exodus 14:14 commentary

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

It was not first received in Midian and afterwards repeated in Egypt, because the former call is followed by Moses and Aaron going in to Pharaoh and asking him to let the Israelites go for the purpose of holding a feast in the wilderness. He loves and cherishes the name in which He has bound up the objects of His choice with Himself. And they did so. But the effect of the purchase is that we become the bondmen of the Lord; the effect of redemption is that we become the freemen of the Lord. Commentary on Exodus 14:15-20. not find it. Let us be thankful then for all that which commends itself to us as true and of God, but never assume that we have apprehended the whole truth. We might have put in that Jehovah saved Israel on the night of the paschal lamb; but nowhere then is such an expression heard. As ever, man is quick to put the two things in opposition. I don't know where to go. This is what He is from everlasting to everlasting. This is a very graphic touch, an eye-witness account. preferring servitude before it, only because it was attended with some difficulties. *"Another duplicate account," says Dr. D. (Introd. had prayed, not so much for their deliverance (he was assured of that) as for the pardon of their murmurings, and that God's ordering A sordid contempt of liberty, preferring servitude before it, only because it was attended with some difficulties. It is commonly known that what is translated "whales" inGenesis 1:21; Genesis 1:21 means the huge creatures of the deep; so that it is not quite correct to restrain it to a "serpent" here, as it is certainly erroneous to call it "whales" there. (v. 8), The children of Israel went out with a high hand, that is, with a great "And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians were marching after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried unto Jehovah. Solemn but infinite favour! Further, not only the consequences of redemption, but that which may be the result when man, insensible to the grace which has wrought redemption, turns back on himself, and attempts to gain a footing by his own resources and faithfulness before God. God never compelled a man to be au unbeliever. All men being made for the honour of their Maker, those whom he is not honoured by, he will be honoured upon. How many victims fell now! There, in his retirement, he receives from Jethro his daughter a stranger given him to wife, who bears him a son, the name of whom tells whither his heart turns. An ambush into which they were Even rationalism does not in every case venture to deny the supernatural character of the phenomena related in Exodus 7:1-25; Exodus 8:1-32; Exodus 9:1-35; Exodus 10:1-29; Exodus 11:1-10; Exodus 12:1-51. If the due rent There is no such thought as that they had no right involved in the matter. The children of Israel are walking still in the light of the pillar of fire, but the cloud is settled on the Egyptians; they don't know what's going on in there in the camp of Israel. The manna of Numbers 11:1-35 renders this supposition extremely improbable. This Moses was confident of himself, and would have them to be so, though as yet he knew not how or which But more than that, it endangered Moses; for God had the controversy with him not with his wife. There's a time for action. For scripture savours of God's own infinity, however He may come down to us, and adopt the language of men, as we know He has done. Exodus 14:14, NASB: The LORD will fight for you, while you keep silent.' The Son of God, the Lord Jesus, the promised Seed, must come, if there was to be the making all the promises of God yea and amen in Him. The same may indeed be true for you at the moment. 1. It can actually be against Gods will to stop doing and to only pray in a particular situation. 29 But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in Moses then bends to the blast. The tenor of Dr. D.'s statement is the more remarkable, because the reference to Succoth occurs in a distinct clause that follows where is only Elohim, after which we have Jehovah once more as before. We dont know exactly where the place was, and what the exact geography was. They went through the flood on foot; there did we rejoice in him: and see how this work of wonder is improved, Ps 77 11, 16, 19. If God himself bring his people into straits, he will himself discover a way to bring them out again. The effect of the one is that the enemy has no longer the slightest claim to us, or power over us; the effect of the other is that the Lord has a perfect right to us in every particular. work for you. Your strength is to sit still (Isa 30 7), for the Egyptians shall help (Exodus 4:1-31) The attention of Moses is drawn to what was in his hand a rod which, when cast on the ground, became a serpent. ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. of chiding them, he comforts them, and with an admirable presence and composure of mind, not disheartened either by the threatenings Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. that could not be forced are set between the camp of Israel and Pharaoh's camp, ver 19, 20. The same thing pervades the New Testament. 1. And when Pharaoh drew night, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them; and they were afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord. Pharaoh's pursuit of Israel, in which, while he gratifies his own malice and revenge, he is furthering the As soon as ever the children As the rod of Moses did not actually perform the miracle, so we do not save ourselves with what we do, but we connect with Gods saving miracle. This may help our appreciation of the word of God in all such cases. for 4.5 years, which will be 20,250; the remaining increase during the nine years, from procreation only will be 1,500,450, which is nearly 7 per cent. 65) that "the Israelites did not listen to Moses at first for anguish of spirit and cruel bondage. EXPOSITION. great straits, troubled on every side, 2 Cor 4 8. Did they not see themselves under the guidance and protection of a pillar from heaven? It is unwarrantable, therefore, to reason on what is so precarious. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. We have here, I. "Why have you dealt with us to carry us out of Egypt? Not so much as one of them remained. But what is going on is that God brought a strong east wind, and it divided the Red Sea. Providence, that they may be ripened for destruction. The rod is the symbol of authority; it may also represent chastening. He will get him honour upon Pharaoh. This was the more touching, because He knew right well how these very men were about to disgrace Him. Another fact is mentioned before we close the chapter, and one of deep and grave practical instruction. No date or place is named. servants, who had hardened one another in sin, now fell together, and not one escaped. Destruction in one way or another seemed to be inevitable. Fear will tell you to retreat. "And Jehovah said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua; for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven." I have no problem with the power of God, the greatness of God. Didn't we tell you to leave us alone? In the heat of their pursuit, they went after the Israelites into the midst of the sea, How far does Christendom, more than the Jews, own either salvation by grace, the gift of the Spirit, or the kingdom when Christ appears in glory? Our everyday experiences, trials, and time in the Word can strengthen our faith. But before you can do it, you need to learn about God. What I am the Lord, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon his And here comes in another principle of immense importance. Nay, they were ever ready to turn aside to reproach Himself, to slander His servants, and to abandon His will. He directs them to leave it to God, in a silent expectation of the event: "Stand 3. The soul must enter into what is beyond, if we are to have real rest and enjoyment and communion. This murmuring at the Red Sea was sufficiently serious to evoke the words in Psalms 106:7,8: "Better to serve the Egyptians than die in the wilderness " The people of Israel had been too long in slavery to have much of the attitude that has always characterized free men. themselves a thousand fools for doing it, and passionately wished it undone again. them to go forward was an intimation of the pardon. The consequence was that his wife had to take a sharp stone and execute the work herself. God had rescued the Israelites from Egypt with his mighty hand. We see another act of redemption on Israel's behalf.Here. An instance of his just and righteous wrath upon his and his people's enemies, the Egyptians. Was it to be in view of His grace or their desert? What shall man do to us? 65,) that "according toExodus 12:16; Exodus 12:16, etc., the feast of unleavened bread was introduced before the exodus; but from Exodus 13:3, etc., we learn that it was instituted after that event at Succoth." Whether all were to be fully made good now, or whether only to a partial extent, whether even the partial accomplishment was to be opposed and weakened, and useless as far as this could do it by Israel's own folly and sin, all this would afterwards appear. We all know what the Egyptians thought of the Nile. How inexcusable was their distrust! This alternative route puts the crossing at the Red Seas Gulf of Aqaba, instead of at the Bitter Lakes, the Port of Suez, or the Gulf of Suez. And this is the more striking, because God employed the same inspired writer to give us both, as well as others. Nevertheless, says He, "I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. dove; but now they cried, Let us flee from the face of Israel, which had become to them like a torch of fire in a God brings us into straits that he may bring us to our knees. a. Now it was told the king of Egypt that the people had fled, and the heart of Pharaoh and his servants was turned against the people; and they said, Why have we done this, that we have let Israel go from serving us? So he made ready his chariot and took his people with him. The seasonable encouragement that Moses gave them in this distress, v. 13, 14. O. T. i. Observe, as illustrating what is here meant, that when our Lord came, as scripture says, He declared the Father. Thus a few of those points are merely touched without entering into details; for it is evident that this would keep us longer than is suitable in what I propose for the present. The actual wreck of Israelitish hopes is the result both of their assuming legal condition in the first place, and next of their rejection of the grace of God that came in by Jesus Christ our Lord, and was proclaimed by the Spirit sent down from heaven. Consequently in perfect harmony with this all things are known (and no testimony needed by Him), what God is no less than man, with as absolute a comprehension of the future as of the past or present. Now it appeared that the triumphing of the wicked is short, and that God has ways to frighten sinners Hardening is a judgment which comes when man persists in unbelief in the face of distinct and repeated testimony from God. accomplishment of God's counsels concerning him. "There is no temptation taken unto you but what is common with all men, and God with the temptation will provide the way of escape" ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 ). earth. Now that God was vindicated in the household of Moses, his mission could begin. "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." people, that he may have the glory of subduing them, and helping his people over them. It was the Lord who brought them out. Your unbelieving fears and clamours shall be confounded, and ye shall see that by might none shall be able to prevail against the Lord, and . Had their prayer been accompanied with faith, we should not have found them in the next verses murmuring against Moses, or rather against the Lord, through whose goodness they were now brought from under that bondage from which they had often cried for . If so, the poem was not prior to Solomon's time" (i. p. 226)! chastising them. As He never loses sight of its need, so we never can make light of it without loss to our souls. And they did so. Moses and them to pass through; for that way of salvation is always pitched upon which is most humbling. And, what is more striking still, He does not even take His stand upon His being the Son of God, though this was His eternal name. He says, "Who is the Lord? Need I add that we have a better than Moses, who requires neither Aaron nor Hur to support His arm in interceding for us? the Egyptians the blood of the firstborn whom they had drowned: and the principal is repaid with interest, it is recompensed double, shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me. Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the

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exodus 14:14 commentary