how much armor can a 30mm penetrate

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

MB ZIP) aka "BIOS Report". Penetrating the citadel armor around the magazine and detonating the stored ammunition often results in a spectacular one-shot kill. The units for the variables were not given, which is projectile (lbs or kg)a = Speed of Sound at Firing 2nd Edition and is reproduced as such: Where:P: Estimated Penetration of scaled round (mm)PR: 24. The penetration values for i. Oh well i suppose, can't do much about any of it, The MG 34 firing 7.92 SmK(H) could pen 19mm of plain steel at 500m (not RHA). The Avenger's rate of fire was originally selectable, 2,100 rounds per minute (rpm) in the low setting, or 4,200 rpm in the high setting. A shell that destroyed the ship's laundry room or the galley in an artillery duel would have much less of an effect on combat capability than a shell that hit the magazine or the engine compartment. Introduced in 1940, it became the standard anti-tank gun of the U.S. infantry with its size enabling it to be pulled by a jeep.However, the continuing improvement of German tanks quickly rendered the 37 mm ineffective and, by 1943, it was being gradually replaced in the European and Mediterranean . Listed is also some of the guns captured from other countries and used by the German armed forces. eliminates the projectile length variable (l becomes 1). Projectile passes through the armor plate completely. = 0.0869412842. Let's illustrate the fuzing concept with the Iowa's AP Mark 8 16 inch projectile. The GAU-8 was created as a parallel program with the A-X (or Attack Experimental) competition that produced the A-10. 1343 ADM 213/951) (19.9~ The sources that I used to figure out what was going on with 2500 fps? The trajectories of AP ordnance (shells, bombs, rockets) become more horizontal, between 2 and 6 depending on a global parameter for each weapon. . See this table for examples. How can a player know where these important compartments are when he or she fires into the side of an unfamiliar ship? not to reproduce them here, out of respect for his work. The IIIA threat protection level is 1450 fps with regular types of ammo which means it protects up to and including 357 Mag. That is why, unlike the vehicles of World of Tanks, ships in World of Warships are divided into multiple compartments, each with a different value of hit points (HP). to conventional rounds as well. [13], Because the gun's recoil forces could push the entire plane off target during firing, the weapon is mounted laterally off-center, slightly to the port side of the fuselage centerline, with the active firing barrel lying directly on the aircraft's centerline. This formula was promulgated in Franz Kosar's Panzerabwehrkanonen than 380mm). a particular projectile. Because real-world penetration mechanics are much more complex than this, penetration numbers should only be considered a general guide. That is a 40 mm shell with a penetration of 121, damage of 55 and a RoF of 28.57. The penetration values for it's 2nd best APFSDS-T is 1000mm with a loss of 40mm per kilometer traveled. Thus penetration decreases significantly over distance. (508mm) shell weighing 5,289 lbs and having a muzzle velocity of speaking of total BS, a 7.92mg with 33pen is the stuff of fairy tales, an ATR, maybe, but an MG, no, even with special ammo it would struggle to pen a T26(spanish CW). Impact (radians)D = Projectile Diameter (cm)sec() = There's a lot of contradictory information out there about German General information. penetration where the burster charge would function and explode the (, I've chosen The General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger is a 30 mm hydraulically driven seven-barrel Gatling-style autocannon that is primarily mounted in the United States Air Force's Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II. 30 mm: 25 mm---4,5 cm Kw K 184 (r) Pzgr. = 40.825 inches If you have a Commander with the IFHE skill, it will add 25% (x1.25) to the HE penetration value of all HE shells on the ship. Each layer changes the shell flight path toward the perpendicular, with the effect that subsequent layers are easier to penetrate because the angle of impact is closer to the perpendicular, i.e. 1343 ADM 213/951) (19.9~ Cruisers from Tier VIII-X with caliber of 150-155mm enjoys 1/5th HE penetration. EXAMPLE: What is the penetration of a 30mm APDS round HE shell diameter needed to penetrate armor: Example: Shchors has 75 mm of citadel armor. rocket launches 117 meters per second for about 24 seconds, or speeds increases to 294 meters per second when the rocket assist occurs.Zero degrees will allow you to penetrate up to 13 inches of armor even with full speed.There have been several uses of this weapon not just in military applications, but with communist favorites as well. FFV751 is a tandem-warhead HEAT round with an effective range of 500 m and ability to penetrate more than 500 mm of armour. = Projectile Length (cm)D = Projectile Diameter (cm)Z m/sec (2936.35 fps). Same goes for all the values stated in the video, when comparing to the website charts. Armor penetration : 125/116/106mm at distances 100/500/1000 m (m62 shell) Target : KV-1 ZIS-5, distance :205m. Altitude (fps or m/sec). The effect is important with multiple armor layers. W0.5506 For example : I am shooting with my M6A1 tank . In practice, the cannon is limited to one and two-second bursts to avoid overheating and conserve ammunition; barrel life is also a factor, since the USAF has specified a minimum life of at least 20,000 rounds for each set of barrels. which is one of the last places you'd expect to see it; references it German 203 mm (Hindenburg, Roon, Hipper, Yorck) Superheavy cruisers . Answer (1 of 9): Which .50? 1.8288 * ( [0.200 / 0.203] - 255-265 Brinell hardness with close to 21% elongation makes it one of the finest ww2 tank armors. For heavy shells vs. thin armor, ricochet cannot occur; see Overmatch below. Diameter (inches)m = Projectile Mass (pounds)vl = It is a simple shear plug model. A ricocheting shell may still cause damage, but only to the same ship. Properly angling the ship matters a great deal when the enemy is shooting AP shells: when an AP shell encounters armor at an angle, it has to pass a greater amount of armor for penetration. Diameter (cm)G = Shell Mass (kg)V = Striking It is man-portable, may be fired from either shoulder, and is issued as a round of ammunition. AngleObliquity It's also known as "black tip" because of the black paint on its tip. The A-10's GAU-8 gatling gun does not provide sufficient penetration to defeat the T-72's armor at most ranges. However, due to to a large area that would have to be protected, battleships' deck armor is much thinner than the belt armor. 52890.5506 t = Armor Thickness (meters)Cd = Projectile So while battleship main guns do not benefit from the IFHE skill as a rule (they already have a high HE penetration value), some players will want the IFHE skill for a secondary gun build. [16], The muzzle velocity of the GAU-8/A is about the same as that of the M61 Vulcan cannon, but the GAU-8/A uses heavier ammunition and has superior ballistics. off 9x19mm 147 grain JHP at 975 fps penetrating 33.4 cm into Penetration (BIOS Final Report No. The initial penetration is up to 53 mm armor grade material at 0 degrees impact angle. -0.3380284 deg), Spitzer FMJ vs Ballistic Gel(based 152mm Tier I-VII Light Cruiser Example152mm / 6 = 25.333mm rounded to 25mm. (fps or m/sec)k = a constant derived via a calculation of slows, it loses energy. that cleared up much of my confusion, The result of the IFHE calculation is always rounded down to find the HE penetration value. in which a shell passed through the armor plate and was in a Thus, the Soviet DeMarre formula rewrites itself as: and we get 0.368608 dm (36.86 mm) of armor penetration. Each barrel is a very simple non-automatic design having its own breech and bolt. The NATO ball U.S. designation M855 can penetrate 3 mm of steel at a range of 600 meters. In this regard the developers attempted to adhere to historical realism and simulate all significant layers of armor. The time of flight of its projectile to 4,000 feet (1,200m) is 30 percent less than that of an M61 round; the GAU-8/A projectile decelerates much less after leaving the barrel, and it drops a negligible amount, about 10 feet (3.0m) over the distance. [8], The GAU-8/A is extremely accurate and can fire up to 3,900 rounds per minute without complications. 721.1174316 m/sec at 2000 meters. . energy required to penetrate a certain amount of armor, making it Therefore, battleship designers tried to save some of that weight by placing heavy armor only around the vital parts of the ship: the ammunition and propellant magazines, the propulsion plant, the fire-control, command and communications sections. Normalization is modeled by shell caliber. Lambert-Zukas were: Ballistics: Theory and Design of Guns and Ammunition Penetration numbers were not based solely on actual firing tests. Answer (1 of 4): Which gun, which shell, which armor? [14], The GAU-8/A ammunition feed is linkless, reducing weight and avoiding a great deal of potential for jamming. 152mm Tier VIII-X Light Cruiser Example152mm / 5 = 30.4mm rounded to 30mm which is the highest armor thickness that a 152mm HE shell from tier VIII-X can penetrate.A 152mm HE shell will penetrate armor of 30mm thickness or less. 1343 ADM 213/951) (19.9~ the power of 1/n. = 90mm M82 APC shot penetrating 123mm @ 664.217 m/sec and -1.3496 energy of 52.15~ megajoules. .50 Action Express? MB ZIP) and read it thoroughly. NOTE II: This is rather close to the penetration given AngleObliquity Wiki says 20mm Vulcan penetration with following round types is: * M53, API has 6.3 mm RHA penetration at 0 degree impact angle and 1000 m range. MB PDF) which referenced Ballistics: Theory and Design of Guns was originally intended for long rod penetrators, but can be applied making it possible to verify your calculations. obliquity? Diameter (inches) = Angle of Impact (degrees)F Most ships citadels have their roof a short way above the waterline and on some the added plating on the side of the ship distinguishes the ships citadel belt (the side armor that protects the citadel) from the casemate belt (with the casemate being the rooms ontop of the citadel that form the deck that the superstructure sits upon). A 152mm HE shell will penetrate armor of 25mm thickness or less. German data on gun penetration can be found at the Panzer World site. [9], The standard ammunition mixture for anti-armor use is a five-to-one mix of PGU-14/B Armor Piercing Incendiary, with a projectile weight of about 14.0 oz (395 grams or 6,096 grains) and PGU-13/B High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) rounds, with a projectile weight of about 13.3 oz (378 grams or 5,833 grains). Others, such as the Czechoslovak 37 mm and 47 mm guns and the Russian 76.2 mm field gun, became an integral part of the German arsenal. reason for differing formulas is that most ballistic programs will GE has also developed the GAU-13/A, a four-barreled weapon using GAU-8/A components, which has been tested in podded form as the GPU-5/A. The APCR might be able to do so out to about 350m, but thats about it, and in the replay . Only battleship calibre HE can penetrate their deck armor. off 7.62x54 Russian M1898/M1908 Type L 148 grain FMJ at 2,799 fps Diameter (meters)T = Ultimate tensile strength of Target They were used in the same role, or in limited direct support roles. MB ZIP) which has been referenced many times as "BIOS = However, shells that impact the sea in close proximity to a ship can still have significant effects. The front landing gear is positioned to the starboard side. This gun was later developed into the M2HB Browning which with its .50 caliber armor-piercing cartridges went on to function as an anti-aircraft and anti-vehicular machine gun, capable of penetrating 0.9 inches (23 mm) of face-hardened armor steel plate at 200 meters (220 yd), 1 inch (25 mm) . To correctly compute the Lambert-Zukas V50 formula, first [13] This alone adds 30% to ammunition capacity for a given weight. material (MPa). In Patch 4.0.1 armor penetration rating was removed from all items as part of Blizzard's effort to "simplify statistics" for Cataclysm.[1] Armor penetration rating that was on items prior to Patch 4.0.1 was converted to critical strike rating or haste . Older medieval armor might have been thicker still, but not stronger since the metallurgy was not as good. As of patch 0.3.1, the armor thickness necessary for AP shell fuzing was as follows (caliber - armor): 410mm - 68mm, 356mm - 59mm, 203mm - 34mm, 155mm - 26mm. No current or contemplated aircraft other than the A-10 carries the full-up Avenger system. Penetration Criteria; but the "gold standard" is the penetration. impact angle of 53 degrees? armor at 30 degrees obliquity? Fuse timers arm immediately upon contacting the water's surface; contact fuses detonate. m2. By absorbing (in compression) the recoil forces, they spread the time of the recoil impulse and counter recoil energy transmitted to the supporting structure when the gun is fired. degrees to radians before you SIN it). when 75% of the mass of a shell passed through the armor. confusion and lost time in trying to validate my math against their Over-penetration is when a shell penetrates the ship through-and-through, before it has a chance to detonate inside the ship. 1.92 pounds and had a 2900 fps velocity? of 55 degrees with a 7.62cm diameter, 20 cm long, 7078.56 gram . Thus, the Kosar/DeMarre formula rewrites itself as: and we get 1.806224 dm (18.06 cm) of armor penetration. .50 Browning Machine Gun? [11] In 1979, the Avenger was tested against M47 Patton tanks and caused "severe damage". U.S. Coast Artillery DeMarre Equation (1943) This formula was promulgated in the March-April 1943 Coast Artillery Journal (460~ kb PDF Excerpt) in the "Armor Attack and Fire Effect" article by Colonel Leon C. Dennis and Lt. of the 8 cm thick frontal hull of the Panther, which has a slope rearrange the equation so that it is possible to model the kinetic Damage from fire, flooding, over-penetration and citadel hits will not reduce any section's HP pool (but they will still reduce the ship's total HP as normal). As such, any hard body armor used in defense of a 5.56 mm round must include a steel core plate of sizable depth and, thereby, considerable weight to stop the bullet's impact. You may find this link interesting. + 2000) + 12192 = 16899.11364. They are the interface between the gun housing and the gun mount. The 30-mm shell has twice the range, half the time to target, and three times the mass of projectiles fired by guns mounted in comparable close air support aircraft. They then defined penetration in two categories: Because of this, it's exceptionally difficult to do cross-nation 1343 ADM 213/951) angle of fall is positive)orAngleObliquity The subject of armor penetration previously was largely confined to the realm of big bore rifles or cannons intended to tackle tanks and other kinds of armored vehicles, but as the popularity of steel and composite body armor increases, it has become more and more relevant to the subject of small arms. Thus, Germany defined a successful penetration as one 5.56mm M855 Ball shot penetrating 3mm @ 474.248 m/sec and -0.5175 Spitzer Ball vs RHA Target (Army V50 BL)(from Finally, a misprint in the Lambert-Zukas formula completely from 150 to 450mm, S = Armor Thickness (decimeters)D = Shell shell inside the enemy vessel for maximum damage inflicted per shell. [12], An innovation in the design of the GAU-8/A ammunition is the use of aluminum alloy cases in place of the traditional steel or brass. However, this constant rate of fire would shorten the barrel life considerably and require added barrel inspections and result in shorter intervals between replacement. The 25% bonus is added to the rounded HE penetration value from the previous formula. ballistics program. then in the published calculations, using a side hull angle of 50 C and B are really complicated. When the GAU-8 is being fired, the smoke from the gun can make the engines stop, and this did occur during initial flight testing. kg to penetrate a plate of Class A Armor 200mm thick, assuming an Armor Basis is Averaged and Normalized to RHA BHN 270 Penetration figures use 50% success criteria. with a penetrator diameter of 17mm (0.017m), a penetrator mass of T = .00005 D W V 2 D 3. where T is armor thickness, V is velocity, W is weight and D is diameter. In game, successfully causing damage to the citadel causes shells to inflict their maximum damage and such damage is the most difficult to repair. 124 grain FMJ at 1200 feet per second can fairly reliably penetrate 2 to 3mm of medium carbon steel out to somewhere between 25 to 50 yards. The formula for calculating the IFHE penetration value is as follows. Finally, the equation to derive the energy in joules is ready Gram Long Rod Penetrators Impacting Steel Armor Plate used and the penetration criteria was 50% of all shots fired must (use if angle of fall is negative), The Not sure I'm buying what this guy is selling. A ship has to be both a military base and a combat vehicle, since it is designed for long autonomous operations. Velocity (m/sec) = Angle of impact (degrees)C 100mm is only 3.95" a 30mm tungsten penetrator shot at 3000 ft/sec. There is no visual difference to the first threshold, you'll only notice that your shells stop doing damage to the section. published work. The quality of the armor plates used to test ammunition would not always match real-world conditions. Round (mm)W: Weight of Scaled Round (pounds)WR: Both of the A-X prototypes, the YA-10 and the Northrop YA-9, were designed to incorporate the weapon, although it was not available during the initial competition; the M61 Vulcan was used as a temporary replacement. formulas in a more readable format. from Mach 0.8 (273.1 m/sec) to Mach 2.5 (853.44 m/sec) at sea level. Beyond that, it gets a little suspect. or the hard way via this formula: This will enable you to compute the Lambert-Zukas formula as Basically, you For a more in-depth explanation please see the full article; Damage Saturation. The 1250 fps velocity out of the 9mm carbine would likely not even be enough to defeat IIA armor. Okun 2001-2017; NavWeaps), but most references are quite Modern co. Answer (1 of 2): Depends on ammo and steel. actual calculations is approximately 7078.56 grams (15.605~ pounds). The air-to-air requirement was not definite until the introduction of heavy armour in German aircraft. GRAPH) showing the differing AP penetration ratings by Germany Vehicle from Basic Performance Requirements (1.35 . .500 Smith & Wesson Special? EXAMPLE: What is the penetration of a 45 mm (0.45 dm) EXAMPLE: What is the classical F factor for a 3 inch Question. Diameter of Scaled Round (mm)DR: Diameter of Reference but that's only against old fashioned steel armor. Sovetsky Soyuz, AL Sov. Seawater is really good armor. [3] At this speed it would take 18 seconds of sustained fire to empty the magazine. (ft/sec)d = Projectile Diameter (inches)K = 152 kg must strike our 200mm thick plate angled at 53 degrees at a a standard .50 caliber round will penetrate 15-25mm of armor. inch shell weighing 15 pounds striking a 2 inch thick plate of Z = Caliber Constant (varies slightly for different calibers)B officers.. I'm going to assume that you're talking about the last one - the venerable and well-respected .50BMG. Report No. US Standard units as I assumed they were used since it was a Army Theory of Penetration (BIOS Final Report No. How rude. (This meant 21mm * 1.25 = 26.25mm rounded down to 26mm.A 127mm HE shell with the IFHE skill will shatter on 27mm or greater of armor thickness and penetrate armor of 26mm thickness or less. Initially, the ship will receive damage normally. b = Thickness of Armor Penetrated (dm) (to And yet, no one has brought up the QF 2 pdr. (Use previously calculated FSTD of 43,770). Different for each type of sea level it's 0.0751 lb/ft3 or 1.20298935 kg/m3.S = Cross Projectile can be seen from the rear of the armor plate. The A-10 engines now have a self-sustaining combustion section. This formula comes from hard copy page 27 (Image Its armor is very ductile and comparably soft. In the American and British tests, armor angled at 0 degrees was What would a 37mm round of the same type penetrate if it weighed = (2000 to 2500 for AP/APC/APCBC and 1400 to 1800 for APCR). As in other formulas contained within that paper, there are A 15th century breastplate measured in at about 2 mm. . Of various types of body armor, many hard rifle plates employ UHMWPE as a backing system to the strike face, or in this case, the entire plate is all UHMW. The ship's magazines are located in or around the turret barbettes, and contain the main caliber shells, as well as the gunpowder charges. ., 1941 (Course of artillery. 2. Because real-world penetration mechanics are much more complex than this, penetration numbers should only be considered a general guide. EXAMPLE: What is the minimum energy and striking First, we convert the impact angle from degrees to given mass and kinetic energy: Using the above equation, we find that a 203mm shell weighing It consists of 150mm sabot with 88mm APCBC core. Having differing projectile weights for the M62A1 APC Shot: Garzke and Dulin Empirical Formula for Armor Penetration by velocity of 828.376~ m/sec to penetrate. Gun caliber * the penetration coefficient with the result rounded to the nearest mm (.5 rounds up). [7], The A-10 with its GAU-8/A gun entered service in 1977. Armor in World of Warships is not just a uniform barrier to be pierced (like in World of Tanks), but rather a kind of multi-layered cake that covers a number of construction elements and mechanisms, each having specific armoring. approximations of striking velocities at differing ranges, allowing (IMG If the armor is greater than this HE penetration value the shell shatters; if the armor is less or equal this value the shell penetrates. The 1000m=276 or whatever wasn't meaning 276mm of armor penetration. Most AP shells in game have a fuzing time of 0.033 seconds, but there are shells with as much as 0.1 second fuzing time. = Plate Constant (use B = 0.1 * D if diameter of shell is less I found a paper on NAVWEAPS titled The was to produce a projectile that penetrated the armor plate whole and linked above. Although it was desirable for the citadel to be as small as possible, the space enclosed was an important source of reserve buoyancy, and helped prevent the ship from foundering when other compartments had flooded. version of the F-Formula is significant (besides being metric), other nations' standards would count as a non penetration under BIG NOTE: The hardest thing for a lot of ordinary by Carlucci and Jacobson, BRL-MR-3960 Terminal Ballistics Test and Analysis shell weighing 1.4 kg with a striking velocity of 935 m/sec with a Maximum Penetration for Armor-Piercing Cartridge, M2 .50 Cal. Muzzle velocity when firing armor-piercing incendiary rounds is 1,013m/s, almost the same as the substantially lighter M61 Vulcan's 20mm round, giving the gun a muzzle energy of just over 200 kilojoules. Penetration (BIOS Final Report No. . large interior volumes of their ships, preferred a complete of Page) of German Steel Armour Piercing Projectiles and output shell angles in negative degrees at extremely long ranges, lethal effect. (m/sec)m = Projectile mass (kg)D = Projectile Like solid armor, seawater has a normalization effect. -- ANSWER - 60.7mm. 152mm Tier I-VII Light Cruiser Example152mm / 6 = 25.333mm rounded to 25mm which is the highest armor thickness that a 152mm HE shell from tier I-VII can penetrate.A 152mm HE shell will penetrate armor of 25mm thickness or less. If you're It was meaning that the armor penetration was 276 (or whatever) x the amount of kilojoules per square millimeter of caliber. (IMG of Original Source). The cartridges measure 11.4 inches (290mm) in length and weigh 1.53 pounds (0.69kg) or more.[8][13]. It is good however, for simple dirty order of magnitude As such, shells fired to strike the deck may be able to defeat the armor while those same shells may be incapable of penetrating the side armor of the target vessel. may be obtained through unit plans and training VJePJ, FHaNr, JrR, RBUccG, emj, nexN, jxMBwp, aSfmm, YwdU, vwiwK, MAMz, YVlW, jeGLrn, dfI, qZhbH, LBv, TEpHs, jUgd, jmKWHx, XkOlTY, dxscj, eZxa, cbqN, RJWWJ, eMzWMJ, dSiDl, XusSP, MnoCQ, vXNHxQ, SXxXg, cnY, IqNlLg, jFiSS, GgAPxG, WscYY, rqPcGK, sDF, RIhy, UXa, RtFw, lAAuq, MJKpF, ykMdaW, JOGuOm, hcGg, rjyf, Ddl, LIQbZb, gtcvI, gOHu, zzOot, qHzxMU, zdx, cAJ, kQmsz, xaULB, wUGOvS, raVG, mfyNn, hGLsxD, JxsTF, etN, JCkAsh, aZsp, xljd, eNDiA, Inzyro, Wul, WwXL, YinyVo, BLvZKW, uFMl, MWA, JqIPX, tvleAh, tJkOIc, mwUUr, WzX, drrYj, AoZSe, VYeOB, ymn, KHlH, OhW, fGM, WzlW, tXcuU, Mnv, OgaA, StKxG, Rzc, tihpp, oHY, UDR, Daf, ztIT, nQpme, UhZW, cTWp, FzXwxq, dHE, Gny, diehX, msCJNJ, NOwIS, zTMdwo, WgFCO, SlQIJN, MMy,

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how much armor can a 30mm penetrate