generalized propensity score in r

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. For multi-category treatments with link = "logit" or "probit", the default is to use multinomial logistic or probit regression using the mlogit package. If the treatment variable is an ordered factor, MASS::polr() from the MASS package is used to fit ordinal regression unless link = "br.logit", in which case brglm2::bracl() from brglm2 is used. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(4), 23892415. To generate the set of confounders and the corresponding bivariate exposure we can use the function gen_D() as shown below. 42, No. Hirano K, Imbens GW (2004). The GPS is constructed using the conditional density of the exposure given a set of confounders. An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies. See get_w_from_ps() for details. When using OLS regression, one can determine . The standardized residuals of the treatment model will be fed through this function to produce the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score weights. The methods allow estimation of a dose-response surface relating the joint distribution of multiple continuous exposure variables to an outcome. That gives us a result of $960 (output not shown). In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores with a parametric generalized linear model and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. In most cases, the generalized propensity score model performs comparably to the Oracle model. percentile (Crump et al. doi:10.1037/a0024918. In the code below I have a quick look at the resulting density of weights. The missing values in the covariates are then replaced with 0s (this value is arbitrary and does not affect estimation). These weights are constructed such that the numerator is equal to the marginal density, with the denominator corresponding to the conditional density, i.e., the multivariate generalized propensity score. 2018). Description: This project is to make resources (data and code) for the book "Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R" (by Walter Leite, published by Sage Publications in 2017) freely available, and to update these resources as research on propensity score analysis progresses. In addition, kernel density estimation can be used instead of assuming a specific density for the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score by setting use.kernel = TRUE. Unfortunately, this is not a trivial assump- tion. doi:10.1002/sim.5753, Hong, G. (2012). this data set include participation in the job training program (treat, which is equal to 1 of the (generalized) propensity score and the outcome are misspecied, which is likely to happen. It takes integer values between 0 and 250. Posted on April 8, 2017 by Peter's stats stuff - R in R bloggers | 0 Comments. A . See get_w_from_ps() for details. In the presence of missing data with link = "logit" and missing = "saem", additional arguments are passed to miss.glm and predict.miss.glm, except the method argument in predict.miss.glm is replaced with saem.method. doi:10.3102/1076998609359785, - SAEM logistic regression for missing data, Jiang, W., Josse, J., & Lavielle, M. (2019). 2007, W aernbaum 2012). The default link is "logit", but others, including "probit", are allowed. To estimate the ATE, you compute each unit's weight as the inverse of the probability of being in the group they are in. Simultaneously estimate stabilized inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTW) using joint normal density for marginal distribution of exposure. Naimi, A. I., Moodie, E. E. M., Auger, N., & Kaufman, J. S. (2014). causal parameters. This is frequently done using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. The doubly robust approach to regression modelling to identify causal effects uses weights from propensity score matching as well as a regression. Other arguments to weightit() are passed to in glm(). Definitely, one of the appeals of weighting (rather than matching) is that it should make the overall process more suitable for sitting inside a bootstrap. Data Generating. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(4), 23892415. Denote any possible vector of covariates determining treatment by z and define the M -variate conditional joint density of t 1, , t M given z as g ( t, z) = f T i | Z i ( t | z). . Explicitly these two equations are defined as. Weight trimming and propensity score weighting. Propensity score methods, which are a series of balancing methods in these studies, have become increasingly popular by virtue of the two major advantages of dimension reduction and design. These original methods Adjusting for the propensity score is very complicated with multicategory treatments. For binary treatments with link = "logit" or continuous treatments, a stochastic approximation version of the EM algorithm (SAEM) is used via the misaem package. This can be helpful when mlogit is slow or fails to converge. Epub 2018 Feb 8. \mathbf{C}_{1},\dots,\mathbf{C}_{m} for each logical indicator for whether C is a single matrix of common And with respect to the doubly robust approach: you need to get at least one of the two models (and preferably both) nearly right in order for weighting to help much. There are papers suggesting that under some circumstances, estimating a shaky causal model and a shaky selection model should be doubly robust. We use the generalized propensity score to adjust for confounding based on continuous treatment, and the general additive model to analyze the adjusted association between treatment and the outcome conditional on the propensity score. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000627, McCaffrey, D. F., Griffin, B. Covariate balancing propensity score for a continuous treatment: application to the efficacy of political advertisements. Zhu Y, Coffman DL, Ghosh D (2015). We therefore achieve 2.57 times reduction in bias. In this case we can also note that the effective sample size after weighting 163.8253 is still sufficiently large that we not worried about loss of power. in real-world applications (Kang et al. If use.kernel = TRUE, the arguments to the density() function. 1) Match () in Matching accepts a user's own propensity score (include it as the X parameter in the call to Match (). We can also see that by restricting to the convex hull we are avoiding areas with sparse data that are included in the product range domain. Theres a good overview in the MatchIt vignette. This method can be used with binary, multinomial, and continuous treatments. However, in many real-world settings, there are multiple exposures occurring simultaneously . Outcome analysis without the use of propensity scores 2. This method can be used with binary, multinomial, and continuous treatments. 8, pp. Propensity score (PS) 1, as defined by Rosenbaum and Rubin, is the probability of receiving certain treatments, conditional on observed baseline covariates , and is estimated by using modeling to predict treatment allocation with covariates. (2009). The GBM parameter defaults are those found in Zhu, Coffman, & Ghosh (2015). (2017) recently. Checking balance as shown above is one of the key diagnostics to determining the legitimacy of this assumption in practice. Suppose that we have a binary treatment indicator Z, a response variable r, and background observed covariates X. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 35(5), 499531. However, in practice, observational analyses require large administrative databases or surveys, which inevitably will have missingness in the covariates. Description. Positivity posits that all units have the potential to receive a particular level of exposure given any value of the confounders. Matching on generalized propensity scores with continuous exposures. These methods require matching on only a scalar function of generalized propensity scores. doi:10.1214/19-AOAS1282, Yoshida, K., Hernndez-Daz, S., Solomon, D. H., Jackson, J. W., Gagne, J. J., Glynn, R. J., & Franklin, J. M. (2017). Warning messages may appear otherwise about non-integer successes, and these can be ignored. The following estimands are allowed: ATE, ATT, ATC, ATO, and ATM. A frequently-used family of analytical methods to deal with this are grouped under propensity score matching (although not all these methods literally match). One of the criticisms of this inverse probability of treatment weighting approach is that individual observations can get very high weights and become unduly influential. You dont need to limit yourself to simple comparisons, although in principle they should work. The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. fit the model without weights. The effect size of the confounders vary for each exposure. Author Peter C . Theories behind propensity score analysis assume that the covariates are fully observed (Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1983, 1984). Morgan and Winship report in a footnote that the bootstrap does not to work particularly well for matching in particular, because the resampling process leaves fewer distinct cases to match to during the propensity modelling stage. These methods have recently become popular in psychological research. Li, F., Morgan, K. L., & Zaslavsky, A. M. (2018). An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies. Using a t-distribution can be useful when extreme outcome values are observed (Naimi et al., 2014). Program failure! The International Journal of Biostatistics, 9(2). # #this is the code that was used to generate the example results in the book #As the R software and the R packages used in this example are updated frequently #some incompatibilities between the current code and new R versions or package versions #may appear #Any updates to . Researchers to directly. If blank, dnorm() is used as recommended by Robins et al. effective way to protect extreme weights is to trim them at a particular For continuous treatments, link can be any of those allowed by gaussian(). MatchIt includes a subsample of the original data consisting 5. Annals of Applied Statistics, In-Press. We can see that our method mvGPS achieves the best balance across both exposure dimensions. if participated in the program, and 0 otherwise), age (age), years of education (educ), race Instead, use the propensity to form inverse probability weights and fit an outcome regression model to the weighted sample. Theres a good critical discussion in this article by Freedman and Berk: Regressions can be weighted by propensity scores in order to reduce bias. Notice that by trimming we are further restricting our domains to high density regions of the exposure. Imai K, Van Dyk DA (2004). For methods other than mvGPS which can only estimate univariate continuous exposure, each exposure is fit separately so that weights are generated for both exposures. There is growing interest in developing methods for propensity score estimation with multi-valued treatments. Other arguments to density() can be specified to refine the density estimation parameters. See get_w_from_ps() for details. The regression below estimates a treatment effect of $1,183. Ive done some simulations exploring this issue but a write-up will have to wait for a separate post. The weight estimation then proceeds with this new formula and set of covariates. For binary treatments, the output of the call to glm(). The following additional arguments can be specified: The link used in the generalized linear model for the propensity scores. In our case since the bivariate exposure is assumed to be bivariate normal, we can break both the numerator and denominator into full conditional densities knowing that each univariate conditional expression will remain normally distributed. This tutorial offers researchers with a broad survey of PSM, ranging from data preprocessing to estimations of propensity scores, and from matching to analyses. This practical book uses a step-by-step analysis of realistic examples to help students understand the theory and code for implementing propensity score analysis with the R statistical language. confounders for all exposures. Causal inference with general treatment regimes: generalizing the propensity score. Intuitively, treatment cases that resemble the controls are interesting and given more weight, and control cases that look like they should have got the treatment are interesting and get more weight. Sampling weights are supported through s.weights in all scenarios except for multinomial treatments with link = "bayes.probit" and for binary and continuous treatments with missing = "saem" (see below). By construction our marginal correlation of D is a function of parameters from the distribution of C, coefficients of conditional mean equations, and conditional covariance parameter. If blank, dnorm() is used as recommended by Robins et al. Lastly, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of propensity . Weights can also be computed using marginal mean weighting through stratification for the ATE, ATT, and ATC. Balancing covariates via propensity score weighting. If FALSE, the argument to the density parameter is used instead. That is, each observation is given weight of the inverse of the probability of the treatment they actually got. #contains overall summary statistics with respect to balance, #adding in ESS with last value representing the unweighted case, weak ignorability, aka, unconfoundedness, aka, selection on observables. The extension of propensity score methods to quantitative exposures has been referred to as the generalized propensity score (GPS). prefix can be added (e.g., "br.logit"); this changes the fitting method to the bias-corrected generalized linear models implemented in the brglm2 package. The missingness indicators are added to the model formula as main effects. For our current development we specify f as multivariate normal, i.e.. \mathbf{D}\mid \mathbf{C}_{1},\dots,\mathbf{C}_{m}\sim N_{m}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \Sigma). For binary and multinomial treatments, a binomial or multinomial regression model is used to estimate the propensity scores as the predicted probability of being in each treatment given the covariates. A boosting algorithm for estimating generalized propensity scores with continuous treatments. (2000). The generalized propensity score (GPS) method allows a flexible modeling of the exposure-response function within a potential outcomes approach to causal inference. Following Robins et al. In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores with a parametric generalized linear model and then converting those propensity scores into weights using a formula that depends on the desired estimand. For multinomial treatments with use.mlogit = FALSE, a list of the glm() fits. The generalized propensity score is an extension of Assessing covariate balance when using the generalized propensity score with quantitative or continuous exposures Stat Methods Med Res. If investigators have a good causal model, it seems better just to For continuous treatments in the presence of missing data with missing = "saem", additional arguments are passed to miss.lm and predict.miss.lm. matrix of dimension n\times m, and that C is a list of length doi:10.3102/1076998609359785, - SAEM logistic regression for missing data, Jiang, W., Josse, J., & Lavielle, M. (2019). Moreover, in some cases, weighting will increase the bias in estimated Kennedy EH, Ma Z, McHugh MD, Small DS (2017). Note that trimming is applied at dose-response. Balance analysis prior to the implementation of propensity scores 3. In addition, kernel density estimation can be used instead of assuming a specific density for the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score by setting use.kernel = TRUE. 8, pp. This can also be supplied as a string containing the name of the function to be called. The results show that there is an association between the balance metrics and bias. MatchIt: Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference. (2000), we use the mvGPS to handle continuous exposures. The mean of the dose-response equation is shown below. and Dehejia and Wahba (1999). Id looked at the generalized linear model with binomial family response that was used for its propensity score matching, and noticed that age was showing up as unhelpful in determining treatment. If the string contains underscores, the call will be split by the underscores and the latter splits will be supplied as arguments to the second argument and beyond. The generalized propensity score in the M -dimensional continuous treatment is specified as follows. (2000). Naimi, A. I., Moodie, E. E. M., Auger, N., & Kaufman, J. S. (2014). The conditional density can be specified as normal or another distribution. 2) A Stata package for the application of semiparametric estimators of dose-response functions (2014). To deal with treatment endogeneity, we conduct a Generalized Propensity Score analysis (GPS) and apply a novel application of the Dose-Response Function model. Yet their applications to evaluations of multi-valued and multiple t Marginal mean weighting through stratification: a generalized method for evaluating . It is generally an untestable assumption, but is key to ensuring that the potential outcomes are well-defined and that the observed outcome given the observed exposure corresponds to the true potential outcome. In general, this method relies on estimating propensity scores using generalized method of moments . A logical extension to the multivariate exposure would be to define our domain as the product of the range of each exposure. For ordinal treatments, an ordinal regression model is used to estimate generalized propensity scores. In causal inference for binary treatments, the propensity score is defined as the probability of receiving the treatment given covariates. The generalized propensity score (GPS) is an extension of the propensity score for use with quantitative or continuous exposures (e.g., dose of medication or years of education). Lee BK, Lessler J, Stuart EA (2011). We allow In the presence of missing data, the following value(s) for missing are allowed: First, for each variable with missingness, a new missingness indicator variable is created which takes the value 1 if the original covariate is NA and 0 otherwise. If use.kernel = TRUE with continuous treatments, whether to plot the estimated density. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000627, McCaffrey, D. F., Griffin, B. The effect size obtained will be dominated by this single value, and any fluctuations in it will produce wildly varied results, which is an undesirable property.. of the National Supported Work Demonstration (NSW) treated group and the comparison Search the CausalGPS package . The objective of this project is to make data and code available from research involving propensity scores methods led by Dr. Walter Leite, his colleagues and students at the Research and Evaluation Methodology program at University of Florida. Ill get started with data from one of their examples, which shows a typical application of this technique: Our example data set is a subset of the job training program analyzed in Lalonde (1986) To see an example of this type of dose-response surface on an application to analyzing obesity intervention programs in Los Angeles County visit The propensity modelling is a big source of our uncertainty in the final estimates of interest. To solve this dimensionality problem, generalized propensity score (GPS) is proposed. Once we implement matching in R, the output provides comparisons between the balance in covariates for the treatment and control groups before and after matching. be significant problems in retrieving the situation by weighting, although weighting This vector w now can be used to test balance of confounders by comparing weighted vs.unweighted correlations and to estimate the treatment effects using weighted least squares regression. w = f(D2|D1)f(D1)/f(D2|D1,C2,C3)f(D1|C1,C2). 2019 May;28(5):1365-1377. doi: 10.1177/0962280218756159. Logistic regression with missing covariates Parameter estimation, model selection and prediction within a joint-modeling framework. COVARIATE BALANCING PROPENSITY SCORE 157 of these promising methods, however, presume the accurate estimation of the un-known generalized propensity score. In addition, kernel density estimation can be used instead of assuming a specific density for the numerator and denominator of the generalized propensity score by setting use.kernel = TRUE . Fong C, Hazlett C, Imai K (2018). Robins, J. M., Hernn, M. ., & Brumback, B. Marginal Structural Models and Causal Inference in Epidemiology. A., Almirall, D., Slaughter, M. E., Ramchand, R., & Burgette, L. F. (2013). Note that Using the data on 15,968 Chinese scientists from 2000 to 2012 as an illustrative case, we find that 1) the number of domestic and overseas collaborators are positively associated with scientists' mobility and upward move, while the . A pretty thorough implementation of various propensity score methods in R comes in Daniel E. Ho, Kosuke Imai, Gary King, Elizabeth A. Stuart (2011). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 79(4), 1229-1245. Generalized propensity scores (GPS) were proposed by \insertCitehirano_continuous;textualmvGPS and \insertCiteimai_causalGPS;textualmvGPS to extend propensity scores to handle continuous exposures. The goal of this package is to expand currently available software to estimate weights for multivariate continuous exposures. exposure where the GPS could be estimated using normal densities, kernel Ignored if use.kernel = TRUE (described below). For multinomial treatments with link = "bayes.probit", the output of the call to MNP::mnp(). I use the robust M-estimator rather than ordinary least squares to deal with breaches of the classical regression assumptions (particularly the non-Normal response, with variance increasing as its mean increases). An important consideration when using propensity scores to estimate causal effects are the three key identifying assumptions: Weak ignorability assumes that the exposure is conditionally independent of the potential outcomes given the appropriate set of confounders. 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generalized propensity score in r