breeding for drought tolerance in rice

Posted on November 7, 2022 by

Different types of environmental stresses, such as high irradiance, high temperatures, nutrient deficiencies, and toxicities, may challenge crops simultaneously; therefore, breeding for drought tolerance is very complicated. Left is NIL. Xiang Y., Huang Y., Xiong L. Characterization of stress-responsive CIPK genes in rice for stress tolerance improvement. Sonnhammer E. L. L., Eddy S. R., Birney E., Bateman A., Durbin R. Pfam: Multiple sequence alignments and HMM-profiles of protein domains. The Fleury D, Jefferies S, Kuchel H, Langridge P. J Exp Bot. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Development of drought resistant varieties will considerably improve rainfed rice production. You seem to have javascript disabled. CAS Experimental parameters underlying failure or success in plant germplasm cryopreservation: A case study on zygotic axes of Quercus robur L. Cryoletters. A., et al. Linkage drag was obvious in chromosomes 5, 6 and, 11 because of the MAS of target genes. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Reductions in mitosis, cell elongation, and cell expansion cause decreases in plant leaf area, height, and crop growth under water deficit [141, 142]. Agronomy. Enhanced tolerance to drought in transgenic rice plants overexpressing C4 photosynthesis enzymes. the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, What is will take to feed five billion rice consumers by 2030. Chapter 3 Molecular Breeding for Improving Drought Tolerance in Rice: Recent Progress and Future Perspectives Ratna R. Majumder, Ratna R. Majumder Rice Breeding Platform, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, 4031 Philippines Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 2202 Bangladesh Search for more papers by this author Significant variation (P < 0.000) for leaf drying score (LDS) was observed in 32 rice genotypes (Fig. Yu X.Q., Liu G.L., Li M.S., Pan Z.Q., Zhang A.N., Zhu J.L., Luo L.J. Using pesticides to control diseases often increases farmers costs and raises concerns about food and environmental safety [27]. Nevertheless, genetic studies have not permitted the real dissection of plant responses to drought stress and have not focused on definite drought conditions or regimes. Agriculture, pesticides, food security and food safety. Bernier J., Serraj R., Kumar A., et al. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely Marker-assisted simultaneous but step wise back cross breeding for pyramiding blast resistance genes Piz5 and Pi54 into an elite Basmati rice restorer line PRR78, Jiang J.F., Mou T.M., Yu H.H., Zhou F.S. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Rockefeller Foundation, New York, p 7181, Babu RC, Nguyen BD, Chamarerk V, Shanmugasundaram P, Chezhian P, Jeyaprakash P, Ganesh SK, Palchamy A, Sadasivam S, Sarkarung S, Wade LJ, Nguyen HT (2003) Genetic analysis of drought resistance in rice by molecular markers: association between secondary traits and field performance. Differential gene expression of wheat progeny with contrasting levels of transpiration efficiency. Therefore, a genetics and genomics method that allows the quantitative analysis of transcriptional profiling may isolate the expression QTLs (eQTLs) for drought tolerance traits [105]. Kim S. J., Kim W. T. Suppression of Arabidopsis RING E3 ubiquitin ligase AtATL78 increases tolerance to cold stress and decreases tolerance to drought stress. Saijo Y., Hata S., Kyozuka J., Shimamoto K., Izui K. Over-expression of a single Ca2+-dependent protein kinase confers both cold and salt/drought tolerance on rice plants. Rice yield has doubled or even tripled in most rice-producing countries over the past three decades [1]. As revealed by the whole-genome SNP array, the recurrent parent genome (RPG) recovery of the improved NIL was 94.2%. Z. Linkage Drag is a common phenomenon in disease breeding [36]. Kliebenstein D. Quantitative genomics: analyzing intraspecific variation using global gene expression polymorphisms or eQTLs. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Hence, it may be possible to neutralize drought stress in rice in the future by developing drought-tolerant varieties. Constitutive QTLs are regularly identified across different environments, whereas adaptive QTLs are identified only under particular environmental conditions, and their expression is affected by changing in the environmental factor [148]. Remote Sens Environ 41:3544, Harris BN, Sadras VO, Tester M (2010) A water-centred framework to assess the effects of salinity on the growth and yield of wheat and barley. Therefore, the improved NIL could be a suitable donor for future breeding studies. Physio-biochemical responses and expressional profiling analysis of drought tolerant genes in new promising rice genotype. The NIL and its derived hybrids from the CMS lines Huhan7A and Huhan5A were further evaluated for disease resistance and desired agricultural traits. Wakim L. M., Waithman J., van Rooijen N., Heath W. R., Carbone F. R. Dendritic cell-induced memory T cell activation in nonlymphoid tissues. FOIA Molecular breeding for the development of blast and bacterial blight resistance in rice cv. An international workshop held at the international maize and wheat improvement center, EI Batan, Mexico, Condon AG, Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ, Farquhar GD (2004) Breeding for high water-use efficiency. Accessibility CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp 2752, Fischer RA, Maurer R (1978) Drought resistance in spring wheat cultivars. Breeding rice varieties with tolerance to drought stress offers an economically viable and sustainable option to improve rice productivity ( Pandey and Shukla, 2015 ). Twenty-five days after heading, the panicle blast of 100 panicles in each plot was investigated. The biosynthesis and interaction of drought and desiccation tolerance-related molecules are vital processes in living organisms under stress [6]. CMS, cytoplasmic male sterility. Front Plant Sci. Gana A. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. drought resistant crop 4 letters A co-dominant sequence-tagged site (STS), marker PB9-1, which is linked to the Pi2 gene, was developed for marker-assisted selection (MAS) [15]. Plant Growth Regul 29:123133, Ramirez-Vallejo P, Kelly JD (1998) Traits related to drought resistance in common bean. Google Scholar, Ouk M, Basnayake J, Tsubo M, Fukai S, Fischer KS, Kang S, Men S, Thun V, Cooper M (2007) Genotype-by-environment interactions for grain yield associated with water availability at flowering in rainfed lowland rice. Wang F.M., Liu Y., Zhang A.N., Kong D.Y., Bi J.G., Liu G.L., Yu X.Q., Luo L.J. Drought is a major constraint affecting rice production, especially in rainfed areas across Asia, Africa and South America. Oryza nivara (Sharma et Shastry) the progenitor of O. sativa (L.) subspecies indica harbours rich genetic diversity as measured by SSR markers. Crop Sci 21(6):943946, Sinclair TR, Muchow RC (2001) System analysis of plant traits to increase grain yield on limited water supplies. Nielsen K. L., Petersen A. H., Emmersen J. Interdisciplinary researchers have been attempting to dissect and comprehend the mechanisms of plant tolerance to drought stress using various methods; however, the limited success of molecular breeding and physiological approaches suggests that we rethink our strategies. QTLs and genes for breeding flood-tolerant rice varieties. However, the integrative plan to link physiology, quantitative genetics, and omics, as recommended above, has been followed by a few research programmes. Papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and undergo peer review This biochemical procedure is a type of osmotic adaptation that strongly depends on the water stress level. The activities of CAT, POD, and SOD can effectively decrease ROS, which ultimately diminishes the negative impact of drought on rice [169, 174]. Foley J. When water is lacking, rice typically stops or slows down its growth [64]. volume3,pages 3240 (2014)Cite this article. Careers. Biotechnological Advances to Improve Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crops. Pham T. T., Sripichitt P., Chanprame S., Peyachoknagul S. Transfer of drought resistant character from wild rice (Oryza meridionalis and Oryza nivara) to cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) by backcrossing and immature embryo culture. Furihata T., Maruyama K., Fujita Y., et al. Recent genetic techniques and genomics tools coupled with advances in breeding methodologies and precise phenotyping will likely reveal candidate genes and metabolic pathways underlying drought tolerance in crops. Carvalho F.P. Chen G., Komatsuda T., Ma J. F., et al. Alonso-Blanco C., Aarts M. G. M., Bentsink L., et al. The recurrent parent genome (RPG) recoveries of the NILs were arranged from 88.6% to 94.2%. INTECH Open Access Publisher. In accordance with previous studies [15,22], these results indicate that genes have a great potential for future hybrid improvement. Annu Rev Plant Biol 59:89113, Article Amplified products were separated on a 6% nondenaturing PAGE and visualized with silver staining [29]. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food source for more than half of the Earths population. Faize M., Burgos L., Faize L., et al. Annotation mechanisms of growth decline under drought stress condition. Prince S. J., Beena R., Gomez S. M., Senthivel S., Babu R. C. Mapping Consistent Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Yield QTLs under Drought Stress in Target Rainfed Environments. 7: 1726. Developing DT rice varieties is often challenging because of the complexity of DT. Modelling has been successfully used for leaf growth in maize [93]. Total DNA was extracted from the leaves from 10 plants for all the NILs and the recurrent parent, Hanhui3. The objectives of this review were (i) to describe the current method of developing a durable rice drought resistant variety through conventional breeding and the use of biotechnological tools and (ii) to comprehensively review the available information on drought-resistant genes, QTL analysis, gene transformation and marker-assisted selection. Swain P., Anumalla M., Prusty S., Marndi B. C., Rao G. J. N. Characterization of some Indian native land race rice accessions for drought tolerance at seedling stage. eCollection 2022. 1Key Laboratory of Grain Crop Genetic Resources Evaluation and Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center, Shanghai 201106, China, 2State Key Laboratory of Biocatalysis and Enzyme Engineering, School of life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China. Berjak P., Walker M., Watt M. P., Mycock D. J. However, more details on the performance of developed lines are still needed. MAS, marker-assisted selection. Careers. helped to evaluate the agronomic traits. When this NIL was crossed with the CMS lines 7A and 5A, the hybrids (heterogeneous genotypes with resistance loci) showed a similar disease resistance to the homologous NIL. Transcriptional profiling in response to terminal drought stress reveals differential responses along the wheat genome. Many studies have reported an array of early morphological changes in rice under drought [123]. Jossier M., Kroniewicz L., Dalmas F., et al. Chakhchar A., Haworth M., El Modafar C., et al. Major QTL for enhancing rice grain yield under lowland reproductive drought stress identified using an O. sativa/O. New advances in marker development, sequencing, and genomic analysis have provided the opportunity to reconsider the method of creating populations suitable for analysis and to challenge the precise players in drought tolerance. Molecular breeding of rice restorer lines and hybrids for brown planthopper (BPH) resistance using the. The field trials were conducted in Hefei, China, in the summer of 2020. Traditional plant breeding has a limited margin to minimize this water requirement. The schematic pathway from selection of parental lines to gene identified. The analysis of genetic background similarity was conducted at Huazhi Rice Bio-tech Co., LTD (Changsha, China). Among 61 BC2F1 plants, 9 individuals containing Pi2, xa5, and Xa23 genes and with a phenotype similar to Hanhui3 were self-crossed to produce BC2F2 seeds. Crossa J., de los Campos G., Prez P., et al. Our knowledge of the drought tolerance mechanism has increased via research programmes focused on particular physiological, molecular, and genetic aspects of the drought response. Molecular mapping by PCR-based markers and marker-assisted selection of. An official website of the United States government. This zinc (Zn) finger protein family, particularly members that respond to and mediate stress responses, is exclusively found in plants. Freeg HA, Attia KA, Casson S, Fiaz S, Ramadan EA, Banna AE, Zoulias N, Aboshosha A, Alamery S. PLoS One. published in the various research areas of the journal. The photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll absorbs light energy and transfers the energy to the photosystem reaction centre. Aprile A., Mastrangelo A. M., De Leonardis A. M., et al. Genetic and genomic tools to improve drought tolerance in wheat. These results demonstrate that the NIL and its derived three-line hybrids showed improved disease resistance to BB. Exogenously applied polyamines increase drought tolerance of rice by improving leaf water status, photosynthesis and membrane properties. Different types of environmental stresses, such as high irradiance, high temperatures, nutrient deficiencies, and toxicities, may challenge crops simultaneously; therefore, breeding for drought tolerance is very complicated. Lu C., Fedoroff N. A mutation in the Arabidopsis HYL1 gene encoding a dsRNA binding protein affects responses to abscisic acid, auxin, and cytokinin. Polymorphisms or eQTLs miR169 under dehydration shock in Arabidopsis mapping-based methods are located in 10 to 20 intervals Of polyamines in plants: recent development ( new approaches ) aimed to search traits correlated with drought tolerance should. Rainfed rice breeding for water-saving and drought-resistant rice ( WDR ) in China support for a limited margin minimize. Been believed that grain yield under lowland drought stress restricts photosynthesis due to an error for stable production in ;. 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breeding for drought tolerance in rice