malaysian brain drain

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

The paper also noted that the reason for migration is not merely down to economic reasons, but also due to political/social factors. Until this changes, we will not be able to reverse our brain drain. You have entered an incorrect email address! Perhaps. Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak visiting Malayan Chinese people. However, there is one more factor by which we need to multiply the above overall potential the industry development. However, recent media reports indicate that Malaysias brain drain is increasing at the. The monitor said by boosting productivity and strengthening inclusiveness, Malaysia can address the brain drain comprehensively and it recommends a revamp of the education system, an overhaul of . However, mass media and researchers have been highlighting that this global phenomenon is very real for Malaysia since more than a decade ago. Also, as some employers disclose, there is steep competition for these critical occupations from abroad. Brain drain refers to an exodus of skilled and talented workforce from the country. The need for a highly skilled tech-savvy workforce will only increase in the current, and future global job market as the world is forging ahead with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (4IR) and soon 5.0 (5IR). The report, released in June and cited by various Malaysian media outlets, sparked a debate about Malaysia's brain drain situation. showing that out of 107,000 Malaysians who had renounced their citizenship since independence, 79,000 were Malays. Although some of these push factors are structural issues like low wage rates which is complex to remedy in the short term, issues such as meritocracy in the workplace, can be changed with a strong will by Malaysias political leadership. The government must take steps to address the issue of brain drain and can do so by carrying out several steps. If this situation persist, it may create an 'intense' brain drain situation which could disrupt Malaysia's vision to achieve high-income economy by the year 2020. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dr Rais Hussin and Dr Margarita Peredaryenko are part of the research team at EMIR Research, an independent think tank focused on strategic policy recommendations based on rigorous research. The Malaysian brain drain has been growing exponentially over the last four decades. Dr. Nur Amalina Che Bakri is a general surgeon and clinical research fellow in breast-cancer surgery at Imperial College London. However, mass media and researchers have been highlighting that this global phenomenon is very real for Malaysia since more than a decade ago. On top of that, any negligible positive effect will be further offset by the brain drains profound negative impact on the countrys industry and economy, which has a weakening impact on Ringgit. When people of the highest productive and intellectual potential leave the country in great numbers, that country will find it more challenging to maintain a high intellectual and academic standard as these individuals are the vital driving force to create a more educated and professional society, cultivate and develop other talents. With the number of just the documented non-Malaysian workers standing at around 2.1 million in 2020, we can easily picture how the outflow remittance from Malaysia can quickly negate the positive effect of remittance by Malaysian migrants. The digital transformation is born when there is the highest level of digitization (conversion of raw facts, events, and physical objects into 0s & 1s) that allows an increasingly larger number of the physical world objects to be placed on the network and moved around while completely re-inventing and re-engineering business processes, business models and business strategies. To put this in another perspective, according to a paper written by Docquier, F. and H. Rapoport, the world average rate of brain drain is about 5 per cent, while Malaysia was averaging a figure close to 10% in the year 2000. You may know her as the person who scored 17 As in the national examination, SPM (the Malaysian equivalent of the O Levels). For your security, we need to re-authenticate you. With the number of just the documented non-Malaysian workers standing at around 2.1 million in 2020, we can easily picture how the outflow remittance from Malaysia can quickly negate the positive effect of remittance by Malaysian migrants. The Malaysian brain drain has been growing exponentially over the last 4 decades. However, straight after that ramble, many talked about not being able to freely express themselves in Malaysia, and the need to socially and intellectually comply with the prevailing narratives, rituals, and codes set by society. Using the above two variables, the McKinsey, for example, found that among the occupations that have the highest potential for remote work are: The above is exactly the areas under the hard-to-fill Critical Occupation List by TalentCorp. The establishment narrative has been tak apa or good riddance, or more thoughtfully, an explanation that this exodus of Malaysians from the country is just part of a general regional and world trend. Human capital is the bedrock of the high-income economy. . Brain Drain. The Malaysian brain drain phenomenon has been growing exponentially over the last four decades. While Malaysia has a larger population of foreign workers than the diaspora, people argue that since a large percentage of the workers are low-skilled labourers, it fails to compensate for the loss of talent due to brain drain. The emigration of highly-skilled workers, more commonly known as the brain drain, has received substantial media coverage in Malaysia. While perusing the accumulated empirical evidence (quantitative and qualitative) on brain drain, specifically in the Malaysian context, from 2009 to 2020, we can find various factors under the so-called pull-push model (Figure 1). I hope that the evident evolution of the current job market and the increase in effort by the government will help curb the mass exodus of Malaysian talent. The more skilled labourers there are living overseas, the more money they transfer to their families back home. However, not at the scale and the stage as experienced by Malaysia and given its political and governance setup. But now I'm suggesting a new strategy that is totally original and brilliant. And yet the country has experienced considerable changes in policies and socio-economic conditions since the late 1980s. Published in Astro Awani, Sinar Daily, MySinchew, Malay Mail, theSundaily, Focus Malaysia, News Straits Times, and Business Today, image by Sinar Daily. The policymakers were aware of this too. It had a profound negative systemic impact on the nation, including such afflictions as starvation of talent . Using the above two variables, the McKinsey, for example, found that among the occupations that have the highest potential for remote work are: The above are exactly the areas under the hard-to-fill Critical Occupation List by TalentCorp. Malays in Australia have also been involved in building several mosques back in Malaysia. A sensitive, yet substantial cause of the Malaysian Brain Drain is social injustice. All the above have a devastating impact on the brain drains home currency, and this fundamental incessant weakness is what we see in Ringgit Malaysia, especially since 2015. 'Unsuitable remuneration' The reasons to return home are usually varied and mostly of a personal nature, i.e. It would take at least one more decade, provided we radically reform our education system today. Already a decade ago, the National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC, 2010) warned the government that the brain drain phenomenon in Malaysia is reaching a dangerous stage where many talents are leaving Malaysia and making it void of a critical mass of highly skilled individuals who are essential to cultivate and develop other talents. Of course, the geographic proximity of such a highly developed nation as Singapore makes it a perfect destination for migration. Names like Jimmy Choo, Tsai Ming-Liang, Kwen Liew, Zang Toi, Yuna, Bernard Chandran, Tan Hock Eng, Ng Yi-Ren, James Wan, Pua Khein-Seng, and Penny Wong come up, just to name a few successful expatriate Malaysians. Who tf . Is it sufficient to make a sensible impact on the Ringgit? Malay entrepreneurs within the arts the author spoke to in London and Amsterdam spoke of the inability to freely express themselves within the arts and entertainment industries in Malaysia and LGBT issues. It has long been known that significant numbers of non-Malay Malaysians have migrated to other countries in search of more opportunities and a better life. A deficient pool of highly skilled individuals who, among other things, are the key creators of start-ups and a thriving digital ecosystem in the economy significantly shrinks the countrys potential to attract foreign direct investment and, therefore, further economic development. Those working abroad but spending in Malaysia (for example, daily commuters between Malaysia and Singapore) or working and living abroad but sending remittances to Malaysia do . The need for a highly skilled tech-savvy workforce will only increase in the current, and future global job market as the world is forging ahead with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (4IR) and soon 5.0 (5IR). To put this in another perspective, according to a paper written by. There has, however, been no specific dataset developed on the stocks and flows of Malaysian-born migrants. children's schooling, aged parents, and so forth. We need to factor in two aspects while evaluating the potential for remote working. 2. The topic of brain drain has been increasingly becoming the talk of the town for Malaysians during the last few years. As transpires from their Critical Occupation List, occupations requiring high skills and knowledge related to ICT, electronics, engineering, and research have been consistently listed as hard to fill since 2015 until now. II. And while our policymakers, who are stuck in the past, probably do not worry about the brain drain, we better be. And there is hardly anything we can do about this unless we seriously change how the future of our country is shaped the policymaking and governance process. The report, which was released in June and cited by various Malaysian media outlets, sparked a debate about Malaysia's brain drain situation. We need to factor in two aspects while evaluating the potential for remote working. However, there is one more factor by which we need to multiply the above overall potential the industry development. However, this demographic is very different today with whole families migrating abroad, based on reports by local Malay community organizations assisting these families settle into their new country. The Malaysian brain drain has been growing exponentially over the last four decades. ; social and economic stability; ability to adapt to the culture. To illustrate, a fresh graduate in the UK would earn, on average, roughly 30 000 while a fresh graduate in Malaysia would get approximately 5800. Do you think we could address such a gap within a short time? Interestingly the trend has slowed and reversed during 2013-2014 before resuming with the same speed after the eruption of the 1MDB scandal in 2015. . by Mohamad Danial bin Ab Khalil. UKEC has supported efforts in tackling brain drain via one of its primary missions to promote graduate opportunities in Malaysia. A complete overhaul of the overall Malaysian setup of governance and policymaking is the single most critical variable to reversing the brain drain. Besides that, persistent highly skilled workers shortage negatively impacts the availability of complementary skilled workers, less-skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and capital providers. Could there be potential benefits to brain drain? In the past six months, there's been a surge of local interest in the trend of brain drain in Malaysia. 4IR Towards National Food Security: Alignment with National Agrofood policy 2.0, Korupsi dan Kemunafikan dalam Politik Melayu Perlunya Disegerakan Transformasi Moral-Etika. Remember again, the Malaysian brain drain is voting with the feet against the overall Malaysian setup of governance and policymaking, which is the single most critical variable we need to change before we see everything else start falling into place, not only brain drain. These Malays are not disinterested in Islam, they have a passion for the religion, as indicated by their active participation at local mosques and religious schools in their new country. It had a profound negative systemic impact on the nation, including such afflictions as starvation of talent replacement, poor governance and policymaking, middle-income trap, low industry development (less breadth and depth), corruption etc. Please, Current statistics of the brain drain from Malaysia are difficult to come by, as its a very sensitive issue. While facing low industrial development and chronic skills mismatch rooted in the ongoing education system crisis, reverse brain drain (stopping and returning the lost to the foreign lands high-skilled and talented individuals) will become our best bet to jump-start Malaysias industry and economy. This figure, even after taking into account the difference in cost of living in both countries, is not an attractive one for graduates. They are rotting inwards and outwards. The report reviews recent economic developments, updates the World Banks view on the economic outlook, and analyzesin the reports thematic sectionhow Malaysia can manage brain drain. Published in Astro Awani, Sinar Daily, Malaysiakini, MYsinchew, and Focus Malaysia, image by Focus Malaysia. Current statistics of the brain drain from Malaysia are difficult to come by, as it's a very sensitive issue. , the world average rate of brain drain is about 5 per cent, while Malaysia was averaging a figure close to 10% in the year 2000. In its 2011 "Malaysia Economic Monitor" report, the bank estimated the Malaysian diaspora in 2010 at one million, with brain drain at a third of this. However, if we look at it carefully, the core underlying problem behind all of these factors is poor governance, poor policy planning and/or execution: biased, corrupted, populistic, suboptimal, identity-based, divisive, haphazard, unfair, inconsistent, complacent, incompetent, regressive and simply outdated. Many went on to complain about the political situation, which some said was hopeless. The continued fighting between corrupt politicians who just want power, and dont really care about improving society. */. Is it sufficient to make a sensible impact on the Ringgit? Source: Therefore, if anything else, the level of digital transformation and remote work potential in advanced countries may increase our brain drain through yet another avenue remote working. Professionals and in particular academics the author spoke to, said that nepotism and favouritism within the workplace prevented hardworking, honest and high achievers from rising in their careers. A sobering piece. 2. Today there are more than 2 million Malaysian abroad. This is called remittance, and it helps provide developing countries with foreign currency, finance imports and increase national income. Its too easy to associate the brain drain with discrimination against non-Malays and an environment that prevents equality of opportunity. At the same time, let us not forget that Malaysia also has a significant population of migrant labour force, with a historically estimated ratio of at least 1:1 for documented versus undocumented. The money remittance has also helped to, lower poverty and increase the standard of living. . Of course, these individuals now would be at least staying in Malaysia and spending their money here. However, how about general climate and culture, lack of innovation, lack of excitement from newness and progressiveness, lack of meritocracy, but overabound of complacency, corruption, social injustice and outright racism at times etc.? Perhaps, remote working and digitalisation could be a positive trend in addressing the talent shortage due to brain drain? Malaysia has fallen way behind on 4IR. In other words, for the Malaysian brain drain, this is no longer even about the high salaries. was repatriated we could wipe out our debt at a stroke. Malaysia ensures that medical trainees on government scholarships sent to the UK and Australia return by having legal contracts and guaranteeing that there are jobs to return to. The second is effective potential or how much more effectively the work is done remotely as opposed to on-site presence. What we do know is that the brain drain slowed a little from 2016, and dramatically dropped when Pakatan Harapan won government in 2018 and the Covid restrictions began in 2020. Nevertheless, until 2022, when South Korea is already experimenting with the 6G application, Malaysia still has a disjointed digital ecosystem, lack of plain digitalization, and nascent digital transformation. In comparison, according to the Annual Population Survey in 2018, it was seen that 99% of employees in the UK were satisfied with their job contracts that include working hours as well as salary. Southern Voice. Ethnicity-based preferential policies have long been considered one of the major factors of brain drain in Malaysia. Dr Rais Hussin and Dr Margarita Peredaryenko are part of the research team at EMIR Research, an independent think tank focused on strategic policy recommendations based on rigorous research. The Malaysian government should also be actively scouting for fresh graduates and offer them jobs to ensure their return. Click on subscribe so articles can be directly emailed to your inbox: 0 subscriptions will be displayed on your profile (edit). And where it came from? However, not at the scale and the stage as experienced by Malaysia and given its political and governance setup. Nur Amalina Che Bakri. Background of migration and Brain Drain in Malaysia Therefore, if anything else, the level of digital transformation and remote work potential in advanced countries may increase our brain drain through yet another avenue remote working. For the Malays they have been pounded with the idea that other Malaysians hard earned wealth is also theirs. May 26, 2022 at 12:47 PM. Brain drain is when a different country or area can provide better paycheque and better conditions to live in which causes a huge amount of educated and skilled people to leave their own country (Cambridge University Press, n.d.). Looking at all those factors listed in Figure 1, this is quite a bit to swallow and might seem like an insurmountable task to reverse. Mar 21. The Malaysian brain drain has been growing exponentially over the last four decades. For Malaysia to be successful in its journey to high income, it will need to develop . However, Malaysians working abroad often return for more than just monetary reasons. Can there be positive sides to the brain drain? "From the data points we had we extrapolated that between 1980 and 2022, the brain drain in Malaysia has been increasing in . The report is accompanied by an outreach effort to a wide audience of policymakers, private sector leaders, market "This is a serious problem that has to be resolved soon as the brain drain continues to reach epic proportions," Roshan Thiran, CEO of Malaysia-based leadership firm Leaderonomics, said. The debate tends to focus on emigration numbers and the eventual effects of skilled migration on the Malaysian economy. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Currently 15 percent of 64,000 visa overstayers in Australia are Malaysians. Those working abroad but spending in Malaysia (for example, daily commuters between Malaysia and Singapore) or working and living abroad but sending remittances to Malaysia do contribute to the demand for Ringgit. . A deficient pool of highly skilled individuals who, among other things, are the key creators of start-ups and a thriving digital ecosystem in the economy significantly shrinks the countrys potential to attract foreign direct investment and, therefore, further economic development. Malaysia has a population of 32.7 million as of 2020, but the Malaysian diaspora currently plying their trade overseas stands at approximately 1.7 million. A complete overhaul of the overall Malaysian setup of governance and policymaking is the single most critical variable to reversing the brain drain. The Brain Ratio . Malaysia has a population of 32.7 million as of 2020, but the Malaysian diaspora currently plying their trade overseas stands at approximately 1.7 million. As academic literaturedocuments, in 2016, in response to local newspapers reports on Malaysians renouncing their citizenship in large numbers (more than 54,000 between 2010 and 2015), some then-government ministers simply labelled all Malaysians abroad as unpatriotic and suggested that the rest of Malaysians, who do not support the government, should leave the country as well. What is brain drain? The Malaysian economy is primarily centred around production and manufacturing rather than research and development. What does not Malaysia have out of this list by now? An efficient public bus network - critical in connecting the nation. One of the main factors that are enticing Malaysians to reside overseas is the entire construct and structure of the job market in Malaysia that seems to favour more traditional jobs such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. The problem with brain drain is not the actual brains that go away, but the brains left behind. Arguably, the structural problem of brain drain (i.e., outward migration or emigration by the highly-skilled and highly-qualified) in Malaysia is, ultimately, caused by (perceived) institutionalised discrimination (rightly or wrongly). Note that we are talking here about digital transformation versus plain digitalization. Those working abroad but spending in Malaysia (for example, daily commuters between Malaysia and Singapore) or working and living abroad but sending remittances to Malaysia do contribute to the demand for Ringgit. The Malays in Malaysia is made to look like dumbs 24/7. The author has spoken to a number of Malays who have migrated abroad to find their reasons. Today there are Malay mosques in Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne. Not the fact that all of them send remittances back home, and even if they do how much? By: Murray Hunter. Can there be positive sides to the brain drain? 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malaysian brain drain