ons Land in di Taal van ons Volk (Paarl: D.F. If we continue to follow Jacques line as an example of the transmission of the culture of viticulture and winemaking coupled with the transmission of an expectation of endogamous marriage, three of his four sons Abraham (1707-1763), David (1702/04-1770) and Jan (1717-1796) went on to work in wine. April 2021 These laws created a framework for the empowerment of women and the matrilineal transmission of inheritance. In 1688, a community of 176 Protestant French Huguenots applied for permission to settle at the Cape. Marq de Villiers, White Tribe Dreaming: Apartheids Bitter Roots as Witnessed by Eight Generations of an Afrikaner Family (New York: Penguin Books, 1989), 5. If we take into account direct contributions and lineage, the average contribution of a de Villier was 25.6 rix dollars, a Faure was 17.14 rix dollars, a Roussow was 17.80 rix dollars, and a du Toit was 20 rix dollars. The Huguenots have left us a tremendous legacy of heroic faith, Christian endurance and sacrifice. While, indeed, this first commemoration effort never came to fruition, it likely served as a precedent for future societies, commemorations and memorialization attempts, the most notable of which is the present-day French Huguenot Memorial, a symbol of Afrikanerdom, in front of which the Cape Bastille Day celebrations take place today. As Boom details, this wine farm enjoyed immense success under a century of de Villiers family ownership. Franschhoek Bastille Festival 2018, Franschhoek Bastille, (accessed February 13, 2018). In 1594, he entered Paris in triumph as King Henri IV. The female figure, with the Bible in her right hand and broken chain in her left hand, personifies the spirit of religious freedom. [27] Additionally, in direct admonishment, Simon van der Stel wrote: It is our aim that [the refugees] should become integrated with their fellow countrymen.[28], In the meantime, in June of 1689, the Reverend Simond had already written a letter to the Lords XVII and had received permission to establish a French congregation in Drakenstein. Quoted in Peires, The British, 500. The Dutch East India Company encouraged the Huguenots to immigrate to the Cape because they shared the same religious beliefs (Protestant), and also because most Huguenots were highly trained craftsmen or experienced farmers. The Huguenots who arrived at the Cape Colony in 1688/9, we argue, possessed skills different from those of the incumbent farmers, and this enabled them to become more productive wine-makers. The problem, though, as Fourie and von Fintel explain in their article Settler Skills, was that the burghers went on to become cattle farmers and stockholders, thereby thwarting van Riebeecks long-term agricultural plan. Unfortunately for the group, it came to light that the Secretary and Treasurer both descended matrilineally from refugee families, which must have contributed to the political tensions that undermined the project.[117]. The Orange in the old South African flag also reflected this appreciation of the great role played by the Huguenots in the fight for Faith and freedom in Holland, Britain and in South Africa. Not enough has been documented about the inner workings of this project to know why, ultimately, it failed. Therefore, thousands of Huguenots fled to countries such as Switzerland, Germany, England, America, the Netherlands, Poland and South Africa, where they could enjoy religious freedom. He also realized that ideal conditions existed at the Cape for viticulture and winemaking so he immediately ordered thousands of vitis vinifera cuttings from France and Germany and harvested the first grapes in 1659. Many French Huguenots (Protestants), fleeing religious persecution in Catho- lic France, emigrated to America via England, which granted them tracts of frontier land to settle. [56] Elisabeth Taillefert was the daughter of Isaac Taillefert, another refugee recruited for his winemaking skills, and the sisters, Susanna and Marguerite, were originally from Lacoste, in Provence, a French wine-producing region. Last episode we heard how new Governor Simon van der Stel who arrived in 1679 began a rapid expansionist policy in the Cape, including building two new towns - Stellenbosch and Drakenstein. On 3 October 1685 the Dutch East India Company in Amsterdam decided to send French Huguenot refugees to the Cape for settlement. October 2020 Today, many farms in these areas retain their French names. Beginning with the arrival of the three de Villiers brothers in 1689, in this next section, I trace forward this influential family to show how certain members ascended to power through work in the wine industry and endogamous marriage within the minority circle of winemaking families. Coertzen, Documents and Commemoration, 307. To be an official member of this group, the contributor had to descend patrilineally from a refugee family. Antoine Alexandre Faure (1685-1736), the progenitor of the Faure family, arrived at the Cape in 1714 under a five-year contract with the VOC. According to the Society, the iconography of the monument highlights that these refugees came to the Cape to escape persecution and that, once arrived, they created a collectivity rooted in art, culture, agriculture, viticulture, industry and, above all, freedom of religion. Refuge at the Cape. Denis, The Cape Huguenots, 300-03; Garcia-Chapleau, Le Refuge Huguenot, 379. Nuusdagboek: feite en fratse oor 1000 jaar, Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau.| Giliomee et al. [120] The meeting organizers, eager to have the school double as a memorial to the French refugees, undoubtedly chose J.E. [37] As Marilyn Garcia-Chapleau shows, even French Bibles, the material object par excellence that could be expected to be in almost all refugee households and passed down from family to family, were remarkably few. Randolph Vigne, South Africas First Published Work of Literature and Its Author, Pierre Simond, South African Historical Journal 39, no. To avert war, the heir to the throne, Henri, King of Navarre, the son of Antonie de Bourbon, was arranged to marry Catherine's daughter, Marguerite. Maria's grandfather had been a French Huguenot pastor. [49] Given the disproportionate ratio of men to women at the Cape in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, these laws also empowered women to select strategically the men with whom they would remarry and to dictate the terms of these remarriages. [5] Post-apartheid historiography on French Huguenots instead comes to the conclusion that the Afrikaner people descendants of the Dutch and French Huguenot burghers at the Cape resuscitated the forgotten refugees for two major reasons: first, to justify a posteriori the Great Trek (1835-1846) away from British control of the Cape; and second, to buttress their doctrine of white supremacy, moral superiority and exclusive control of a socio-political order that held as inferior indigenous Khoikhoi, San and Xhosa populations as well as the formerly enslaved Indian, Javanese, Malagasy, Mozambican and other East African populations. Reformation In Geneva With regard to the structure of this study: Given that the history of French Huguenots in South Africa has received little attention in French studies, I first contextualize the French refugee arrival in the Cape Colony. Then in 1610, Henri IV was murdered and under the Catholic, Louis XIII, and his chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu, the Protestant Huguenots were placed under increasingly more severe pressure. They were from multiple regions throughout France including significant wine-producing regions such as Champagne, Poitou, La Rochelle, Orlans, Ile de France, Languedoc and Provence. HINDE, R.E. When we consider this inheritance system in the context of Huguenot winemakers, genealogical studies point toward the conclusion that marriages were, before anything else, strategic alliances to acquire and conserve vineyards, with the goal of attaining and maintaining wealth, power and elite status. A complete list of the French refugees and the regions in France that they came from can be found in Garcia-Chapleaus Le Refuge Huguenot, 397-616. However, Lord Charles Somerset, the first permanent British Governor, had little appetite for economic reform, given a social structure at the Cape that was deeply distrustful of administrations and that was equally distrustful of reform. Despite being declared. Pieter Coertzen estimates that "Huguenot" came to replace "French refugee" somewhere between 1867-1873 (Documents and Commemoration, 310). I have added in parentheses the standard French spelling of the surnames in the Claimed Huguenot patrilineage column. 8. In the 1800s, the wine industry saw several large shocks that severly impacted the production in negative ways. History of A Faure Family Branch in Winemaking, accessed October 20, 2020, n Stellenbosse slawegeskiedenis, 1679 1834, (Stellenbosch: SUN Press, 2016), CD Rom, file number 5, Slawe in Stellenbosch.. The pope was anti-Christ. [98] While the call to vivify the memory of the forefathers might have been Abraham Faures motivation to publish the call for a memorial, given the predominance of contributions from influential winemakers and winemaking families, it is highly probable that the writers of the actual letter were motivated by forces and motivations intricately tied to the wine industry. They provided Antoine and Rachel with their first house in Cape Town, before they moved to Stellenbosch, and Abraham left an inheritance to Rachel, which she then left, by common agreement with Antoine, to the only son who succeeded her, Abraham Faure (1717-1792), named after her father, Abraham de Villiers. [3] In fact, similar to refugees throughout the Atlantic world, the French refugees in the Cape Colony quickly assimilated into their host culture Dutch culture and within less than fifty years, only a handful of Cape elders continued to speak French. In response to the establishment of this congregation, Governor Wilhelm Adriaen van der Stel (Simons son) wrote to the Lords XVII and stated that he did not want any further French refugees to be sent to the Cape. By resuscitating the French refugee, winemakers were effectively leveraging their position to assert a Huguenot identity against the growing British threat to their wine industry and to their emerging Afrikaner identity. The Gnralevrede arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on 25 January 1708 & 2 October 17 People . [125] In contrast, the 1824 memorial attempt sought to emphasize the exceptional nature of Huguenot (winemaking) descendants by creating the Huguenot as an emblem of cultural, economic and political resistance and by affirming a clear historical identity in a culturally changing landscape. At the festival, oenophiles can taste wines from historic Cape wineries, many with French names such as La Motte, Grande Provence, Haute Cabrire, La Bri, La Couronne, Mont Rochelle, and LOrmarins. William Farel was one of the students who came to Faith in Christ. UNHCR, (2013), Chronology for Europeans in South Africa, 12 March, [online], available at (Accessed: 12 March 2013)|, Wallis, F. (2000). Faure, Harris and Faure, A Faure Genealogy, 26. [59] Similarly, Pierre possessed 15,000 vines and two slaves the year before he died, and Jacques reported possession of 15,000 vines and twelve slaves. Louise de Coligny, the daughter of the murdered Huguenot leader, Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, married Prince William of Orange, leader of the Dutch Protestant resistance against the Spanish Catholics. Linguistic and religious integration does not, of course, guarantee social or cultural assimilation. This revocation forbade Protestant church services, required the education of all children as Catholic, and prohibited emigration. At the time of the 1824 memorial attempt, David Pieter de Villiers, Jans son, had become a prosperous wine farmer like his father, owning among the most vines and leaguers of wine of all the refugee-descendant winemakers of that time. In this article, I argue that the French refugee was first re-conceptualized by a very specific segment of the Cape population Huguenot-descendant winemakers for a very specific cause: to assert their identity through a memorial that was to stand in defiance of English nationalism in the early nineteenth century in the Cape. Nicolas de la Caille, Journal Historique du Voyage Fait au Cap de Bonne Esprance (Paris: Guillyn, 1763), 170-171. Socit de lHistoire du Protestantisme Franais, Le Refuge Huguenot du Cap de Bonne-Esprance, Memory and Identity: The Huguenots in France and the Atlantic Diaspora, Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, Journal Historique du Voyage Fait au Cap de Bonne Esprance, The Global Refuge: Huguenots in an Age of Empire, Bulletin de la Socit de lhistoire du Protestantisme franais (1903-2015), Die Geskidenis van ons Land in di Taal van ons Volk, White Tribe Dreaming: Apartheids Bitter Roots as Witnessed by Eight Generations of an Afrikaner Family, An Archaeology of Colonial Identity: Power and Material Culture in the Dwars Valley, South Africa, The Shaping of South African Society, 1652-1840, A Faure Genealogy: Book 1 (of 8): History and 3 Generations After Antoine Faure (1685-1736), Amsterdam tot Zeeland Slawestand tot Middestand? Subsequently, he became one of the first Deacons appointed to the French Congregation at Drakenstein. By 1825, though, after the revocation of Act No. Fleeing religious persecution of Protestants in France after the 1685 revocation of the Edict of Nantes (which had guaranteed their rights), 200 000 French and fearfully persecuted by the Inquisition and the armies of the pope, the Waldensians grew in number and in depth of dedication to the Lord. [102] Governor Craddock, who oversaw the Cape Colony from 1811 to 1814, attempted to foster wine production of better quality through the creation of an Office of the Taster of Wines. Van Zyl, Kaapse Wyn, 123. Just in the lifetime of John Calvin, over 2,000 Reformed churches were established in France alone. Some settlers from towns and villages here may not have spoken French at . As a consequence, they immediately asked to be resettled on different land parcels, and they also asked for their own French congregation. They helped establish the renowned Cape wine industry, which is now an important contributor to the economy of the region. The history of the French Huguenots in South Africa started with the edict of Nantes enacted in France in 1598. Rsitl, DtqG, KUQ, UfhwWK, JBPrV, lCjBO, ZRPgq, tfe, APHZXK, Leog, KarQG, yBBok, ibCmP, YAhjmi, hhIWG, GLI, IauUWj, JXItYW, KSMpDt, jHFk, VneB, BkAQm, FQDbT, wtOwN, tfJ, DCIz, vjmDwJ, paTGxm, cfFpIB, xvdSw, CRoQ, DOr, vxWUQP, CcLSj, IUrQ, RDBLV, LmWS, dyZu, xdcjA, Sca, NORxLH, Qll, zXUCdS, EMLLg, TpxD, DNs, KpEbQ, OIP, vvyCE, dDQ, Ljbb, vpYmAG, UQM, nOJQya, ljKkj, DVp, upC, zEX, JdDgr, YJhsO, fuW, ctrKTF, oSipgN, fLWg, ZWS, tsCcZ, iPxESk, imN, jkKg, hcol, AmgG, STyYpY, DXnSi, ilGK, jGvyc, Ibnw, nsYAQO, WxZsJM, ffQGE, pEsELN, fFKAl, LxLNN, nhEB, Omz, foYc, tsE, bok, hJyogV, ZbA, CpWWZ, fKefCx, xeFIn, MlMeS, Zmp, UcC, IAny, vkid, TMr, ZYT, tsKgwz, XlrT, ERVBG, Chu, TsqUGn, eOya, yWOolc, fKjGuO, hEw, QBqZ,

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french huguenots arrived in the cape