empires in europe timeline

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

The fact that the colonial powers had to deal with many rebellions against their rule never dented this sense of mission, all too often underpinned by a feeling of racial superiority. Traditionally the Middle Ages is seen as the period in Europe between the fall of the Roman Empire in the west in 476, and the fall of Constantinople in the east in 1453, together with the discovery of the Americas by Europeans in 1492, and the start of the Protestant Reformation in 1517. The newly-formed states of Germany and Italy yearned for the prestige and economic advantage which they felt flowed from overseas colonies. ), The Mayflower settlers in Plymouth offer thanksgiving for their first harvest, eating turkeys in a celebration shared by local Indians, William Bradford, one of the Pilgrims from the Mayflower, is elected governor of the new Plymouth Colony, Go to Bradford, William (15901657) in ), The Union of South Africa becomes an independent dominion within the British empire, Three French colonies south of the Sahara are consolidated as French Equatorial Africa, Go to French Equatorial Africa in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), Italy, one of the local colonial powers, accepts Ethiopia's claim to the Ogaden region of the Somali territory, The Spanish governor in Cuba is recalled to Spain, for pioneering the concept of the concentration camp, Go to concentration camp in Only a few small islands or enclaves were left, and the most important of these, Hong Kong and Macau, were handed over China in 1997 and 1999 respectively. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. As for establishing overseas colonies, these had to be on those coasts and islands undefended or weakly defended by the Spanish and Portuguese. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. The USA takes the Philippines. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (1 ed. the English and French followed their example in the middle and later 17th century, both by occupying Caribbean islands and capturing or establishing forts along the coast of West Africa to act as bases for the slave trade. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. 814In Europe, Charlemagne dies. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), Cortes loses control of Tenochtitlan and has to escape in haste with his men during 'the Sorrowful Night', After a little more than a year Cortes recaptures Tenochtitlan and finally establishes Spanish control over Mexico, The conquistadors, settling on land granted to them after the conquest, begin the long process of European emigration to America, Go to conquistadores in Trading in the East Indian Ocean. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), Destour is formed as a nationalist party in Tunisia, demanding full independence from France, Go to Destour in ), Francis Drake sails from Plymouth, heading west for the Pacific and the East Indies, Go to Drake, Sir Francis in A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2022) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. 1521Cortes conquers theAztecsin Mexico, 1526In India Babur founds the Mughal Empire, 1556-1605In India Akbar the Great rules over the Mogul Empire, 1568The Dutch rebel against Spanish rule, 1571The Turkish fleet is badly defeated by Spanish and Venetian ships at the Battle of Lepanto, 1587The Mogul Emperor Akbar takes Kashmir, 1592In India Akbar the Great conquers Sind, 1600 In Africa the Mali Empire comes to an end, 1607The English found Jamestown, Virginia the firstpermanentEnglish colony in North America, 1626The Dutch found New Amsterdam, which later becomes New York, 1627-1658Shah Jahan, Mughal Emperor expands his empire, 1652The Dutch found a colony in South Africa, 1664The English capture New Amsterdam, which is renamedNew York, 1683The Ottoman Turks besiege Vienna but fail to capture the city. The most powerful man in Europe at the time carved out an empire that comprised almost all of modern Europe and whose legacy reaches into our very day. ), Ian Smith makes a unilateral declaration of Rhodesia's independence, Go to Rhodesia in It did so by successfully adopting Western institutions and technologies and playing the Europeans at their own game. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), French and British forces meet at Fashoda, in a potentially explosive incident in the scramble for Africa, Go to Fashoda crisis (1898) in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. ), September 2 - Ho Chi Minh proclaims the democratic republic of Vietnam, independent of the colonial power, France, Go to Ho Chi Minh (18901969) in It was not long before industrialization was being applied to warfare, and within a few decades European armies and navies were being equipped with ironclad warships, machine guns and other destructive weapons of war. Cities & Buildings The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (1 ed. ), The Imperial British East Africa Company is given a charter to administer Kenya and Uganda, Cecil Rhodes forms the British South Africa Company to push British commerce and imperial control further north, France and Britain agree colonial boundaries for Senegal and Gambia in west Africa, Go to Gambia, The in ), Cecil Rhodes' involvement with the Jameson raid forces his resignation as the Cape Colony prime minister, The Ethiopian emperor, Menelik II, inflicts a shattering defeat on Italian forces at Aduwa, Britain unites Buganda and three other kingdoms into the single Uganda Protectorate, Go to Uganda in ), Britain repeals the Stamp Act, in a major reversal of policy achieved by resistance in the American colonies, The British Chancellor, Charles Townshend, passes a series of acts taxing all glass, lead, paint, paper and tea imported into the American colonies, Go to Townshend Acts (1767) in ), National delegates from the four provincial parliaments draw up a draft constitution for a South African union, Go to South Africa in ), The Portuguese, discovering the lush and uninhabited island of Madeira, send colonists to settle it, Go to Madeira in ), The Polisario is formed to fight for the independence of Western Sahara, Go to Polisario Front in Ottoman Empire was a major part of European politician domain, during the expansion period of 1453-1566. ), November 23 - Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, commander of the German army in East Africa, surrenders after four stubborn years of resistance, Go to Lettow-Vorbeck, Gen Paul Emil von (18701964) in Other European powers followed this lead, and in the next decades slavery itself was ended in all the European empires. The Seven Years War had another consequence, less advantageous to the British. War(fare) & Battles This was a blow to British pride, but trade between the USA and Britain was soon surpassing former levels; in any case, at this time the sugar islands of the Caribbean were far more valuable to Britain than any of their other overseas possessions. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), After a six-month siege, the Dutch capture Colombo from the Portuguese in Sri Lanka, Go to Colombo in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), A treaty at Vereeniging ends the Boer War and brings the Boer republics under British control, Go to Vereeniging, treaty of in ), Francisco Pizarro sails from Panama to attempt the conquest of Peru, Go to Pizarro, Francisco (c. 14781541) in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. Explore more than 5,106 'Roman Empire In Europe Timeline' resources for teachers, parents and pupils ), Simn Bolvar, a young officer in Caracas, takes part in a coup which wins control of Venezuela from the Spanish, Go to Bolvar, Simn in The Oxford Companion to British History (1 rev ed. c. 2000 BCE Bronze Age begins in Northern Europe . ), Kenneth Kaunda becomes president of the independent republic of Zambia, previously Northern Rhodesia, Go to Zambia in ), Portuguese East Africa becomes independent as Mozambique, with Frelimo as the only political party, The Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa, become independent as the republic of Cape Verde, Go to Cape Verde in ), Delegates from twelve American colonies meet in Philadelphia and agree not to import any goods from Britain, Go to Continental Congress (1774) in ), May - League of Nations mandates give France responsibility for Syria and Lebanon, The Young Kikuyu Association is formed in Kenya, to fight for African rights and the restoration of Kikuyu land, Go to Kenya in Here you can read about Napoleon's early years, his coming to power, and other events during his reign. ), A gathering of leaders from the British empire holds a colonial conference in London to coincide with Queen Victoria's jubilee, Go to imperial conferences in ), The British establish Fort James on an island in the Gambia river, Go to Gambia River in World Encyclopedia (1 ed. The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea (2 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), Italian troops occupy Eritrea, a province of Ethiopia, Go to Asmara, Eritrea in ), The Dutch gradually exclude the Portuguese from the immensely lucrative trade in cloves from the Spice Islands (or Moluccas), Go to Molucca Islands in Both here and in the Spanish territories, however, the demand for labour greatly outstripped the supply, a gap which was filled by the shipping of black captives purchased on the coast of Africa to where they were needed in the Americas. ), The Boers establish the Orange Free State as an independent republic, with its own custom-built constitution, Animal fat on a new issue of cartridges sparks off the Indian Mutiny, also know as the First War of Indian Independence, Go to Indian Mutiny (185758) in A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. ), A new group of English settlers arrives at Roanoke Island and makes a second attempt at a settlement, Virginia Dare becomes the first English child to be born in America, on Roanoke Island, Go to Dare, Virginia in The empire was spreading English language. ), Spanish America is now administered as four viceroyalties - New Spain, New Granada, New Peru and La Plata, Go to Spanish America in World Encyclopedia (1 ed. Civilization & Science Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (1 ed. var timelineTypesChecked = []; World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), The French colony of Dahomey (known from 1975 as Benin) becomes independent but suffers six military coups in its first twelve years, Go to Benin in ), Britain passes the Stamp Act, taxing legal documents and newspapers in the American colonies, Go to Stamp Act (1765) in ), Patrice Lumumba is sent to Katanga, where he is murdered, Go to Lumumba, Patrice (2 July 1925) in ), Germany causes international alarm by sending a warship to Agadir, a port in French-controlled Morocco, Go to Agadir crisis (1911) in ), The last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah II, is deposed by the British and exiled to Rangoon, in Burma, Go to Mogul Empire (15261857) in ), A powerful French force arrives in Saint-Domingue and recovers control of the colony, offering generous terms to the native leaders, Go to Toussaint L'Ouverture, Pierre Dominique (c. 17431803) in ), The British abandon Kabul, losing most of the garrison force in the withdrawal to India and bringing to an end the first Anglo-Afghan war, The First Opium War ends with the island of Hong Kong, and extensive new trading rights, ceded to Britain in the Treaty of Nanking, Go to Nanking, treaty of (1842) in ), Wafd, a national party, is formed in Cairo with the purpose of ending Egypt's enforced link with Britain, Go to Wafd in Tim's History of British Towns, Cities and So Much More, C. 2,350-2,150 BCThe Akkadian Empire exists in what is now Iraq, C. 1,600 BCThe Hittite empire arises in what is now Turkey, C. 1,200 BCTheHittite Empirein Turkey collapses, C. 880 BCThe Assyrians of Northern Iraq begin to create a great empire, 620s BCThe Assyrian Empire is split by civil war. 476: After two centuries of relative peace and prosperity the mighty Roman Empire under "Pax Romana" crumbles ushering in centuries of no central government across Europe. Although the Persian Empire came to an inglorious end at the. ), Napoleon III sends forces to capture the port of Da Nang, beginning the French colonization of Vietnam, Go to Napoleon III (180873) in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), Portuguese settlers are sent to the unoccupied islands of the Azores, Portugal claims ownership of the region of Guinea, subsequently the centre of their slave trade on the west African coast, Go to slave trade, African in Timeline Description: The first Homo sapiens migrated to Europe from Africa during the prehistoric era and drove the Neanderthals to extinction. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. In this way they ensured black captive labour for their sugar plantations. Charlemagne, a Frank ruler, became the Roman Emperor. The Oxford Companion to British History (1 rev ed. The empire had ceded territory in two costly wars with Italy and Balkan states, and by the time the dust cleared on WWI, the borders of the newly minted nation of Turkey began at the furthest edge of continental Europe. Under his rule, the empire embraced all the previous civilized states of the ancient Near East, e. 550 BC - 330 BC. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), Francisco Pizarro leads 168 men, with about 30 horses, into the territory of the Inca empire, Go to Pizarro, Francisco (14711541) in World Encyclopedia (1 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. 1888-89The British take control of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). 1956Moroccobecomes independent. }); ), Portuguese settlers arrive to found Cidade Velha, on the Cape Verde island of Santiago, The Portuguese settlers on the Cape Verde islands are granted a monopoly on the new slave trade, The Portuguese establish a further presence on the west coast of Africa, at the mouth of the Congo river, Go to Congo in Known more as traders than warriors, the trade route from Portugal to India, founded by Vasco da Gama in 1498, introduced spices and other exotic new foods to Europe. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. The European witch hunts have a long timeline, gaining momentum during the 16th century and continuing for more than 200 years. In the first few decades of the 16th century, however, the situation was completely transformed by two expeditions into the interior of the Americas. Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. Also see the rise and fall of many other empires such as the Rom. ), Bolvar arrives in Lima to be granted command of the army and dictatorial powers in the republic of Peru, After the surrender of the Spanish army to Antonio Jos de Sucre at Ayacucho, Peru is finally liberated, With a victory at Tumusla Antonio Jos de Sucre liberates Upper Peru (the future Bolivia), the last Spanish stronghold in continental America, Bolvar attempts to create a pan-American gathering in the Congress of Panama, The Turkish governor of Algiers, flicking at the French consul with his fly whisk, finds that he has provoked a French blockade and eventually invasion, Go to Algeria in World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. ), Stanley agrees to work for Leopold II in opening up the Congo river to commerce, Go to Leopold II (18351909) in It freed the colonists in British North America from the threat of invasion from French-held territory in North America. ), A sudden uprising by the Wampanoag Indians against the new England settlements begins the conflict known as King Philip's War, Go to King Philip's War (167576) in It was only when the rise of Germany as a military power caused both Russia and Britain to fear her more than each other, that tensions subsided. ), Zanzibar becomes an independent nation and a member of the Commonwealth, Go to Zanzibar in ), Fifteen years after the Falklands War there are 1700 British troops in the islands, guarding 2200 residents. PRINTED FROM OXFORD REFERENCE (www.oxfordreference.com). It lasted for (who knew?) World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), Rich seams of silver are discovered at Potosi, in modern Bolivia, Go to Potos in fall of the inca empire discover peru. Who's Who in the Twentieth Century (1 ed. In India, too, the French had been building up alliances with local rulers aimed as securing their own presence and undermining that of the British. Historians have called this Britains informal empire. Another colonial aftershock occurred in South Africa, where the white minority clung onto power until 1994. Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. Search through the entire ancient history timeline. ), Tanganyika becomes an independent nation with Julius Nyerere as prime minister, Go to Tanzania in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. Tunisia becomes independent. function tl_categories_checked() { The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), The First Fleet (eleven ships carrying about 750 convicts) leaves Portsmouth for Australia, Go to First Fleet in ), A violent uprising by Herero warriors in South West Africa targets male Germans of military age, Go to Herero Wars (190408) in For example, missionary activity was frowned upon by many colonialists where it compromised commercial gain (the missionaries had a habit of irritating colonists by standing up for locals rights, and angering local leaders by challenging traditional beliefs and practices; they thus increased tensions on both sides). ), May - League of Nations mandates give Britain responsibility for Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine, Go to Mandate in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. Discovery of the Solomon Islands by a Spanish ship prompts interest in a possible, Francis Drake returns to England after his three-year voyage round the world and is knighted by Queen Elizabeth on board his, The Pilgrims (or Pilgrim Fathers), a group of 102 English settlers, sail in the, Ten days after their first landfall, at Cape Cod, the adult males on the, William Bradford begins a journal of the Pilgrims' experience in New England, subsequently published (in 1856) as, William Bradford, one of the Pilgrims from the, John Winthrop, arriving in Massachusetts, begins the journal that is eventually published as, A French expedition from St Malo, founding a colony on East Falkland, name the islands, The Spanish, now in sole occupation of the Falkland Islands, call them, The parish priest of Dolores sparks a rebellion against the Spanish authorities in Mexico with his, The newly independent republic of Argentina takes possession of, Edward VII, the first British monarch to travel to India, holds a great coronation, Mahatma Gandhi, on a visit to India, publishes a pamphlet entitled, The British monarch George V holds a great, Two French generals, Raoul Salan and Edmond Jouhaud, form the OAS (, Santo Domingo (Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua), La Paz (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Philippines, Uruguay, USA), Baltimore, George Calvert, 1st Lord (c. 15801632), La Salle, Ren Robert Cavelier, Sieur de (164387), Lexington and Concord, Battle of (19 April 1775), Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis (17381805), Toussaint L'Ouverture, Pierre Dominique (c. 17431803), Freetown (Antigua, The Bahamas, Canada, Jamaica, Sierra Leone, USA), SpanishSouth American Wars of Independence (181025), Cochrane, Thomas, 10th earl of Dundonald (17751860), Blood River, Battle of (16 December 1838), Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th earl of (18471929), Hasan, Muhammad Abdille Sayyid (18641920), Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus (18251904), Katanga (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Lettow-Vorbeck, Gen Paul Emil von (18701964), EOKA (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters), Nkomo, Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo (b. Other conquistadors soon consolidated and extended this rule, across present-day Mexico and central America, and up into the southern USA. ), The British government changes the status of Egypt from a Turkish province to a British protectorate, Go to Egypt in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. World War I placed enormous strains on the military, financial and manpower resources of the European powers, Britain and France in particular. European History For Dummies. Meanwhile, the Portuguese had been expanding their settlements in Brazil. Europe is a relatively small continent, especially compared to Asia or Africa, but during the last five hundred years, European countries have controlled a huge part of the world, including almost all of Africa and the Americas. A Dictionary of Political Biography (1 rev ed. ), Vasco da Gama wins a trading treaty for Portuguese merchants after bombarding the Indian port of Calicut into submission, Go to da Gama, Vasco (c. 14691524) in ), The citizens of Bogot expel the local Spanish officials and declare their loyalty to the deposed Ferdinand VII, Go to Ferdinand VII (17841833) in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), Fort St William is built by the East India Company in the Ganges delta, and subsequently develops into Calcutta, Go to Calcutta in Period: 1756 to 1763 Seven Years' War The Seven Years' War was a global war fought between 1756 and 1763. With its smaller population, Portugal was unable to effectively defend its overstretched network of trading posts, and the Dutch were the first to take full advantage of this to grab the spice trade for themselves. The Oxford Companion to Military History (1 ed. Belgium takes the Congo. The Ottoman Empire collapsed in the early years of the 20th century. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Search through the entire ancient history timeline. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. During the Age of Discovery, in the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal and Spain pioneered European exploration of the world, and went on the found large overseas empires. The Oxford Companion to American Literature (6 ed. } Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military (1 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. 559-529 BCCyrus the Great founder of thePersian Empirereigns, 546 BCCyrus conquers Lydia in Asia Minor, 539 BCBabylonis captured by the Persians, 490 BCThe Greeks defeat the Persians at the Battle of Marathon, 480 BCThe Greeks defeat another Persian invasion, C. 480 BCThe Phoenicians found Carthage in Tunisia, 322 BCIn India the Mauryan Empire is founded, 334 BCAlexander the Great invades the Persian Empire, 333 BCAlexander wins the Battle of Issus, 330 BCAlexander controls all of the former Persian Empire, 323 BCAlexander dies and his generals split his empire between them, 247 BCThe Parthian Empire is founded in Persia, 273-236 BCThe great Indian Emperor Asoka lives. 1444. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. Conquest of Bulgaria in the Battle of Nicopolis. For the first time an Asian people had comprehensively defeated a number of European colonial regimes. In this period, however, overseas empire became a source of great pride to Europeans. 500-1500 Notes the primary power of medieval Eastern Europe was the Byzantine Empire the primary powers of medieval Western Europe were France, England, and the Holy Roman Empire The Modern World ca. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), Mussolini uses a disagreement over grazing rights as a pretext for an empire-building invasion of Ethiopia, Go to Abyssinia, Italian invasion of (19356) in ), Discovery of the Solomon Islands by a Spanish ship prompts interest in a possible Terra Australis Incognita ('unknown southern land'), Go to Terra Australis Incognita in ), Cortes and his tiny force capture Montezuma, ruler of the mighty Aztec empire, in his palace at Tenochtitlan, Go to Corts, Hernn (14851547) in ), In the treaty of Nystad Sweden cedes Estonia to Russia together with most of Latvia (the rest of which soon follows), Go to Great Northern War in Some of these dates are expressed using the system of the Republican calendar. Even the most powerful empires have crashed and burned - and it is this creative destruction that creates the next opportunity for new civilizations and cultures to rise. It brought immense profits to European merchants and plantation owners, and significantly contributed to the growth of wealth in European society of the period, and to the eventual birth of the Industrial Revolution. Empire fragments and San Domingo the us coast, and this often only a Which, in 1895, the 20th century saw the rise and fall of many other such. Number of European Empire was the North African coast with lucrative cargoes of gold, ivory and slaves from! Central America, against the huge Inca Empire trade of spices and other empires in europe timeline to Europe East by. Prestige and economic advantage which they felt flowed from it you are looking for Europeans were particularly prone permanently Christianity. Civilization of the most naturalistic bronze statues made in Ancient Greece of protection against Arab slavers, then! 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empires in europe timeline