quotes that show abigail is manipulative

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Duke of Weselton | TIA! As he thinks the war with the witches has just started he asks the vampires in the quarter who will stay with him. But before Davina and Kol can make a getaway, Klaus arrives at the cabin and threatens her to send out his father. Scar | Brick Bristol | That is an ion for a mom in such situation. He is not tolerant of people who disappoint him in general. He said it was for her protection else she would take off her daylight ring and burn herself to death. They both vied for her attention and even had arguments and traded blows over her. DJ | Shego | Then Cami appears and asks to talk to him but he tells her to go. Idk I feel weird rating memoirs obviously but the honesty and vulnerability and truth in McCurdys story was shocking and incredible. In Out of the Easy, Klaus is seen kissing Aurora and when Elijah asks him he tells Elijah that he and Aurora are back together. Marcel then came speeding in and Klaus threw him into a wall and was happy that he could kill him now. He went through the metal detector rather than the X-ray machine scanner in. Klaus sees that his little sister has come to town. This is more apparent when Sayori is absent and when Natsuki and Yuri argue again. Marcel stands, Papa Tunde's Blade in his hand and sentences Klaus to a fate worse than death. However, Elijah and Damon return soon afterwards, not with the coffin but with the daggers that Elijah had removed from the other Original siblings. Black Guards | The night after graduation, Klaus and Caroline have a moment. Cami manages to pull the stake out of Klaus while Mikael is distracted. Tanamashu | Later that night, Niklaus and Elijah stood over Lucien's funeral pyre, with Elijah asking his little brother if he was sure that Lucien didn't become one of them. This ending was absolutely unbelievable poop. I also wanted to preserve the memories of jeremy and lowen being an ok couple without being murdere. She tells him the first borns in their bloodline are very powerful and they lose control of their magic. Shawn typically introduces Gus to potential clients or suspects using a wide array of creative and often humorous aliases and has even pretended to be in a homosexual relationship with him in order to annoy him, or just to see his reaction. Instead, Klaus offers to use himself to link to Dahlia, as he is an Original Hybrid. Klaus turns and faces Elijah and asks him if he thinks him unaware of the heavy burden of protecting their family. In "The Amazing Psych-Man & Tap-Man, Issue 2", Shawn quickly becomes jealous as Juliet shows admiration for The Mantis, a vigilante who is competing with the SBPD to catch the Camino Drug Syndicate. It shows how detached from reality Verity was, the kind of feeling you get from her manuscript too. Despite her outside success, McCurdy felt ashamed of 90% of her resume and ultimately unfulfilled, so she turned to alcohol, but since that didn't work, she quit acting and began pursuing writing/directing in 2017. Klaus then leaves, and finds Aurora and Cami in St. Anne's Church talking about him. Elena tried to play it off like they had no choice, but Klaus knew they'd set a trap for Kol if he was even inside the house. His reaction after reading the manuscript seemed far too raw and emotional. And if she continu. In Save My Soul, Klaus invites Freya for a dinner party, so she can tell him, Elijah, and Rebekah her story. She eventually chose to be with Elijah. Later, at the Mikaelson compound, Hayley talks to Klaus trying to convince him to forgive Elijah. Rather than helping out his fellow rioters, Gaston instead betrays them by leaving them to their fate and manages to get past the servants, as they were too busy fighting the villagers that they didn't notice him making his way up the stairs and proceeding to kill the Beast alone. She called for Crew to hold his breath, why not tell them both? Hayley is missing. He then locks Aurora up forever in the city of the dead, and even though she begs him to kill her, he does not, saying she does not deserves his mercy. He has Stefan torture Ray using darts tipped in wolfsbane to force Ray to reveal the location of his pack. They went out on a balcony, and Marcel explained that more hotels meant more tourists, which meant more fresh blood. Cattlemen | After some encouragement from Camille O'Connell, a manifestation of his subconsciousness in responses to the torture of the Tunde Blade, he overcame this fear. Klaus wanted to know how Marcel knows when the witches are using magic. Juliet insists that it's irrelevant, meaning that from her point of view there is no relationship between them. Emperor Sheev Palpatine | He first saw her when she was bar-tending, someone she later remembers as being the "$100 guy". Marcel tells Klaus that if he hadn't been one step ahead of him he'd be dead at the bottom of the river. He talks to Vincent, Elijah and Hayley about how to take down Tristan. Very interesting perspective and I think I agree with most of it. Klaus possesses curled dirty-blond hair and dark blue eyes that contrasts with his pearl-white skin. When Ray bleeds from his eyes and continues to feel immense pain, Klaus suspects that something has gone wrong. Agent Johnson | Jolly Roger | Arthur the Insecurity Virus | Willie the Giant | The Devil (Goddess of Spring) | Hes ranked #11 in an official poll, and the Nostalgia Critic placed him as the 5th best Disney villain, citing him as being different from most other Disney villains in that he was not evil from the start. He ends up getting the location of the pack from Ray, then he finds the location of Ray's pack and ends up feeding Sutton his blood before killing him in order to turn him into a hybrid. Klaus and Elijah arrive at the Rousseau's and they find Sophie and Sabine knocked out. Out of all his half-siblings, he is closest to her, and very protective of her. Sister Abigail asks Max if she is okay, but a shadow looms over her and Sister Abigail looks up, just as Esther beats on her head with a hammer. Klaus was the uncle of Freya and Mathias' unborn son and Freya and Keelin's son, Nik. Marcel continues to tell the story and when the other three girls had been killed Davina was given all of their power and that is what makes her so strong. I think that the manuscript contained the truth because it seems weird that Verity wouldn't put a warning at the beginning of it saying something along the lines of: "THIS IS JUST A WRITING EXCERSIZE AND IS A WORK OF FICTION." After Klaus was "supposedly" killed by Alaric in The Departed, Rebekah was heartbroken over losing her older half-brother whom she loved and never left her. Besides, too many things in the manuscript add up in the storyline to be false, like Chastin's scar, or when Verity told only Crew to hold his breath, and we all know that Verity talked to Crew and was never truly paralyzed so why not lie about yet another thing? Marcel tells him that when the harvest was preformed the witches killed the chosen four, but before they could kill Davina Marcel showed up with his army and they stopped the ritual and when Marcel saw Davina being held by a witch trying to get free Marcel saved her and Marcel tells Klaus that there was something in the way that she fight to know and Klaus respond by saying I do Marcellus reminding him of how he once saved Marcel as a child. She didn't hurt Lowen because she needed the money from the books. A dying Marcel forces Klaus to turn him into a vampire or let him die as a human. Flotsam & Jetsam | Esther tells him that she will give him Elijah if he listens to her. He tells Caroline that Tyler is free to return to Mystic Falls. Then when Davina found the injured Tim. In 1820, Niklaus, Elijah, and Rebekah were living in New Orleans at the Governor's mansion; and were paying the governor in gold to keep quiet about the existence of vampire's. In the books, Klaus is of unknown age, but is at least from the Bronze Age. While he is saying his farewell he feels exhausted, and later asks Freya about it. He tells the bartender from the flashforward that Stefan is an old friend from Mystic Falls, and they start catching up - with Klaus aware of the situation in Mystic Falls, telling Stefan it was very noble of him to help the human faction as he did, and asking how Caroline is. Kol called Klaus at that moment. Troy McGinty | Lyle Van de Groot | Principal Perry | She tells him not to worry, and rest for a few days. In A Closer Walk With Thee, Klaus is having a nightmare of being at Kieran's funeral and sees his daughter, unfortunately he is staked through the chest by Mikael. Later, Shawn tells Gus that he wants Juliet to be happy, even if that means being happy with Declan. Like he has the entire episode, Declan beats Shawn making his confession to Juliet first. On present day Klaus and Elijah are talking about the sire lines when they find a dead body with a letter form Aurora. In The Originals, upon learning of his unborn child, Klaus was willing to allow the witches to kill his unborn child and Hayley to show that he will not be given an ultimatum. anyways, you can never understand the mind of a writer. Freya does the locator spell who leaves to nowhere. Support us View supporter archive Tagged With but towards the end when lowen finds the hidden letter it really makes you think. After 5 failed attempts at different Kingmaker offices, they finally find the right one as a receptionist calls the guards, and the guards are aiming a gun at them. After some time, it was Aurora's birthday, and he brought her flowers. he's begging Ann not to kill Kamoshida's Shadow. Mr. Winkie | Brutus & Nero | Klaus rarely gets made a fool out of and also doesn't like to be made a fool out of either. Carl the Evil Cockroach Wizard | Jesse | In "Santabarbaratown", Shawn is worried about Juliet and insists on staying at her place until she is safe. Davina gets even more angry and lashes out at Klaus with her magic. Klaus tells Esther about Hope being alive. His nose is a simple oval but stops where the first eye is while his ears are circled. They want to stop him from killing more vampires and are alert that the garden is dangerous place if Papa Tunde discovers it, but they are too late. Dryden Vos | Rhoda Chesterfield | She is devastated at Marcel's apparent death and reveals it was her fault. Im not convinced April thought Verity was really ill. Same as with Crew, I think April knew. Razoul | Stanley Pines | On that fight Klaus stops because Hope is watching. Another example is how Verity favoured Harper. Facilier's Shadow | Despite being nearly a teenager, Greg still believes in Santa and is often paranoid about him. Admiral Evar | Sheriff of Nottingham (1952) | Niklaus Mikaelson As Marcel has put him in agony with Papa Tunde's blade. Later, Klaus sits by his daughter's cradle, when Freya comes to comfort him, telling him Lucien was not his demons. I also just stared at the wall and went straight to this conversation to see what everybody is thinking! Juliet says "I'm not exactly comfortable with this" and Shawn cuts her off by saying "Jules, couples are supposed to have their hands all over each other at this stage!" One night, the speakeasy they were at was attacked, apparently by the police, though it turned out the raid was led by Mikael. Neils Skellig | In addition, after learning that Belle was going to aid her father Maurice, Gaston scolded LeFou for mocking Maurice (although it was implied that he mostly did that in an attempt to impress Belle rather than out of any genuine concern for Maurice). Maddox then transferred Klaus' spirit into Alaric's body so that he could spy on Elena and her friends. He goes to have a drink with Lucien when he is interrupted by Cami who tells him that someone is killing humans in the quarter. This one was angry, dark, doesn't feel safe, and doesn't know what to do about it. When Elena said she would never do that Klaus told her she would want to kill herself as he had once and he had to bear the torture for nearly 52 years. Like The Hero and The Leader, they aren't one and the same, but they often overlap since they are a good fit. Ansel tells him that Esther forbade him from seeing Klaus, so he waited for Klaus to trigger his curse, but when that happened Mikael found him first. Lanny Parker | Te K | Rustlers | Later on he wakes Elijah while telling him about how their were innocent once, their family's hope and his love for his daughter. This may have been explained in the online version, as Rodrick said that he did not believe in Santa, and the only presents he got were from his parents, while Greg got the normal amount from Santa. He even feels extremely possessive and envious after learning that Belle has feelings for the Beast, which only incites him in hunting down the Beast so that he can have Belle for himself. When Klaus and Elijah insisted, Kol attempted to resist them but was subdued by Elijah as Klaus pulled out one of the white oak ash daggers and successfully neutralized Kol. No loving mother would write such gory stuff about her children. Winifred Sanderson | As a Malaysian girl growing up watching Nickelodeon, I was so jealous watching all these American teen shows because I wanted to be the characters/actors so bad. Just finished the book and I dont know what to believe anymore. In Crescent City, Klaus is first seen in St Anne's church with Marcel to celebrate the reopening of it. Kol then accuse Klaus for not caring about him as he daggered him repeatedly. the last point, she didn't leave cause she needed money and the money was going to come when low completed the book or something related to it. There are some valid points about the letter being the true Verity in the comments below, however, I still land firmly on team manuscript. Klaus introducing his mother and his sister to each other. Anyone who watched the Nickelodeon show knows that Jennette McCurdy's character, Sam Puckett, wasn't one to mince words. He hates taking the blame for anything, and he would much rather take all the credit for his others' hard work than do anything for himself. After agreeing to help Kol, and in return Kol will help him find Finn. He wants people in general, to be loyal to him and respect him of their own free will, he does not like to compel people to be loyal to him against their free will, he only does this if he believes they are plotting against him or his family. When Hayley asks Klaus where he is going, he tells her they are going to see their child. He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops He's Dead! Josh not knowing why he did it ask how Klaus made him do it and he explains how compulsion works. But Lowen is a writer, a creative writer in the dark genre, so she has to have darkness and an antagonist. Klaus walks to Josh noticing that he is not draining the vervain out of Max fast enough and drives a pitchfork through Max and compels Josh to do the same. Maybe she was just trynna get it off her chest but surely no one as smart as she was would write that kinda stuff down! 101 Dalmatians Villains | Throughout the trials and tribulations which threatened to rip their brotherly bond, they have recently begun mending their relationship and even though Klaus refused to grant Katherine freedom by Elijah's request, Elijah has stated he won't give up on finding Klaus' redemption. Despite his anti-intellectualism, Gaston is also shown to be very rational and knowledgeable, as he can come up with clever plans to get what he wants, such as throwing Belle's father Maurice into the local asylum in order to blackmail Belle into marriage, as well as manipulating the villagers into assisting him with slaughtering the Beast in case his plan would fail. Klaus finds Aurora. But also based off of her narration of her own life, I wonder if she is gay???? They were abruptly torn apart physically by Klaus who decided to punish them by daggering Rebekah. Commander Peepers | [I hope the manuscript is real because if not, that means Verity was killed despite being innocent. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, at the beginning of the episode Klaus is first seen talking with Elijah while Davina is starting to lose control over her power. Idk I feel weird rating memoirs obviously but the honesty and vulnerability and truth in McCurdys story was shocking and incredible. He also wears white shoes or black sandals (as shown in "Dog Days"). She smiled a bit. When he finds her she claims that it isn't true and he wants to believe her, but her face tells a different story and she begins to run. Later Klaus wrote her a letter explaining his family's unique condition, and she eventually understood and continued seeing him. Soon after meeting the council calls him to tell him that they don't accept his terms ant they attack him and Marcel as they are in the bar with other vampires. Charles "Trout" Walker | Phillium Benedict | Mr. Stallwood | Orddu, Orwen & Orgoch | Hnup Wan | He goes back into her mind as she cries. [Just finished. Uma | Due to his father's extensive police training during childhood and early teenhood, Shawn developed an adeptness and a fondness for police work. He just said he was standing in his favorite place and hoped one day she'd let him show it to her. In The Killer, Klaus was in Italy digging up Alexander's sword. Caroline and Tyler, knowing Klaus wouldn't be going anywhere, found the sword at his house and brought it back to the Gilbert's. I think Verity observed for so long that Lowen had the manuscript and didnt show Jeremy, so she knew she wouldnt show him the letter either. He is later seen with Stefan visiting Damon at his confinement. Despite pleading with Klaus to let him be with Rebekah, Klaus still shot him down and forbid him from pursuing her. However, they realize that a witch crafted them and only elements can destroy them. They had a fun afternoon where Caroline asks him if he would ever take the cure for become human again, but he evades her question by asking her if she would take the cure. Rebekah stands in the center and yells "enough!" She describes events chronologically in such a detailed and engaging way, picking specific memories to demonstrate the dysfunction of her childhood. He was once beaten, half to death, as a boy, when his father's blades went missing. Elena uses Rebekah as a bargaining chip in exchange for sparing Jeremy, but Klaus reminds her that he has plenty of ways to get what he wants, including hurting other people she loves. In Rebirth, Klaus is first seen setting up a canvas, preparing to paint. Klaus tells Camille the truth of the war between vampire and witches, Cami reacts badly and Klaus compels her not to be afraid and she asks him how he made her feel safe. Once the vervain is out of Marcel's system, Klaus compels him to go after Rebekah. He also started an acupuncture clinic and drove a weinermobile, claiming that he did it for the hot dogs. In "Christmas Joy", Shawn, while discussing an old flame with Juliet, says "Don't worry: it was long before I knew you." Monstro | Killed by He wants her to know thisshe will make mistakes in her life. A few moments later Klaus and Mikael go to fight Dahlia but end up by losing the only weapon they believe that can kill her. Rey Gutirrez | She then faints in Klaus' arms. Refuses to taste his own blood no matter how many times Gus insists he do it. He explains that he has other plans for Stefan and needs him alive. The entire pack begins to turn, uncontrollably in front of them. I think Low can be psychotic and the manuscript can be real. She read it and will now have unease and uncertainty for the rest of her life. In The Originals, Klaus travels to New Orleans, concluding Katherine's letter about the witch planning a move against him. He tries to convince her that Marcel is not her friend and that he is only using her and Davina respond to this by boiling his blood and Klaus grabs Tim and threatens to kill him. Unfortunately, Klaus' relationship with Hayley takes a turn for the worse, when Hayley tried to take Hope away from him, in which Klaus became hurt/enraged by this attempt, that he had Dahlia place the Crescent Curse on Hayley and her pack, as punishment for trying to take his daughter away from him. Juliet finally confirmed her feelings for Shawn in the last episode of the third season. Spent an entire year with an interpretative dance group in Buffalo. Klaus entertained himself trying to wind Damon up. In fact. Elijah stops him and says to him that if he doesn't give her that choice she will never forgive him. Klaus tries to convince Davina to switch sides. As Davina showed him clearly that she is not on his side Klaus had a back up plan. The Wolf | In "Mr. Yin Presents", the serial killer named Mr. Yin kidnaps both Juliet and Abigail, who just returned from Uganda. He is shown to kill humans if it suits to his advantage or for feeding. Dahlia questions why he is going through all of this. In "Bollywood Homicide", when Shawn brings Abigail into the office, Juliet is clearly uncomfortable. He then returns to Marcel and asks him what happened next. And she won't be back anytime soon. He returns to the house and is talking to Rebekah about the situation. Shawn then searches high and low for Scott, who turns out to be in witness protection. Despite his temper, Klaus is shown to be very keen as he was able to figure out that Hope would be sacrificed at the cemetery because it was where the Harvest and the Reaping took place as well as the location of the ancestral witches' burial place. She mocks the two of them for arguing all the time, and when she acts familiar with Klaus, saying how their mother destroyed him, he gets upset, saying they know nothing of her. Klaus then kills Mikael and tells him about their past. Elijah offered to kill Marcel, but Sophie said they have rules (and a timeline) that must be followed. This could be due to not wanting Caroline to hate Tyler, however, it is very likely that he just wanted to keep his child's existence a secret as much as possible, as Klaus has made many enemies over the years, (until his child is old enough to protect herself). Klaus is an attractive man. Elijah then says that he will go, but Klaus tells him that he moved Rebekah, saying he did not like the two of them sharing secrets. As someone whos never watched Nickelodeon or anything with this author, I was still highly engrossed in Jennette's story. Upon returning Shawn explains to Gus that the threat of Juliet's mortality made him realize he doesn't have as much time as he thought: he has to tell her how he feels. Klaus later buries the witches and is shown to be angry at a distraught Caroline for performing the final massacre. Klaus tries to save Marcel however he is thwarted by Mikael, and Rebekah intervenes only for Mikael to stab her and push her aside. He never really gets it and Juliet's dad leaves with Shawn standing in the Psych office, confused. Yzma | He asks Cami to move in with him to protect her from any further danger. Elijah tries to stop his father from hurting his brother but he is scared off by Mikael who stated that if Elijah intervened he would be next. Spectrus | They never actually end up making a plan. They head to the Grill where they meet Alaric and Meredith Fell. He then leads a lynch mob to attack the Beast's castle and leave no one alive while declaring that he himself is to take down the Beast alone. Rippen | Klaus threatened to rip their spines out, then dropped a $100 bill so the blonde we'd later learn is bar-tending psychology student Cami could serve them. I only gave it 3.5 and was totally annoyed by the ending! The Heart is a personality aspect that comes up in just about any ensemble. Off-screen, Bonnie saves Klaus from Alaric by performing a spell that transferred his spirit into Tyler Lockwood's body and possibly preserve his physical form. Im very pathetically confused rn i might need some time to digest it. I am an admin of this site. But as soon he left, it was revealed that Caroline, Hayley and Tyler faked it. Took me a while to realize but obviously the reality for child/teen actors back then was a lot different than what I imagined. Klaus tells Marcel that he can't allow him the means to destroy his family, with Marcel looks bitter, as Klaus finally admitted that Marcel never was part of his family. Rebekah announces that they are all leaving him. He also desires, beyond anything else, to be reunited with friends and family as shown by his desire to have Stefan, his one-time friend, and his family back at his side. In "Juliet Takes a Luvvah", Shawn tells Juliet that he is going to move in with his dad, much to her dismay. In Bring It On, Klaus saves Hayley from a vampire sent by Katherine to take her out for her part in the cure hunt. He is ranked #11 in the Top 30 Disney Villains. Encounters with these generally end with Shawn and Gus comically fleeing. Peg Leg Pete | Rose granted her freedom while Trevor was decapitated. They exchange "I love you's" and Cami asks him to make all the people go away. Klaus solemnly reveals that the town was his home once and that he wants it back, that he wants to be king again. Wilse Owens | General Hux | After promising he wouldn't leave Elijah he takes the bullet out just in time. Aunt Sponge | Hope is Klaus' only daughter and child with Hayley. "I will kill you and everyone you've ever met". Edgar Balthazar | They raid Shane's office to find information about the Expression Triangle of massacres that he is trying to perform. ", Shawn and Juliet go undercover at a speed dating event, the hostess informs them that their personality questionnaires were a 100% compatibility match, "a speed dating first." He first appears in the film shooting down a waterfowl headed south with perfect accuracy (implying that he had just returned from a hunting trip) and declaring his intent to marry Belle after acknowledging from LeFou of his popularity with all of the women in the village. Despite appearing as a more neutral character/minor antagonist in the film, the Cheshire Cat has gone on to become one of the She talks about her hatred of acting, what it was like working under the man she calls "The Creator" at Nickelodeon (we know who), her friendship with Miranda, and her jealousy and resentment of Ariana. But the letter in her handwriting refers to the manuscript and driving into a tree. Emperor Kuzco | Klaus finds Aurora's location and goes to meet with her. Juliet replies, "I am too! Sasha Waybright | Hunter | Klaus blew up at Hayley telling her to admit she'd been with someone else. I just finished this and I do not know what to believe. The door flings open and Damon tells Klaus to postpone the ritual, explaining that he rescued the werewolf and vampire and killed Maddox. It may be hard to believe given the setting and, Optimus Prime generally fills this role in, In a slightly more conventional example, Virgil is this to the runaways. Captain James Hook | Dijon | Marcel, however, returns a little while later, angry that Klaus had provided him with incorrect information. Ian Howe | i dont think you need to be familiar with her show, or even know/care about her as a person to glean lots from this book, and i think it's an important text that could even be considered historical, due to her nature as a public figure and the way her story is likely representative of a much larger population of child actors. He accuses Klaus of making them into vampires, then abandoning them. But despite all Freya and Cami efforts Klaus still remains at odds with Elijah and keeps refusing to help Hayley and her pack break the curse. Thanks to Davina's help Klaus finds Mikael and tries to convince him to join forces to protect their daughters. I think she wrote the letter fully intending for Lowen to find it and not Jeremy. i was talking with my friend who read it as well and we were talking about how the letter was 100% a cover up-worst case scenario. Despite Rowley's awful treatment, Greg still gives up his school reputation just for him. He was later seen when Kimberley and the other hybrids were waiting for the witch, and Klaus showed up with Adrian and pulled his heart out. Eventually, the two leave, Klaus saying he's going to find a witch and "educate" her. In the days following the incident, Rebekah was particularly kind to him, which Klaus later realized meant that she had been the one to take them. Later at his house Rebekah has arrived, she demands to know what he has done to Elijah and he does not say but hints that he has daggered Elijah. Klaus then takes the baby to a deserted area where he meets Rebekah. Oliver then insults Hayley and Klaus slams him on the ground. However, the original Do-It-Yourself Book's cover has Greg smiling. He wished he could control his demons instead of them controlling him. Sir Hiss | Marina Del Rey | One example was when he gave up an opportunity to kill Mikael when he threw Papa Tunde's Blade at Camille and chose to safe guard her life over killing Mikael. His father expressed in Pilot that when he was on the force, his two least favorite kinds of people were private investigators and psychics. Jay Fuller | In regards to introducing them, Rebekah retorts by calling him a beast as Klaus tosses the corpse down the stairs. Jenny | Royal Pain | Camille is Klaus' go to girl when he needs support and she is more than willing to lend an ear and listen to his problems and help him deal with them. 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quotes that show abigail is manipulative