making biodiesel with ethanol

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Lye is very hygroscopic, it absorbs moisture from the air; summer humidity in Hong Kong is usually about 80% at 30 deg C or more, and the lye rapidly got wet, making it less effective. Getting rid of his filtering setup has made room for a settling tank. If the WVO has been filtered or settled to clear, any solid particles that get as far as the processor are small and won't affect the processing. Getting rapid medical attention is crucial, though the poisoning effects can be slow to develop. Wear proper protective gloves, apron, and eye protection and do not inhale any vapours. The lethal dose of methanol for humans is not known for certain. This notice has been updated as a result of the UK leaving the EU. The following paragraphs explain the procedure to follow. This is how Tom does it: Organic vapor cartridge respirators are more or less useless against methanol vapors. Don't let it get too hot or the methanol will evaporate. -- Summary But it definitely can kill you. If you still have difficulties, try to find a source of better-quality oil. How much to use. Biodiesel from new oil Biofuels (This might not be the best time to suggest collecting large amounts of oil for full-scale production, leave that for later, unless they suggest it first.) -- and at other websites. Quite so. Suppliers of biodiesel for off-road use should charge you the rebated rate. Or try using a glycerine pre-wash to lower the Free Fatty Acid level and dry the oil (see below, Glycerine pre-wash). National standards for biodiesel All the various processing methods use averages and approximations because processors and conditions vary so widely. Duda's Alternative Energy Store supplies phenolphthalein solution in convenient 18 ml dropper bottles, enough for about 180 titrations, buy online: -- Joe, Biofuel mailing list Again, people want to "speed up" the process by using a centrifuge instead of settling (or instead of washing, in some cases). If the weather is cold, warming the oil first helps for mixing as well as settling: pre-heat to about 30 deg C (86 deg F). There's no need to filter your biodiesel before using it either. Engine conversion Water mixed with oil will not boil at the same temperature and pressure as pure water. Methanol can cause blindness and death. With used oil, titration with NaOH to check the acid content has become the de-facto comparative measure of different oils -- whether they use NaOH or KOH in their processing, when describing oils most biodiesel brewers refer to however many millilitres of NaOH solution it needed to titrate the oil. This is how Tom does it: Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein solution. If you want to make it yourself, there are good recipes available for making top-quality biodiesel, and they say what we also say: some of these chemicals are dangerous, take full safety precautions. We use an ordinary 1/2 hp clear water pump with two inlet pipes to suck in glycerine and wvo. Make sure you followed the instructions exactly. The Biofuels and Other Fuel Substitutes (Payment of Excise Duties, etc) Regulations 2004, Regulation 10 and11. You need to be quick when measuring out the lye because it rapidly absorbs water from the atmosphere and water interferes with the biodiesel reaction. He's a tinkerer, and came up with an elaborate filtering/dewatering system. You could try spraying it on half a small patch of weeds and don't spray the other half to see what happens. What we do is use at least 10/90 weight ratio: 10kg of glycerine for 90kg of waste oil. 9. Make sure the chemicals you're using are top-quality. Either KOH or NaOH can be used in all of the various biodiesel methods, whether it's the basic single-stage base method, the two-stage base-base method, or the two-stage acid-base method. See Washing Many not only titrate the oil every time to calculate the right amount of lye to use, they also do "bracket" tests in sequence, followed by wash tests. The control of photorespiration across the food crops of the world could double yields." This oil is very clear and requires very little drying. Most people use a pH meter or phenolphthalein solution, and that's what we recommend. Mike Pelly's recipe By appearance, best to worst, left to right This oil is very clear and requires very little drying. Water mixed with oil will not boil at the same temperature and pressure as pure water. It is certainly a poor picture of what's going on with biodiesel here" The minimum lethal dose of methanol in the absence of medical treatment is put at between 0.3 and 1 g/kg. Using a mini-processor. Repeat until finished. Keith checks the pH of the waste oil. Where appropriate we will quote the law and we will use the titles and abbreviations used above. Biodiesel However, one-litre test batches are not just something for beginners. Accurate measurements RFA, TRANSCAER Ethanol Safety Seminars various dates January 2019 . Now, on an energy basis given that ethanol has 67% of the energy content of a barrel of oil, that translates to $76.86 on a barrel-of-oil-equivalent basis. Fact: There is no free methanol in washed biodiesel. This eliminates the tediousness of having to constantly backtrack to where the new concept was introduced." 4. You have progressively more technical information layered in an escalating and logical fashion. I adjust the inlet openings to regulate the mixing. Apart from chemicals and some beakers, syringes and so on, the only thing we bought was a set of scales. (If you don't have any vinegar handy, just use lots of water.) Don't use "open" reactors -- biodiesel processors should be closed to the atmosphere, with no fumes escaping. Fact: Methanol is a poisonous chemical that can blind you or kill you, and as well as drinking it you can absorb it through the skin and breathe in the fumes. You don't have to convert the engine to run it on biodiesel, but you might need to make some adjustments and you should check a few things. More about methanol Chemicals needed Check that the blender seals are in good order. There were four 16-litre cans of it, a mix of used cooking oil and residual beef and chicken fats. Jatropha oil contains approximately 14% free FA, approximately 5% higher than soapnut oil. Biodiesel must be washed before use to remove soaps, excess methanol, residual lye, free glycerine and other contaminants. Take the number of millilitres of 0.1% lye solution you used and add the basic amount of lye needed to process fresh oil -- 3.5 grams for NaOH or 4.9 grams for (pure) KOH. I adjust the inlet openings to regulate the mixing. Titration results, left to right: 2.2 ml, 29.5 ml, 1.7 ml, 0.9 ml, 13 ml Straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel It's a natural component of blood, urine, saliva and the air you breathe out. Summary -- html The lye catalyst can be either potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (caustic soda, NaOH). Using a known temperature and a vacuum gauge is a very repeatable way of drying oil. However, one-litre test batches are not just something for beginners. Also from soapmakers' suppliers and from chemicals suppliers. The basic lye quantity -- 3.5 grams? Fact: Methanol is readily biodegradable in the environment under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions (with and without oxygen) in a wide variety of conditions. Do diesels have a future? The threshold does not apply separately to each individual producer at the same premises - or sets of premises. The methoxide is mixed like this -- Methoxide the easy way, which also happens to be the safe way. The duty rate of bioethanol at the time of publication is the same as that of unleaded petrol. See instructions here. (Don't worry that you seem to be adding millilitres to grams, that's the way it works.) See Natural test papers -- Cabbage, Turmeric, Brazil, Dahlia, Elderberry, Indigo, Litmus, Rose, Rhubarb. It's not a very common problem, but it happens. It is possible to bring the FFA level to zero if you use large amounts of glycerine (if you happen to have accumulated large amounts). That means it's thought to take at least 20 grams of methanol to kill an average-sized person, or 25 ml, five teaspoonsful. We don't have much time for centrifuges either, for similar reasons. With KOH, the process is the same as with NaOH, but you need to use 1.4 times as much (1.4025), and it comes in various concentrations -- see More about lye and Using KOH. 2. Shake up the solution vigorously for a few seconds and then place it onto a level surface for observance. Homepage We used 2 litres of methanol to 10 litres of vegetable oil, and 3.5 grams of NaOH per litre of oil -- 35 grams for 10 litres. If the oil contains salts or semi-soluble fatty acids, distillation is even more difficult. > I did notice that a lot of the chemistry in the book was wrong. Methanol is the main or only ingredient in barbecue fuel or fondue fuel, sold in supermarkets and chain stores as "stove fuel" and used at the dinner table. Biodiesel processors Lowering pressure in the system alone may be insufficient to sustain vaporization when the solution becomes concentrated (the molar fraction of the solute greatly exceeds that of the solvent). Straight vegetable oil Mixing the methoxide Use the " Methoxide the easy way " method -- it's also the safe way. If not, then see What should you do if your fuel doesn't pass the wash-test? Getting rapid medical attention is crucial, though the poisoning effects can be slow to develop. Inspect or sample any biofuel found on those premises. Chemicals for processing waste oil All the various processing methods use averages and approximations because processors and conditions vary so widely. For test batches, some suppliers sell small quantities as well as bulk, try chemicals suppliers. You can do it too it's proof that the step-by-step instructions you'll find here and Journey to Forever's backyard brewers' cheapo kitchen-sink quality tests will indeed guide you to a top-quality product that will make any diesel engine happy, and keep it that way. (See above, Mixing the methoxide.) The time it takes will depend on the gallons per minute rate of your pump, which is not the same for viscous oil, so measure and compute the time required for one or two cycles. FFAs interfere with the transesterification process for making biodiesel. Shake the container a few times -- swirl it round rather than shaking it up and down. Turn the bottle on its side and roll it about with your hands until oil and water are well mixed and homogenous. Corn . For fire risks, see Hazards The first five times we did this, using 10 litres of waste oil each time, we got biodiesel (a bit darker than the new oil product) and glycerine three times, and twice we got jelly. Basic titration Search the Journey to Forever website click HERE, En espaol More about methanol It might clear quickly, or it might take a few days. NOTE: Beginners should avoid poor-quality oil like this for their first test-batches with used oil. See: Phenolphthalein Chemicals for processing waste oil No (See Ethyl esters.) Lye However, one-litre test batches are not just something for beginners. I repeatedly suggested that he trust gravity. Environmental effects due to exposure to methanol are unlikely. Getting rid of his filtering setup has made room for a settling tank. We use an ordinary 1/2 hp clear water pump with two inlet pipes to suck in glycerine and wvo. Be sure to check the fuel filters regularly at first. The main danger is when the methanol is hot -- when it's cold or at "room temperature" it fumes very little if at all and it's easily avoided, just keep it at arm's length whenever you open the container. Ethanol is a simple alcohol with the molecular formula of C 2 H 5 OH. However, one-litre test batches are not just something for beginners. The EU biodiesel standard specifies less than 0.2% methanol content. Biodiesel resources on the Web NOTE: Beginners should avoid poor-quality oil like this for their first test-batches with used oil. If I can understand this anyone can." We used sodium lye drain-cleaner (NaOH, sodium hydroxide) bought in small plastic containers at a local hardware store, not always very fresh. You have just made high-quality diesel fuel. It's all quite simple really, very few biodiesel homebrewers are chemists or technicians, there's nothing a layman can't understand, and do, and do it well. Keep going, step by step. Keith checks the pH of the waste oil. To complete your registration you must also provide information about each of your sites or premises to HMRC using form: EX103, if youre a sole trader, unincorporated partnership or other unincorporated body, EX103A, if youre a limited company or a limited liability partnership (LLP). Community development|Rural development You can get it from chemicals suppliers. Straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel I then pour the top 80% of each cubie into a 55 gal drum and consolidate the bottom 20% of 5 cubies into 1. Many people filter their WVO before making biodiesel, but filtering takes time and energy, and there's really no need to filter it. Measure out the lye and mix it with the methanol to make sodium methoxide or potassium methoxide -- it will get slightly hotter and take a little longer to mix as there's more lye this time. Add the biodiesel and the water as above. Accurate measurements If it's poor quality oil with a high titration level, heat it first, as in de-watering (above), and then let it settle. (It's better to start with smaller one-litre test batches.) Biodiesel must be washed before use to remove soaps, excess methanol, residual lye, free glycerine and other contaminants. Water mixed with oil will not boil at the same temperature and pressure as pure water. See also: See Washing Settling See More about lye.) This mixture is sodium methoxide, a powerful corrosive base -- take full safety precautions when working with sodium methoxide, have a source of running water handy, along with a bottle of vinegar -- quench any splashes on the skin with vinegar, thern rinse thoroughly with running water. Hydrogenated oil, shortening, margarine "Vegetable oils are made to react with an alcohol, usually methanol,. Full document -- Acrobat file, 104kb Short answer: Anything from five teaspoons to more than half a pint, but nobody really knows.

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making biodiesel with ethanol